星期四:生活大爆炸 S08E15

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-02-19 22:14

《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)S08E15《The Comic Book Store Regeneration》

正当众人高高兴兴等待Stuart的漫画书店重新开张时,Wolowitz突然接到了令人震惊的消息(他的母亲不幸去世,因为给他母亲配音的女演员Carol Ann Susi去年11月去世了)。Penny教Sheldon学会「放手」,但是当她得知Amy有件事情非常气人时,她自己却解不开心结了……哎,她这个老师是怎么当的?另一方面,Leonard和Raj在一家饭店偶遇著名演员Nathan Fillion(《灵书妙探》《萤火虫》,自己扮演自己),立即兴奋地提出与他合影!


Barry Kripke joins Sheldon and Amy and thanks Amy for helping him with a paper on string theory. Sheldon wonders why Amy never offered to help him, and she reminds him that he feels that the only math biologists know is three frogs minus one frog equals two frogs.

Howard is talking to his mother who is visiting Howard’s Aunt Gladys in Florida. She is finally in a place where everyone complains about sweating. Howard is not happy that his mother wants him to check in on Stuart.

Sheldon is working on his laundry as Penny enters, and he is not happy. He is not happy about Amy’s helping Kripke. Penny reminds him that he was always for the advancement of science; however, Sheldon is only interested in his advancement of science. Penny wants him to talk to Amy.

Leonard, Raj and Stuart are looking over Stuart’s new comic book store. Leonard winks at Stuart, implying that Stuart had something to do with the fire at his store. Howard and Bernadette enter. Howard likes the new store until he sees some of his mother’s furniture in it. A fight breaks out between Howard and Stuart.

Penny and Sheldon are in her apartment as she folds laundry (the wrong way, according to Sheldon). Penny wants Sheldon to stop thinking about Amy’s actions and let it go. She advises him to think of something else. First he thinks of ants and then a pen. He also tells Penny that Amy has been giving her puzzles to compare Penny’s intelligence to that of the monkeys in her lab. Amy was giving the same puzzles to the monkeys. This annoys Penny greatly. Penny is now mad at Amy instead of Sheldon. Sheldon tells Penny to imagine a pen and to let it go. Penny then throws Sheldon out of her apartment.

Howard and Bernadette are sitting on his mother’s couch in the comic book store with Bernadette commiserating with Howard.

Amy is arriving at Sheldon’s apartment while Penny comes out of her own apartment mad at Amy. Sheldon opens his door and then quickly slams it shut when he sees Penny and Amy together. He quickly tells them that he is naked. Amy and Penny tell him to open the door, and then Amy opens the door herself while getting a very good view of Sheldon. Penny tells him to pull his pants up. Amy tells Penny that the experiment with her and the monkeys was a success. She then offers Penny $5.00, which is what she paid each of the undergraduate students on which she performed the same intelligence test.

Leonard and Penny are now on the couch at the comic book store discussing that both Amy and Sheldon are doing experiments on all of them. Amy and Sheldon walk in and Leonard complains how dare they experiment on their friends. Sheldon says, “That sounds like us” while at the exact same time Amy says “I’m sorry.” Howard takes a call which makes him distraught. His mother went to sleep and never woke up. Everyone goes over to console Howard. Leonard expects Sheldon to say something inappropriate. Instead he comments, “When my father died, I didn’t have any friends to help me through it; but you do.” Penny thought that he was going to say “Let it go”.

Howard and Bernadette have left for Florida. Howard is holding it together while Raj is leaving that night. Stuart can’t believe she is gone. Raj is going to miss her. Debbie had told Penny that she was so skinny that she should eat more. Amy thought that Mrs. Wolowitz was a good cook. Sheldon didn’t like the way that she yelled. Leonard told Sheldon that he could yell at him if he wanted. Leonard and the rest of the gang toasts Mrs. Wolowitz, saying that she was a great mother to all of them; thus also toasting the late Carol Ann Susi. RIP.


