2012动漫大会专题报道:《真爱如血》(True Blood)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-15 18:42

● 剧组首先为到场的观众播放了一段第五季剩余部分的预告片(见下),然后解答了观众的提问。在这个快节奏的预告片里我们看到,Bill告诉Sookie「她将再也不会记得他和Eric」,想必这和精灵们有点关系;Russell大开杀戒;Alcide回去当狼群首领;Godric出现;Tara跳脱衣舞;Luna还活着……等等。

● 本季后半部分会有三对新的「爱情关系」。此外,会有许多并不「romance」但是很「hot」的「sex」。有些性爱场景会让观众发出惊呼,但所有人都会感到满意。

● 最后一集的最后一个场景非常非常疯狂。

● 更多关于Michelle和Corbett Stackhouse的故事。此外,该剧还将进一步描述他们发生的事情对Sookie和Jason造成的影响(特别是Jason)。


● 前任剧集总监Alan Ball挥泪告别所有剧迷:“If I wasn’t so old and so tired and beat up, I would do eleventy-hundred seasons of this show. It’s been [a] highlight of my career.”

● 观众见面会的剩余部分就是演员相互斗嘴,然后答观众问,没有多少可说的。下面是几个亮点:

1. “Trying to figure out what’s a sex crime on this show is very different,” says Meloni when asked about the difference between working on Law and Order: SVU and True Blood.

2. “My sweet daughter and I share a saw room where we have sex with them and torture them,” said Skarsgard of his Fangtasia room he shares with Pam. He was asked if he could potentially be a part of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie and what he has in common with the male character who has a sex chamber.

3. “I literally will not go anywhere near taking anything off when Joe is on the cast. And also Ryan,” said Moyer when a fan asked if the male members of the cast would show of their muscles for the audience.

4. “There’s a rack of Walmart sweatsuit. We started with the yellow one, and we said, ‘I don’t think I need to try on anything else,’” said van Straten about finding the perfect look for her season 5 turning scene.

5. “It was amazing. I got to see Joe naked,” said Moyer about directing episode 8 of season 5. The actor added that he was nervous to direct because he loved the cast so much. The entire cast praised Moyer’s work as director.

● 下面是5×06的另一段片花

