星期二:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年5月28日)(英国)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-28 21:24


Having spent a few months behind bars for having falsely claiming benefits, Frank is looking forward to an amazing welcome home party, but that’s not what others have in store for him. Monica ends up dropping a huge bombshell at the Jockey, while some old faces return one last time.

《The Wright Way》S01E06《The Deadly Receptacle》(英国)

Tensions increase as the big ballroom night approaches. While investigating the size of takeaway coffee cups, Gerald and the health-and-safety team discover a surprising conspiracy.

《学徒:英国版》(The Apprentice UK)S09E05《Dubai》(英国)

The remaining candidates are are flown out on a business trip to Dubai, where they are tasked to find and secure items for a new multi-million-pound hotel. One of the candidates from the loosing team is fired by Lord Sugar at the end of the show.

