
星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年2月13日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E01《Hats and Bats》(新季) In the season 5 premiere of Southland, Officer John Cooper clashes with his new boot, Gary Steele (guest star Derek Ray), a vet from Afghanistan. Lydia struggles to balance detective work and motherhood. Ben Sherman falls in with a sketchy crowd of cops (Chad Michael Murray guest stars), while Sammy Bryant is trapped in a hellish custody battle with Tammi (guest star Emily Bergl). PREVIOUSLY ON… | Lydia chose to take a less active role on the force while pregnant, Ben and Sammy’s partnership was tested as the former got......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-13 22:04阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年2月6日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E07 The contestants who impressed the judges in their respective audition cities will head to Hollywood, where some dreams will come true and others will come to an end. The intensity of the competition heats up as hopefuls chosen from around the nation vie for a coveted semifinalist spot 《捉鬼队》(Ghost Hunters)S09E04《Permanent Residents》 An investigation into the 1890 House in Cortland, N.Y., delves into the background of the mansion’s original owner, businessman Chester F. Wickwire, and his ancestors. 《鬼矿探险》(Ghost Mine)S01E04《Phant......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-06 23:07阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月30日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E05 Tonight, the four AMERICAN IDOL judges continue their journey to find the next singing superstar. Don’t miss the good, the bad and the hilarious auditions in the all-new “Auditions #5″ episode of AMERICAN IDOL 《捉鬼队》(Ghost Hunters)S09E03《Prescription for Fear》 Renovations at the Peoria Asylum in Bartonville, Ill., are slowed down by strange occurrences, which are investigated by the team.  《鬼矿探险》(Ghost Mine)S01E03《Vengeful Spirit》 Mysterious power failures in the mine leave one of the paranormal investigators ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-30 23:24阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月23日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E03 The auditions continue on the new season of AMERICAN IDOL as the judges continue their quest to find the next singing superstar. Don’t miss the auditions that everyone will be talking about the next day in the “Auditions #3″ episode of AMERICAN IDOL. 《捉鬼队》(Ghost Hunters)S09E02《Ghost Mission》 《鬼矿探险》(Ghost Mine)S01E02《Disturbance At The Inn》 《中之道》(The Middle)S04E13《The Friend》 Mike is upset with Frankie when he discovers that she set him up on an adult playdate with a new neighbor who shares the same intere......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-23 17:45阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月16日)

《北极航线》(Arctic Air)S02E02《Bombs Away》(加拿大) Deanna is arrested for eco-terrorist bombings and Bobby discovers there’s one more bomb. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E01(新季) Everyone’s favorite singing competition returns for its highly anticipated 12th season with a brand new superstar judging panel, new contestants and the best and worst of auditions. Host Ryan Seacrest and judges Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban traveled across the country to New York City, Chicago, Charlotte, Baton Rouge, San Antonio, Oklahoma City and Long Beach, C......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-16 23:10阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月9日)

《第39届人民选择奖颁奖典礼》(People’s Choice Awards: The 39th Annual People’s Choice Awards) 《明星大冒险:高台跳水》(Stars In Danger: The High Dive) Based on a long-running German format, STARS IN DANGER: THE HIGH DIVE is the ultimate test for nine celebrities who will step to the edge and take a flying leap or momentous belly flop into diving history. But, first, they must complete a crash-course in diving techniques, overseen by renowned diving coaches. After an intense training period, they will compete in a series of Olympic-style dives, including solo high diving an......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-09 22:55阅读更多...


● 当《Suits》下个月17日回归时,有五个方面的剧情值得我们关注:一是Mike Ross有些「精神失控」。他的祖母去世了,他身边再也没有亲人。他在事务所里唯一的朋友Rachel因为目睹他和Tess发生关系,也对他充满怨恨。Harvey并不在乎Mike家里出了什么事,只是一味催他回来工作。但Mike根本无法集中精力,也丧失了他引以为傲的判断力……或许他的问题和他正在「吸」的东西有关。二是Harvey Specter在面对一个孩子的时候变「软」了。争强好胜且充满自恋情结的Harvey不得不面对一个小孩子,其结果……强硬的Harvey变成了一个幽默、可爱、和蔼的「好叔叔」,一个……「泰迪熊」?三是Sheila Sazs(Rachael Harris)回归。这个女人和Louis Litt有得一拼,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-29 15:47阅读更多...


非洲 Africa 1×01 片花 Dance Moms S03 预告 BBC1 新年节目预告 FX情景喜剧 Legit 宣传片 ABC情景喜剧预告(本周起《幸福终点站》和《23号公寓的坏女孩》每周两集,周日和周二各一集) ABC周三节目预告(1月9日) ABC周日节目预告(1月6日,《传说》、《复仇》)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-29 15:43阅读更多...


你喜欢什么类型的剧集?故事剧、情景喜剧、历史剧、罪案剧、科幻剧、肥皂剧、记录剧还是悬疑剧?2013年上半年,一批新剧将满足你的愿望。 当这些剧集正式开播的时候,本站会配发详细的图文介绍,这里只做简单提示。 喋血街头 Ripper Street(英国) 12月30日 这是「开膛手杰克」故事的另一个改编版本,故事发生在1889年的伦敦。人们依然不能忘记开膛手杰克在街头疯狂杀戮的惨剧,伦敦的警察们竭尽全力让老百姓的生活恢复平静。 非常人贩:电视剧版 Transporter: The Series 1月4日 这部根据同名电影三部曲改编的12集新剧由Chris Vance、Andrea Osvart、Francois Berleand、Delphine Chaneac、Rachel Skarsten联合主演。除美国的HBO/Cinema......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-27 0:42阅读更多...

预告及片花:权力的游戏 S03、好声音 S04、卡丽日记、家族风云 S02、非洲、妙女神探 3×15及其他

权力的游戏 Game of Thrones S03 幕后花絮 好声音 The Voice S04 预告 卡丽日记 The Carrie Diaries 预告 5(2012-12-19) 家族风云 Dallas S02 宣传片 5 非洲 Africa 预告(大型专题纪录片) 妙女神探 Rizzoli and Isles 3×15 预告 私人诊所 Private Practice 6×11 预告 国土 Homeland S03 预告 心舞 Bunheads 1×11 片花 1 心舞 Bunheads 1×11 片花 2 火线警告 Burn Notice 6×17 6×18 季终集 片花 1 火线警告 Burn Notice 6×17 6×18 季终集 片花 2(Sorry,被无故屏蔽了……) 火线警告 Burn Notice 6×17 6×18 季终集 片花 3

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-19 17:02阅读更多...