星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月7日)(英国)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-07 16:12

《回归》(The Returned)S01E05《Serge et Toni》(英国·法国)

The dead start to come out into the open but find it impossible to resume normal lives. Camille is rejected by Frederic whie Simon ends up being separated from Adele and Chloe after Thomas shoots at him in self-defence. Julie starts to have doubts and wonder if she be dead too. Luna is nursed by the serial killer as he attemptsto keep his murderous impulses under check.

《Top Gear》S20E02(英国)

Jeremy gets the chance to test drive a 730 horsepower Ferrari F12 in Scotland. James pays a tribute to BBC Television Centre using a motorcyclist and a pair of Parkour runners. Ron Howard is the star in the brand-new Reasonably Priced Car this week.

