星期二:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月15日)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-15 22:03


五个陌生人,谁也不认识谁,但是网络漫画论坛把他们联系在一起。他们对具有传奇色彩的漫画小说《乌托邦实验》(The Utopia Experiments)的原稿产生了浓厚兴趣,然而却遭到一个绝密组织的追杀。没有人知道这个组织来自何方,只知道他们代号「网络」(The Network)。三个漫画论坛的成员在得到《乌托邦实验》的原稿之后决定在一家公共酒吧里会面,另一个在前来聚会的途中被两个「网络」杀手截杀。这起谋杀案的唯一目击证人是11岁的小男孩Grant。Grant带着原稿逃走,「网络」杀手立即将注意力转向他。


《漆黑大作战》(Total Blackout)S02E05《Broken Glass & Hot Coals》(回归)

Players must identify icky objects placed inside a tank, then those who move on to Round 2 are asked to use their mouths to retrieve plastic rings from fear-inducing boxes. Finally, a booby-trapped maze stands between the winning contestant and $5000. 

《特效化妆师大对决》(Face Off)S04E01《Make It Reign》(新季)

Season 4 begins with 14 makeup artists meeting Michael Westmore, their mentor for the competition, then taking on their first challenge, which is to create goblin kings. Actor John Rhys-Davies serves as a guest judge.

《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S02E03

Betty White’s posse of senior pranksters is back on the streets, while Betty entertains viewers with comical pearls of wisdom between the pranks, as well as funny sketches – including a few with popular comedian and stunt performer Steve-O. This week, a lady steals liquor out of another shopper’s cart, a senior asks a fellow customer for help in a store’s furniture department before falling asleep on a bed, and the seniors plan a “prankster” intervention for Betty – but the joke is all on them.

《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S02E04

This week, Betty White gets advice on starting a successful boy band from Nick Lachey, who also discusses his “celebritot” baby, while her merry posse of senior pranksters is on the streets pulling pranks on the younger generation. A senior tries to enforce a “height requirement” at a basketball game arena to make sure ticket holders are tall enough to attend the game, a man tickles a stranger with a large feather, and a prankster asks for help reading her husband’s R-rated grocery list.

《爱情游戏:坏女孩也需要爱》(Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too)S04E09《…And in the End》(季终)

The winning couple is revealed in the Season 4 finale, which comes with a twist.  

《坏女孩俱乐部》(The Bad Girls Club)S10E01《Southern Hospitality》(新季)

Season 10 kicks off with a new bad-girl crew invading Atlanta. Before long, Janae falls behind the others, so they tutor her in the art of being a bad girl.

《Snooki & JWoww》S02E02《Pregnant Problems》

《Totally T-Boz》S01E03

《Death In Paradise》S02E02(英国)

After a young nun is discovered dead in her smoke-filled bedroom, DI Richard Poole and his team are soon called in to investigate. What looks like a tragic accident caused by a lit cigarette soon turns into a murder investigation after Richard works out that the nun didn’t smoke the cigarette that killed her.

《Pramface》S02E02《Stay at Home Losers》(英国)

Laura is attempting to to widen her circle of friends, but she finds it difficult to find a peer group. Beth feels confused after she becomesattracted to a posh boy with views politically opposed to her own. A lonely Alan decides to employ Keith to be his driver.


The connection between a manic patient’s hallucinations and a violent murder are investigated.

