2012动漫大会专题报道:《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-16 23:19

和别的剧集一样,《神秘博士》的观众见面会也是先放预告片。除了我们已经看过的西部集(7×03《The Gunslinger》)的预告外,剧组还公布了一小段加长内容,其中包括来自另一集的古埃及王后Nefertiti和恐龙。

● 恐龙集的标题叫做《Dinosaurs on a Spaceship》,是7×02——这一集首先从古埃及开始,Nefertiti爱上了博士,拒绝让他离开。博士突然收到警报,于是带Nefertiti前往未来,发现一艘神秘的太空飞船将在地球上坠毁。地球防御指挥官告诉博士,如果飞船进入距离地球1万公里的轨道,他们将开火射击,留给博士调查的时间只剩下六个小时。这一集剩下的故事请参考下面的文字:

First, he lands in 1901, where Riddell, a big game hunter on Safari has been waiting ten months for the Doctor to return with some sweets. The big game hunter (played by Rupert Graves from Sherlock) hears that the Doctor has a big adventure afoot, and at first pretends not to be interested in getting dragged in again — but then he quickly relents and goes with the Doctor.

Then we look in on the Ponds, where Rory’s father Brian (played by Mark Williams, aka Arthur Weasley) is fixing a light socket. And then the TARDIS materializes at the worst possible moment — right around Amy, Rory and Brian. The Doctor doesn’t even notice that he’s taken Rory’s dad along for the ride… until they’ve materialized on the mysterious spaceship, and then he yells at Rory for bringing his father without asking first. Because the TARDIS is not a taxi service, etc. etc. Until Rory finally explains that the Doctor materialized around his father, and the Doctor sort of apologizes. And then Rory’s left to explain to his dad that he and Amy didn’t go traveling in Thailand after all… it was a bit further than that.

And then we’re investigating the spaceship, and there are spider webs everywhere — which, as the Doctor says, is unusual in space. Eventually, the Doctor and his “gang” (Riddell, Nefertiti, Rory, Amy and Brian) come to a huge ominous door… which slowly opens, revealing two huge, massive dinosaurs. They look huge and spiky, possibly like stegosauruses. The Doctor tells everybody to run — and they do. But he doesn’t, because he’s too busy staring excitedly at the dinosaurs on a spaceship.

● 博士的真名有可能在第七季中曝光。其他时间领主的名字都曝光过,唯独博士的真名是个秘密。Steven Moffat称这世界上只有他知道「为什么博士的真名如此重要」。他还开玩笑说博士的真名可能是「Patrick」或「Jeff」。

● 历史上所有出现过的Dalek将同时出现在同一个地方。

● 这一季有各种题材的故事:有悲剧、喜剧、西部剧、冒险剧,等等。

● Amy Ponds的最后一集确实是「哭泣天使」集,Amy和Rory的结局令人伤感。

● 这一季的外景地点包括纽约和西班牙,7×03西部集就拍摄于西班牙。

● 观众见面会的主持人称他不相信Amy Ponds会永远离开不再回来,但Steven Moffat暗示「事实如此」。



文章评论 (1)
2012-07-16 23:42

