星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-4)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-04 21:14


Five celebrities compete hoping to impress the judges. At the end of the show it is revealed which two of them have managed to gain a place in the semi finals.


《塞布丽娜:少女巫师的秘密》(Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage Witch)S01E12《Hurry Scurry》

Sabrina’s transformation spells go haywire and she turns her aunts into mice, which puts them in danger when they’re around Salem.

《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E23《#MagicATM》

Sam notices that Cat is spending a lot of money; Cat shows Sam a “Magic ATM” that gives away free money.

《霹雳双胞胎》(The Thundermans)S01E09《Weird Science Fair》

Billy and Nora’s science fair reignites an old rivalry in Phoebe and Max. Elsewhere, Barb attempts to catch Hank copying her book-club notes.   


Nan is a comedy series which sees Catherine Tate returns with her much-loved character, Nan.

Jamie is away in Africa doing voluntary work ao Alice has been allocated to Nan by the “Young and Old Buddy-Up Foundation” to keep her company and help keep her spirits up. After she discovers that Nan’s kitchen tap is broken she goes with her to the council office to arrange to get it fixed. Jamieis skype-ing regularly from Africa and becomes worried after he sees Nan in hospital.


《Take Me Out》S06E01(新季)(英国)

Paddy attempts to find dates for a selection of different women. If they aren’t impressed by what they see and hear they can turn off their lights. Any girls with their lights still turned on at the end of several rounds they have the chance to be selected to go out on a date with the man. If all the girls end up turning their lights off the man goes home without a date.


Different teams of three family members take part in games which will test their speed and reaction times. The team members will have to react as quickly as possible when fired into the air and falling through balloons. The most successful team will go into the final, where they can win up to £20,000.

