星期日:卷土重来 S02E02

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-16 18:56

《卷土重来》(The Comeback)S02E02《Valerie Tries to Get Yesterday Back》

Preferring she use a professional crew for behind-the-scenes footage of “Seeing Red,” HBO asks Valerie to bring back Jane, the producer who followed her on “Room and Bored.” Meanwhile, Val’s publicist, Billy, gets her an appointment with celebrity stylist Brad Goreski for the Golden Globes. Also featured in this episode are Dan Bucatinsky as Billy, Mark L. Young as Tyler, Lillian Hurst as Esperanza, Carlos Jacott as James, Jhoni Marchinko as Catherine, Vanya Asher as Connor, Kate Comer as Rada and Brad Goreski as himself.


