
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-02-17 22:19

今天最重要的人事变动消息包括:《格雷的五十道阴影》(Fifty Shades of Grey)最近在国际电影市场上热得发烫,已经刷新了多项业界纪录……因此NBC决定「趁热打铁」将Dakota Johnson请到《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)中担任嘉宾主持(2月28日)。Dakota Johnson能成为这个时代的性感标志吗?一两部电影还说明不了问题。想争夺「性感标志」的女星太多了……Kate Upton、Jennifer Lawrence、Mila Kunis、Cheryl Cole、Megan Fox、Scarlett Johansson……哪一个都有「实力」。Jacqueline Toboni将在本季晚些时候回归《格林》(Grimm),再次扮演Trubel。剧组暗示Nick的母亲Kelly可能与Trubel有点关系……如果Trubel是Nick的妹妹,你也不要感到意外。


乔治-R.R.-马丁在最近的访谈中放出狠话:《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones)电视剧第五季将杀死《冰与火之歌》原著中没有死的角色(或者说「目前已经出版的五本书中没有死的角色」),因此原著读者可能会感到不高兴。他甚至开玩笑地表示,该剧的两个剧集总监(David Benioff和D.B. Weiss)比他还「狠」。很多人猜测丹妮莉斯、提力昂、琼恩-雪诺和史塔克家的所有孩子应该没有危险,瑟曦、斯坦尼斯、马格丽、小指头、戴佛斯、梅丽珊卓、布蕾妮这些「二类角色」就很难说了。无论如何,考虑到这个故事的本质,任何一个角色死亡都不足为怪。你不妨猜猜看,本季死的谁?

《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的制片人Marc Guggenheim首次公开表示,John Diggle绝不是John Stewart,他也绝不会成为绿灯侠。好吧,那些猜测Diggle会成为绿灯侠的传言可以停止了。但是他也暗示绿灯侠可能迟早有一天会出现,「DC那帮人对绿灯侠另有打算」。

不管Cameron Monaghan在《哥谭》(Gotham)中扮演的Jerome是不是日后蝙蝠侠的死敌「小丑」,这个角色都相当有趣(制片人称他们对这个角色采取「放长线钓大鱼」的故事策略)。Fox甚至专门为他做了下面这张宣传海报。




此外,下面是Rose McIver和Robert_Buckley的访谈,有不少新镜头。



When Jamie is taken and held by Jack Randall, that’s such a pivotal moment in their relationship and in the series. You can never take that away and that will always be part of [them] going forward. [Claire] feels an enormous burden of guilt. If she had not come and stayed — she wonders if any of these events would’ve transpired. They’re constantly fighting their way to get back to where they were the wedding night,” Heughan says. “It’s a great tragedy of the show that this relationship has been tainted for good…. I don’t think we canever get back there. They’re constantly trying to find a way to reconnect, and at the very end of the season they’re left in a very tentative place.




Mysterious Villain: You saw the plane?

Lumberjack: Yes, and the girl. Where do you think she came from?

Mysterious Villain: He (Superman) made it to Earth. Is it so hard to believe others did too?

Lumberjack: She’s working with the humans?

Mysterious Villain: It appears so. She must not become an impediment to our plans. The general has ordered you to locate her and terminate.

Lumberjack: I can’t promise her death won’t be public and messy.

Mysterious Villain: Casualties are irrelevant. Never forget who imprisoned you.

Lumberjack: I wont. I intend to repay that debt in full.


《国事家事》(State Of Affairs)带着大量悬疑情节结束了第一季,NBC尚未宣布该剧的命运,但制片人宣布他们将另寻买家(如果被取消的话)。问题是……其他电视网愿意接手吗?

I don’t think a show like this goes away. If it doesn’t work on NBC, then it works somewhere else. I don’t believe that that’s all there is to the show. That’s my way of saying that I felt strongly enough about our prospects down the line that we thought, no, we can resolve this at another time.


《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals):虽然Kol在本周的新集中(因为Finn的诅咒)死了,但制片人暗示他的故事还没有结束,你今后还能见到他(至少是在回忆情节中)。

I can’t speak highly enough of Daniel’s presence on set and his preparation and hard work, particularly for this episode. He’s just an incredible actor who did so much for this role. We’re sad to see him go. But at the same time, the Kol, in his hands, has evolved. We’ve seen Kol as a witch, and through Nathaniel Buzolic, we saw Kol as a vampire.

Now, in the wake of this departure, Rebekah [Maisie Richardson-Sellers] and Davina are both going to have an opinion about Kol’s death. In the past, we’ve seen witches die and come back, like Davina or Papa Tunde or Bastiana or Genevieve. Is there a possibility that we haven’t seen the last of Kol Mikaelson? That’s a pretty interesting question. We certainly haven’t seen the last of flashbacks that deal with Kol and his story and his family. In those ways, fans of Kol can rest assured that his story on The Originals is long from finished.





BBC公布了《波尔达克》(Poldark)的正式预告片。故事发生在1783年的英国,Ross Poldark(Aidan Turner)从美国独立战争的战场上返回家乡Cornwall,发现父亲已经死了,家族矿场已经关门,房子破败不堪,心上人也将嫁给自己的亲戚。他决定从头再来,并在最不可能的地方找到了新的希望和新的爱情。Ross是个很尊重社会公平体系的人,他严守纪律,但有时也会干出叛逆的事情。他勇敢无惧,但为人正直诚实。他有超凡的魅力,但行事极为务实。他容易激动,但对朋友绝无二心。在新的生活环境中,他被夹在两个女人和两种社会阶层之间。他对大众来说是个英雄,但对很多人来说同样是个灾星。Eleanor Tomlinson扮演追求独立的女主人公Demelza。Luke Norris扮演Ross Poldark最好的朋友Dwight Enys。Warren Clarke、Phil Davis、Alexander Arnold参与演出。该剧根据系列畅销小说改编,2015年播出。这是BBC第二次拍摄这个题材——上世纪70年代的第一个改编版中,Robin Ellis扮演主人公Ross Poldark。在2015年新版中,Robin Ellis将扮演Halse牧师(两集戏份)。

达芬奇恶魔 Da Vinci’s Demons S03 预告

奥德赛 Odyssey 预告

众神天堂 Olympus 首个短预告片

闪电侠 The Flash 宣传片:“火风暴”(Victor Garber、Robbie Amell)

我一般不转发娱乐视频,但是……Taylor Swift和Karlie Kloss这个视频太有意思了。

Taylor Swift vs Karlie Kloss Who s the Best Best Friend

