
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-06 17:54

《选择》(The Choice)S01E01(新节目)

Fox宣布六集节目《选择》(The Choice)是一档电视速配节目。在每一集中,四个来自名人圈的「钻石王老五」坐在转椅上,背对着准备与他们约会的单身女性,然后听这些女性说话。如果他感觉当中有「对胃口」的,便拉动开关,转动椅子,去看自己未来的「女友」长什么样。如果发生两个男明星争抢一个参赛女性的情况,则由参赛女性自己决定要跟谁。这种过程反复三次。在下一个环节中,三名被选中的参赛女性将展开「快速选择」争夺--她们每人有15秒钟时间来劝说男明星选择自己。该环节淘汰掉一人。最后的环节类似「选美大赛」,由主持人向每个男明星挑选的最后两名参赛女性(一共八人)提问,最终的获胜者赢得和男明星约会的机会。





《脚尖上的世界》(Breaking Pointe)S01E02《Which Life Do I Want to Lead?》

RONALD AND RONNIE ARE FACED WITH BIG DECISIONS ABOUT THEIR FUTURES WITH BALLET WEST – Ronald is torn between staying with his brother Rex at Ballet West or leaving with girlfriend Katie, and he needs to decide soon because his signed contract is due. Rex sees that his brother is conflicted and decides that a visit to their family in San Francisco might help his brother make the right decision. Ronnie must also make a decision about his contract and turns to his sister and fellow dancers for some much needed advice. Meanwhile, Katie continues her audition process, traveling to Ballet Idaho in the hopes of landing a position with their company, and Artistic Director Adam Sklute sets his dancers to work on a new erotic ballet. (#102)

《明星大恶搞》(Punk’d)S09E12《Mac Miller》


《The Pauly D Project》S01E11《Divas, Diamonds and D****》

The guys travel to Puerto Rico, where Pauly will open for Britney Spears. While there, they celebrate Jerry’s birthday, and Biggie finally proposes.

《Don’t Be Tardy for the Wedding》S01E08《Our Wedding Goes to 11…11……》

It’s the morning of the big day, 11/11/11, and while Kroy’s at practice, Kim has to make sure everything is perfect before she walks down the aisle. Kim and her best friend, Jen, reunite and Kim’s assistant Niki steps into the role of Matron of Honor. With just a couple hours to go, Colin Cowie’s crew is still putting together Kim’s wedding and Derek J still hasn’t cut Kim’s wedding wig.

《四个男人一台戏》(Men at Work)S01E04《Heterotextual Male》

Milo lies low following a date, but he’s then blindsided by a texting-related mix-up. Meanwhile, an interview with a sex therapist takes a bizarre course; and the guys poke fun at Neal for wearing an oddball paperboy hat that his girlfriend adores.



