
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-14 11:49

恐怖屋 American Horror House

一所大学因为学生过多,不得不重新开发50年代建造、但后来因为「闹鬼」而被迫关闭的校舍。在一年一度的万圣节聚会上,一群女学生偷了学校的吉祥物跑到该校舍里狂欢,诡异的灵异事件开始接连发生。她们发现自己被困在了「鬼楼」里,四周不断出现可怕的鬼魂……更要命的是,一个复仇心切的女舍监下决心要将她们全都杀死!Morgan Fairchild和Alessandra Torresani(《卡布里卡》)主演该片。


On Halloween night, a sorority house is overrun with ghosts, while a vengeful housemother goes on a killing spree. “American Horror House” stars Morgan Fairchild and Alessandra Torresani (“Caprica”).

Leroux University of the Creative and Performing Arts is one of the most prestigious East Coast schools filled with an international collective of artistic students. Its storied fraternities and sororities frame the school’s rich legacy. Unfortunately, a housing shortage has resulted in the re-opening of a legendary, yet haunted sorority established in the 1950’s.

Over the years, the property has always come with one stipulation – the intimidating Miss Margot (who has served as the House Mother of the place for over 50 years) comes with it. Miss Margot (Morgan Fairchild) is tough to read, always seeming to know more than she’s willing to say. The kids seek her wisdom to help them find answers to the problems that occur, but what they don’t know is she is leading them down a path to more danger.

During the annual Halloween Party Bash, the sorority holds a second week of rushes to find an additional sorority sister. Their first initiation task is to steal the school mascot – “The Leroux Spirit” from the local fraternity. The girls’ use their beauty and brains to succeed in the task and upon bringing the spirit back to the party at the sorority, strange occurrences start to happen. Various ghosts that have haunted the place interact with the living. Initially, no one realizes that the ghosts are there, but as the party intensifies, so do the paranormal events. The girls work to figure out the secrets of the house and how Miss Margot ties into all of this, but what they really end up discovering is that they are trapped inside the house and they must find a way to escape before it’s too late…

Cast includes Caprica’s Alessandra Torresani, Jackie Tuttle, Dave Randolph-Mayhem Davis, Morgan Fairchild, Carol Jean Wells, Salina Duplessis, Cameron Deane Stewart, Ruby Lou Smith, Isabel Cueva, Sydney Spies, Jennie Kamin, Ashton Leigh, Ramona Tyler, Cait Taylor, Donna Duplantier, Jaren Mitchell, Gralen Bryant Banks and Skipper Landry.

