
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-28 22:26



● 《私人诊所》的Paul Adelstein将主演CBS尚未命名的情景喜剧试映集,和Debra Messing演对手戏。他扮演主人公Gabby(Debra Messing)的丈夫Bryan,谷歌雇员,性格善良,爱家爱妻子,但并不清楚妻子肩上的负担有多重。


● Regina King加盟ABC情景喜剧试映集《Divorce: A Love Story》,扮演Ike的妻子Cassandra,拥有女王气质,喜欢对别人发号施令。

● Rob Huebel加盟CBS情景喜剧试映集《Rob Huebel》,扮演主人公Jack的好友Barry。他是当地一家体育酒吧的老板,虽然自己离了婚,但一心要帮Jack找个妻子。

● Griffin Newman加盟尚未命名的NBC情景喜剧试映集(John Mulaney主演),扮演主人公的室友Seymour,童心未泯的天才。

● Oscar Nuñez加盟NBC试映集Holding Patterns,扮演一名作家,花花公子,是坠机事故幸存者之一。

● Melanie Liburd将演出CW试映集《天选》(The Selection)。扮演28名参加王子妃竞争的佳丽之一,Fiona Castley,她其实并不想参加这场竞争。

● Brovo宣布放弃根据电影改编的试映集《The Joneses》,同时开发新试映集《Witch Hunt》。后者描述一个住在纽约的单身母亲被一家化妆品公司雇佣,后来她发现这家公司只不过是个幌子——公司里所有的人都是一个女巫大聚会的成员。

● 据称NBC想要开发《芝加哥烈焰》(Chicago Fire)的衍生剧,重点描述警察故事。最有可能从《芝加哥烈焰》中转过去的角色是Jon Seda扮演的芝加哥警署侦探Antonio Dawson。其实这只是一部设定在芝加哥(芝加哥警署)的纯警匪剧,打不打《芝加哥烈焰》的招牌都无所谓(更何况《芝加哥烈焰》的收视率并不好,算不得热门剧集)。据称衍生剧的试映集可能当做《芝加哥烈焰》本季的某一集播出,和《吸血鬼日记》、《海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶》的情况类似。

● Netflix宣布给予科幻剧《Sense8》10集预订。该剧由《黑客帝国》主创人Wachowski兄妹打造,《巴比伦五号》的主创人J. Michael Straczynski及其制片公司参与开发。该剧描述了一个全球性的阴谋,具体情况未知,只知道人们的思想连在一起,灵魂遭到「猎捕」。

● 有人看到了J.J. Abrams挂名的新剧试映集《Human》(机器人警察与人类搭档合作破案)的拍摄现场,没什么特别的——除了那辆摩托车外。



● CBS今天续订了其名下绝大多数剧集和节目,包括:《福尔摩斯与华生》(Elementary)、《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)、《超感警探》(The Mentalist)、《追梦女孩》(2 Broke Girls)、《胖子的爱情》(Mike & Molly)、《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)、《海军罪案调查处-洛杉矶》(NCIS-LA)、《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)、《天堂执法者》(Hawaii Five-0)、《警察世家》(Blue Bloods)、《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)、《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)、《生存者游戏》(Survivor)、《卧底老板》(Undercover Boss)、《新闻调查六十分》(60 Minutes)和《48小时》(48 Hours)。此前CBS已经续订《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HIMYM)和《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)。

● 《好汉两个半》(Two And The Half Men)、《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)也肯定会得到续订,只是演员的合约还没有谈妥,所以CBS的续订声明要晚些时候才发布。至于剩下的剧集:《约会规则》(Rules of Engagement)、《拉斯维加斯往事》(Vegas)、《警界金童》(Golden Boy)、《犯罪现场调查-纽约》(CSI-NY),它们处于「极度危险」状态。


● BBC公布了《梅林传奇》(Merlin)替代剧集《亚特兰蒂斯》(Atlantis)的演员名单,但是没有公布剧情细节和角色细节。该剧把现代人的探险和希腊神话、亚特兰蒂斯传说结合在一起,有一点点《星际之门》的味道。该剧由Mark Addy、Juliet Stevenson、Sarah Parish、Jemima Rooper、Robert Emms、Aiysha Hart和Jack Donnelly主演。

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● Karissa Lee Staples成为《难得坚强》(Necessary Roughness)的常规演员,扮演Dani的助理Paloma,一个强势女人(曾经是大学女生联合会主席),决心要把Dani的诊所经营好——无论Dani是否需要她的「热情帮助」。事实上她的「热情」背后另有目的。


● Chris Cooper宣布退出探索(发现)频道的原创迷你剧《克朗代克》(Klondike)。

● Luke Grimes加盟《真爱如血》(True Blood)第六季,扮演多集角色James,他是一个在70年代被转化的吸血鬼,多集戏份。

● Adrian Pasdar加盟《火线警告》(Burn Notice)第七季,扮演前特种士兵Randall Burke,现在可能是某恐怖集团头目,多集戏份(第七季的核心角色之一)。



● 你不得不承认社会性网络(社交网站)的可怕——昨天ABC家庭频道宣布续订《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars)第五季并且预订其衍生剧《鸦林镇》(Ravenswood),在短短的一天时间里,与之相关的社交网站互动信息已经达到3.69亿!其中包括3300万条Facebook互动信息、3.33亿条Twitter留言(转帖)和300万条GetGlue互动信息。《鸦林镇》的官方Facebook在两个小时内已经有了2.4万名跟随者,官方Twitter则有1.8万名跟随者。

● 关于《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)的裸体问题,《纽约》杂志(New York Magazine)写了这样一段话:

Game of Thrones? That’s the show with the boobies, right? Well, yes; like so many HBO dramas (including True Blood and Boardwalk Empire), Thrones serves up female flesh in situations both dramatically integral and superfluous. Some viewers have a problem with that. Since its 2011 debut, Thrones has been attacked for “gratuitous” nudity and labeled sexist for stripping its women more often than its men. These are two different complaints, though; intertwining them muddies each. The first concerns the appropriateness of graphic sex and/or nudity; the second is about the show’s “gaze,” which is undeniably heterosexual and male. But it’s possible to enjoy sex and nudity without guilt or bluenosed justifications while simultaneously pointing out that the scales of spectatorship are out of whack. I’d like Game of Thrones to enlarge the scope of its fantasy­ — to show more same-sex couplings and male nudity — as Starz’s Spartacus series has done with such panache. For all its tough, complicated women characters, Thrones is rightly perceived as too much of a ­sausagefest. The producers could change that perception by adding more sausage.

扮演欧莎(Osha)的Natalia Tena称,欧莎、阿多(Hodor)、布兰和瑞肯在奇怪的情形下遇到了新角色玖健(Jojen)和梅拉(Meera),相关场景与兔子有关。

“They were stalking us. That’s weird. They should be at school, do you know what I mean? What are they doing in the woods? I’m very excited about the scenes that we’ve done [with Sangster and Kendrick]. There’s a scene involving a rabbit — lots of rabbits — that I’m very excited about how that’s going to look. I couldn’t really look at a rabbit in the same way for about a month. You’ll understand. When you see it, you will understand the weird rabbit boy.”


“I think her mothering instinct is coming out. Her ovaries are like — she’s feeling the love for these kids. If you read the books, they say that the Wildlings are very, very, very close to their children compared to actually the Southerners. So I think that’s what’s happening. I think she’s becoming very motherly. She loves these kids a lot, which is interesting. She tried to kill them at the beginning.”

● 《美眉校探》(Veronica Mars)电影版募集启动金已超过400万美元。

● Carrie Underwood下周在《美国偶像》结果秀中演唱新单曲。

● 今天的视频大家自己看吧,我不转贴了:片花在这里预告在这里


● Michael Emerson称《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)第二季季终故事的核心是Finch和Grace的背景故事(包括他们之间关系的起始)。此外,Sarah Shahi扮演的Samantha Shaw将出现在季终集里。至于第三季,他这样说:

“Although ours is a series that is comprised of standalone episodes, we do have a kind of overarching mythology and that has to do with the life of the machine — it’s origins, its development and its current utility. Or it’s current danger. And so we will go back to that, which I think is an interesting theme to most of the viewers of the show. That will be a big story that takes us out of season 2.”

● 4月18日的《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)又是一场舞会(毕业舞会),让图片代替文字吧。

The Vampire DiariesThe Vampire Diaries
The Vampire DiariesThe Vampire Diaries
The Vampire DiariesThe Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries

● 《神秘博士》(Doctor Who):Jenna-Louise Coleman在谈到Clara和博士的关系时这样说:

“I think there’s definitely always a certain level of kind of a frisson and a flirtation and kind of a form of attraction always between the Doctor and his companions… She’s pretty feisty – especially in the Christmas episode – she fancied the Doctor.”

“She was intrigued by him and she was curious. She wanted to know more, but also kind of likes to make fun of him at the same time.”

“I think that’s one thing you always want to know – is it going to be a romance story between the Doctor and the companion? But I think that… there’s so much more at work here.”

“I kind of don’t want to give anything away going into the series, but it’s a new start again. It’s a completely – it’s a different character, it’s a different girl and we will all understand why.”

Steven Moffat则解释了Clara与前几位博士伙伴的主要不同:

“You need someone who challenges the Doctor. You need someone to throw the Doctor into a new relief. The Doctor is always the remote inaccessible mysterious one and the companion is always the fluffy friendly one. Amy [Pond] tested that theory from time to time, but this time Clara is the slightly difficult to get to know one, who’s probably going to be slightly difficult to hug. Because the Doctor is haunted by her and met her twice before, so he thinks, he’s the slightly needy one. She’s the unsolvable mystery and the enigma and he’s the one chasing after her. It’s a reverse of the normal Doctor/companion dynamic, which I’ve been rather enjoying.”


《广告狂人》(Mad Men):The thirteenth episode will have some heavy religious themes involved, complete with characters who are fanatic about their faith.

In some ways, Peggy’s new environment will feel very familiar, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. “Her example of how to be a boss is Don Draper, and I am not sure that’s the greatest example,” Elisabeth Moss tell us with a laugh. “The whole season is about people being confronted with their own demons and just kind of treading water and feeling like they just keep winding up in the same place. She might be trying to emulate Don, but she’s going to have to figure out how to be herself.”

《识骨寻踪》(Bones):The season’s twentieth episode will be titled “The Secret in the Siege,” and it will not be a lighthearted episode like the ones we sometimes expect from Bones. The episode will revolve around a very dangerous criminal who is part of a religious cult and is out for revenge against the FBI, and believes that all his murder orders come directly from God.

While last year’s finale cast Brennan under suspicion, this season-ender may have some raising eyebrows about Booth. “There is a connection to Booth’s past,” executive producer Stephen Nathan says about the case in the finale. “We find out about some of his work at the FBI that we didn’t know about. And it appears as if the victims have a close connection to Booth.” So is Booth dirty or is this the work of the returning Pelant? Time will tell. As to the to the more bling-y part of your question: “The notion of marriage is again brought up in the finale,” Nathan teases. “If you thought the pot was stirred [this week], the pot… overflows and messes up the kitchen floor in the season finale.” Sounds like marriage to me!

《少狼》(Teen Wolf):We can tell you that the first half of Teen Wolf’s upcoming season is a bit light on the Sterek, though they will interact, according to Tyler Hoechlin. “It’s always fun working with Dylan [O’Brien], we have a blast together. It’s been one of my favorite relationships on the show. There’s always going to be that interaction. How much there will be this season? We’ll see!”  O’Brien adds that there’s been so little Sterek action so far, “I told Jeff [Davis] I think it would be funny if the next scene he writes between Stiles and Derek, he ends it with us like about to walk away but we look back at each other and say, ‘I miss this!'”

Get excited, Teen Wolf, fans! The Derek flashback episode you’ve all been asking about sounds to be just as good as you hoped it would be. Jeff Davis explains that he decided to go back in time so that he could show a Derek that was “completely different” and so viewers could see for themselves how Derek came to be the character he is.

“We’re going to learn about Derek’s past and we’re going to see him as a sophomore in high school and learn more about his relationship with Peter, Laura and his mother as well,” he says. “So we’re going to see the Hales at a different time in Beacon Hills. It’s a little darker. It’s going to be a fun flashback episode.”

But it won’t be the whole episode (“about two-thirds,” to be more exact.). Nonetheless, we’ll also learn why some werewolves have blue eyes instead of yellow, AND meet a confrontational Beta named Marco. One thing we won’t see in this ep? The introduction of Derek’s father, and Davis explains that he’s not sure when he’ll pull that card. “One of the reasons [we didn’t show him] is because I wanted to be able to present his mother as a very powerful, strong matriarch,” he says. “The two big families in this show are kind of matriarchal. We have the Hales where the most powerful alpha was Talia, Derek’s mother, and we have the Argents, where in their family, the women are the decision makers. They send the men out to be soldiers.”

《真爱如血》(True Blood):We could probably make that assumption with episode six, because the title is “Don’t You Feel Me?” Maybe Alcide wants you to feel his bare chest? That’s also the episode where we really get to know the LAVTF, which stands for Louisiana Vampire Task Force. We’ll be introduced to a new and possibly recurring character who is the chief of the LAVTF, which means he will become a very powerful enemy of our favorite vamps.

《我欲为人》(Being Human):Three unexpected characters return in next week’s penultimate episode, and one of them is literally going to crash Josh and Nora’s honeymoon!

《福尔摩斯与华生》(Elementary):Guess who’s making his long-awaited return? Vinnie Jones! I hear Jones will reprise his role as brutal assassin Sebastian Moran in the Elementary episode airing May 2 (10-11 p.m. ET/PT). Bonus scoop: With Moran now imprisoned for the murders he committed for the evil Moriarty, we’ll come to see that he’s surprisingly happy to help Sherlock discern M’s true identity. Sounds pretty M-azing to me.

《懵懂少女》(Awkward):In the first of two back-to-back episodes airing April 16, the entire school speculates that someone we know well might be pregnant, but we’ll come to find the initial suspect is actually not the one with the potential bun in the oven. Nothing says new year like a pregnancy scare!

《侠胆雄狮》(Beauty and the Beast):Cat and Vincent’s already complicated relationship is going to be double-dipped in turmoil during an upcoming episode later this season in which someone (read: a man!) gets close to Cat, causing Vincent to become uncharacteristically jealous and quite possessive (and also probably very hot). The big Q: How will Cat react to this jealous shade of Vincent?

《幸福终点站》(Happy Endings):In an upcoming episode, Penny’s mom (Megan Mullaly) and Dave’s dad (Michael McKeen) drop a bomb on their kids: They want to adopt a child together. Let’s just say a kidnapping plot ensues.

I do! Which is what someone will be saying in the finale, per usual, but who actually walks down the aisle will surprise you, especially considering I hear there are breakups (yes, breakups) on the horizon. But fear not: I also hear the stork will be paying a visit.

《绿箭侠》(Arrow):episode 22…Roy starts to give a little bit of information to Thea and he starts to give her a little bit more backstory into his life that makes her realize he needs a mentor,” he scoops. Lucky for Roy, I think I know just the man for the job…

《社区大学》(Community):When the Dean (Jim Rash) sends the gang to puppet therapy in the April 11 episode, there will be a shocker: It actually helps air some of the gang’s troubles! “They feel a little stigmatized by Greendale. They feel like they’re in a rut. Like things have gotten stale. They want to getaway from Greendale that’s part of what is discussed in puppet therapy,” says executive producer David Guarascio. “This episode is more about learning something about each character that no one has ever known before.”

《权力的游戏》:One unlucky bastard (no, not a literal one like Jon Snow) will tick off the wrong person and as a result, lose an appendage. Ouch! And if you think this sounds like The Walking Dead, then you’ll be interested to learn that another poor sap gets trussed up in a torture room, one leader will be betrayed and a baby will be born in the midst of violent events. All that and the dead rising back up to kill the living? Watch out, AMC!

《音乐之乡》(Nashville):In particular, look for The O.C.’s Chris Carmack, who plays the duo’s new neighbor, to come between the couple. But it’s not Scarlett who’s swept off her feet. “He becomes Gunnar’s new dude-friend, because he hasn’t had a guy friend,” Sam Palladio tells us. “He’s always hanging out with Scarlett. … He needs a companion, and Will becomes that kind of best mate. … He ends up actually finding a new lease on life with this new character.” Anyone think that sounds a little more than friendly? Perhaps you should!

《超感警探》(The Mentalist):If J.J. Laroche’s return visit in this week’s episode was not enough for you, then I’ve got good news! He will be back in this season’s penultimate episode. And while that fact instantly made me think Laroche is connected to the escalating Red John case, executive producer Tom Szentgyorgi was quick to dispel that notion. So, why is the big guy back? “The mystery of what Laroche has in the Tupperware container in his safe will finally be answered,” he says.

《犯罪现场调查》(CSI):I hear Teen Wolf baddie Ian Bohen will guest-star in this season’s penultimate episode as Thomas Pope, a vicious serial killer who once owned a house where another brutal murder has just been committed. But before you assume the former killer is back at it, know this: The house is believed to be haunted. Anyone know how to handcuff a ghost?



文章评论 (4)
2013-03-29 11:46


2013-03-29 17:23


2013-03-30 03:02

i’ll so miss it.

2013-03-30 16:47

版主加油 !!!
