
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2011-09-21 23:55


● Syfy宣布续订真人秀《好莱坞探秘》(Hollywood Treasure)6集和《闹鬼物品收集队》(Haunted Collector)12集,同时预订真人秀《梦幻机器》(Dream Machines)。两兄弟将在《梦幻机器》中制造只在电影和电视剧中出现过的车辆,包括蝙蝠侠的蝙蝠车,还有电影《特隆》中的光线飞车。这些车辆并非模型,而是装上发动机和传动系统、可以开动的「真车」。他们自己保留一部分,其余的卖给明星和收藏家。

● CBS宣布开发两部新剧。《Sleepers》描述一个女人拥有拯救「沉睡者」的能力--所谓「沉睡者」,就是那些生命状态介于生与死之间的人。另一部尚未命名的罪案调查剧描述一个女FBI探员以卧底身份来到圣路易斯命案调查组工作,在帮助警察们破案的同时秘密调查该警察局内部的腐败问题。

● ABC宣布购买新剧《The Watchers》,故事描述一个堕落天使来到凡间寻找真爱。

● 与此同时,ABC一口气购入两部罪案剧。《Safehouse》描述一个年轻的中情局特工来到一个由精英特工组成的团队工作,但令他感到头疼的是,他的顶头上司是一向与他关系疏远的老妈(一个超级特工)。《Murder Season》描述一个富有天赋但是问题多多的FBI女分析师的故事,她一面帮助一个精英小组追捕美国最臭名昭著的罪犯,一面小心隐藏一个黑暗的秘密。

● ABC还宣布开发律政剧《Courtroom 302》,描述纽约市联邦地方法院的故事--除了案件审理过程外,还包括法院员工的个人生活。

● Lake Bell和Natasha Lyonne将客座演出《男与女》(New Girl),前者可能扮演Nick的爱情对象,后者扮演与Schmidt在一场婚礼上发生矛盾的客人(毫无疑问,他们的矛盾最终是在床上解决的)。

● 《欢乐合唱团》(Glee):Kurt的老爸Burt(Mike O’Malley)将挑战Sue,与其共同角逐议员职位。

● Peter Berg将客座演出《头号嫌犯》(Prime Suspect),扮演女主人公Jane的爱情对象、已婚的副警长Dan Costello。Jane的同事们传言Jane是靠和Dan上床才被提拔到命案组来的。

● 《Chuck》:「天行者卢克」(Mark Hamill)竟然挨Chuck Bartowski的揍?这位绝地武士大师也太糟糕了……

● 本年度人民选择奖颁奖晚会将于2012年1月11日举行。第45届乡村音乐奖颁奖晚会将于11月9日举行,到场表演的艺人包括Jason Aldean、Brad Paisley、Blake Shelton、Taylor Swift和Keith Urban。

● 动物星球频道宣布10月4日播出迷你剧《Arctic North》,描述欧洲极北地区的生物物种及其生活习性。其中包括一些罕见的情况(如棕熊与狼群争夺食物)。

● 来自《再续前缘》(Once And Again)的Jeffrey Nordling将与前任搭档Sela Ward在《犯罪现场调查:纽约》中重聚。这位演员扮演一名参议员,对Jo(Sela Ward)处理其女儿强奸案的方法很是不满。

● Michael Zegen将客座演出《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead),扮演循环角色Randall。这是漫画书中没有的一个角色,被描述成一个「很瘦的南方孩子,在后末日环境中面临非常奇特的遭遇」。

● 来自《黑道家族》(Sopranos)的Drea de Matteo客座演出《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》,扮演一个扑克玩家,是一场高赌注非法赌博中唯一的女性。有人打劫赌场并谋杀了其中一个人。Drea de Matteo所扮演的角色曾因为相似的案件失去了儿子,她事实上是来追查真凶的。

● Margarita Levieva加盟《复仇》(Revenge),扮演脱衣舞女Amanda。她像女主人公Emily一样也有自己的复仇计划。

● 本周一,MTV的《搞笑时刻》(141万,0.6)猛降33%;《小镇疑云》季终集(187万,0.7)保持稳定并再次战胜同门师弟《第十三号仓库》(183万,0.6),不过《第十三号仓库》和《阿尔法战士》(139万,0.5)都比较稳定。新剧《功夫熊猫电视剧版》(270万,0.6)不是太好,但至少比《谎言游戏》(120万,0.4)好。《死亡谷》(81万,0.3)没什么好说的,典型的小众剧集。

● 据称《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)的五大核心角色之一本季将变成同性恋(或多或少有此种行为)--Chuck、Serena、Dan、Nate、Blair。

● 《邪恶力量》(Supernatural):一组宣传照


● 《花花公子俱乐部》(The Playboy Club)惨遭滑铁卢,但这还不够,曾经在芝加哥花花公子俱乐部工作过的Marilyn Miller跳出来指责该剧「几乎没有一件事是真的」。这位前任兔女郎写道:

I worked in the Chicago club, but the show is not really based on it, believe me. I’m so disappointed. None of those things happened. They did a wonderful job re-creating the club physically, but everything else…. And now my son thinks some of these things happened!

The first thing that was incorrect was the dancing together-we never danced! The Bunnies danced together, but never with a customer. It was a rule. You couldn’t dance with the keyholders. They couldn’t touch you. You couldn’t date them, or you’d get fired. The Bunnies enforced the rule themselves-they didn’t want to get hit on all the time. It’s true, though, that every so often a Bunny would go out with a customer anyway, and they usually ended up marrying them.

Another thing the show got wrong was that there weren’t any mobsters or politicians at the club. I didn’t like the whole show. I thought it was cheap, it was degrading, it was demoralizing. It makes the Bunnies seem silly. You didn’t have time to stand around and flirt with the customers or talk to the other Bunnies or run around and get in trouble or have a smoke in the back alley. You were so busy. You worked! You were a waitress. If you took a break, you had to take your costume off, your hose off, pull your underwear down-I mean, you couldn’t even pee! You didn’t have time, anyway. You never got a break. And the costumes last night were terrible! They flattened the women out. None of the TV Bunnies looked like we looked. We looked very pretty, very endowed.

Going back to all the touching. One night when I was working the door, a customer did it-but he was a guest. He reached out and put his hands on me. They took him and they took the keyholder’s key away. And the keyholder was upset because he couldn’t understand why his key was taken away, and they said, “Because you couldn’t control your guest.” And the guest said, “If that’s not what they’re for, then why are we here?” That was a very degrading night. They dragged him right out and the keyholder lost his key. That was the worst.

Another time was when I was in the Penthouse, that’s the showroom. Every time I would go by this guy, he would grab my tail. I would say very nicely, “Please don’t touch the Bunny.” He did it one time too much, and I took my tray and hit him on the head. They took the man out and that was the end of him. It was a very serious thing. You were not allowed to touch the Bunny. But that didn’t go on nightly.

Not one Bunny I know liked the show. Everyone is hoping it gets canceled.

