
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-23 19:03


● 《革命》(Revolution):在1×13中我们看到,Neville为了避免被Monroe怀疑而断绝了和儿子Jason的关系。他随后被Miles抓住了。Rachel打算恢复电力和自尊,于是不顾Charlie的反对去执行一项危险的任务。她将前往神秘的「高塔」(Tower)。制片人在访谈中表示,Rachel将在这一集中透露全球大停电事件的真相以及相关的每一个细节,「这将打开一扇通向更大故事的大门」。制片人表示,「停电事件的真相从来就不是该剧的核心」(言下之意是你知不知道其实无所谓):

I don’t think we box ourselves in a corner. I think we open a door to a whole new world. And then we ask more questions. Because for me the story was never about what caused the blackout. I think it’s for me it’s like the show isn’t just based on one particular mystery, it’s based on these characters and this world and this kind of transformed landscape that they have these adventures in..

此外,制片人表示Rachel的「角色复杂性」将表现在「复仇」、「爱家人」和「做正确的事情」三件事相交叉的过程中。至于Charlie和Jason的关系……不能用「will they won’t they」来形容。在这个世界中,人际关系(包括爱情)要比那复杂得多。



● 《绿箭侠》(Arrow):演员Chin Han称该剧会描述Frank Chen的背景故事。此外,某些「联盟关系」和「敌对关系」会发生改变。

● 《贝茨旅馆》(Bates Motel)的制片人称,他们已经策划了多季,但每一季都相对封闭(故事独立),就像《迷失》和《超越罪恶》的做法。

● 《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones):凯特琳、艾莉娅和布兰三个角色在第三季中会发生哪些故事,三名演员这样说:

Maisie Williams: “We kind of pick Arya up not too long after we left her and she’s just had her encounter with Jaqen H’ghar and she’s got the coin and all that. And I think maybe she’s got like a quiet confidence that she’s going to get home. To the boys she’s completely confident, but I think inside she’s doubting it a little bit. There’s a limited amount I can say but vaguely she’s got good feelings about what’s to come.”

Michelle Fairley: “Catelyn’s storyline picks up directly where it was left in Season 2. She’s still estranged from her son [Robb] because she has released Jaime Lannister in the hope that she’s going to get her daughters back in turn. The realization is dawning that she’s been duped and damaged the relationship with her son. And he is the only child she has any contact with. Basically it’s a progression of her becoming more introverted. She spends so much time on her own and she becomes reflective about the possibility she is the reason that this tragedy is happening to her family.”

Isaac Hempstead-Wright: “In Season 3 Bran’s group is joined by two new characters who add sort of a new dynamic to it and Bran’s storyline picks up in Season 3. In the past two seasons he has just been waiting in Winterfell and now he’s really striving toward something. I think Bran this season starts to really control his own group, because in Season 2 we saw him take responsibility over Wnterfell, and now I think he’s taken responsibility over his own group and guided his own group.”

至于新婚的Talisa Maegyr和罗柏·史塔克,演员Oona Chaplin称第三季他们会多次亲吻(而且不止亲吻)。

“Okay, there was some kissing, there was some nakedness involved, which is… I’ll leave that to the imagination. There is definitely a little bit of a really wonderful romantic streak that we get to have amidst the blood and guts and mucus and boobs and god knows what else. Mud. Brains. Everything.”

“[Robb and Talisa have] just a really lovely, romantic, solid love story that you want to get behind and you want to work out, that’s the main thing. Then just you wait. You’ll all be so miserable!”

● 《拯救希望》(Saving Hope)第二季正式开机拍摄。在这一季中,苏醒过来的Charlie将面对另一个可能危及其事业和爱情的秘密:他仍能看见鬼魂并与他们沟通。尽管Daniel Gillies加盟了《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,但CTV方面称他会继续以常规演员身份演出该剧。

● 《广告狂人》(Mad Men):过去是男人们指挥Peggy(Elisabeth Moss),本季是她指挥男人们! “She has been taking so much s–t for so long. It’s nice to order them around for a change!”

● 《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)第四季将引入一个名叫Hector Lime的雕刻家,他通常为恐怖电影制作道具和雕像,但也擅长制作……面具。

● 《芝加哥烈焰》(Chicago Fire):在本季快结束的时候,Severide可能会遇到大麻烦——这里所说的「麻烦」可能和监狱有关!而且……和一个女人有关。

● 《新闻编辑室》(The Newsroom):Neal会有一个新爱情对象,她是一名政治新闻记者。


● Reg E. Cathey将客座演出《格林》(Grimm),扮演一个叫Baron Samedi的角色(据称是一个罗亚传说中的角色)。他是一个「好奇心重的陌生人」,将出现在本季最后两集中。


● Bethany Joy Lenz加盟《双面法医》(Dexter)第八季,扮演Dex的新邻居(8×04开始登场),多集戏份。她渴望在这里过平静的生活。此前我们已经得知,Darri Ingolfsson将在剧中扮演她的爱情对象。第八季6月30日播出。下面是第八季的首个宣传片,列举了这些年被Dexter(及Deb)杀死的所有人的姓名。


● Zeljko Ivanek加盟《黑吃黑》(Banshee)第二季,扮演原版漫画书中的关键角色Jim Racine。他是一个烟瘾很重、独断独行的FBI探员,已经追踪Rabbit长达15年时间。当Rabbit离奇失踪后,他来到Banshee镇展开调查。Lucas和Carrie原本以为事情已经结束,他的到来给他们带来新的麻烦。第二季将在4月份开机拍摄。


● Alexis Bledel和Zachary Levi将主演Hallmark电视电影《Remember Sunday》。该片描述生活不幸的女服务员遇到英俊但是古怪的珠宝店员工Gus,两人立刻坠入情网,但是Molly逐渐发现Gus有些异常。后来Molly得知Gus三年前患上脑动脉瘤,彻底失去了短期记忆。对他来说,每一天都是「崭新」的一天,他完全不记得前一天发生过的事情。虽然他隐约感到Molly和他的生活密切相关,但是不记得他们相识。或许这个美丽、多情、幽默的女孩能让他每一天都爱上她……日复一日,年复一年。



● 雅虎网宣布《燃烧的爱情》(Burning Love)第三季将于4月12日播出,4月15日播出第二集。在这一季中,前一季被主人公拒绝的「爱情候选人」将争夺900美元奖金。没错……900美元。

● 《Bet on Your Baby》改在4月13日首播(原定时间早一个星期)。


● HBO修正了《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)制片人的话:《冰与火之歌》小说作者George R.R. Martin的确会出现在该剧中,但不是第三季,而是第四季!

● 《太阳报》又开始传「Matt Smith将在《神秘博士》圣诞集后退出演出」的消息,BBC立刻做出回应:“Sorry folks but even we don’t know what’s going to happen at Christmas. It’s not been written yet! But Matt loves the show and is to start filming the unmissable 50th anniversary, and the new series starting on Easter Saturday.”


● 歌手Coolio自称《换妻之名人版》(Celebrity Wife Swap)是假的,一切都是事先安排的。他说:“Listen. It was all set up, I’m nothing like that (how I was portrayed on the show). I’m not even with Mimi. I never was. She’s a friend of mine. They tried to make me look bad. I don’t want to do that stuff again. I’m going to concentrate on my music and food shows and a film about my darker days.”

● 这是《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)的预览视频

● 今天的访谈录包括《革命》、《尼基塔》、《灵书妙探》和《丑闻》演员、制片人对剧情、角色的解读。

