星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年12月29日)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-30 13:48

《她来自泽西》(Made In Jersey)S01E07《The Farm》

Martina represents a couple whose 18-year-old daughter never returned home from rehab in order to join a cult, even as she confronts Tommy about spreading rumors about how she landed her job with Stark and Rowan.

《她来自泽西》(Made In Jersey)S01E08《Ridgewell》

Martina is called to the stand when a remark she made to her client resulted in him assaulting the CEO of a chemical plant. Meanwhile, Darlene quits her job and starts becoming more opinionated.

《大材小用》(Underemployed)S01E10《The Kids》

Lou angers Raviva when he breaks a promise; Miles receives disappointing news from Daphne.

