标签:American Idol


● 在《黑名单》(The Blacklist)今年最后一集里,Red发现一直在背后陷害自己的人是以前的合伙人Alan Fitch,于是Berlin杀了Fitch,而Red又杀了Berlin。Fitch虽然死了,但他控制的一群危险分子(非常有权势的人物)不可能放过Red,Red将在下半季中面临险境。在没有Fitch主持局面的情况下,这些危险分子将肆无忌惮地干他们想干的事情——包括得到一种名叫「支点」(the fulcrum)的东西,同时对2017年将发生的「一个大事件」开始倒计时。与此同时,观众看到了Red和Tom的真实关系——Tom其实一直受到Red的雇佣和控制,但他坚称自己履行了与Red的协议,他没有对Liz说任何不该说的话。有趣的是,Liz感觉自己和Red的关系「越来越亲密」,浑然不知他......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-13 0:46阅读更多...


《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow) Fox确认本季为18集。 不要指望Ichabod和Abbie成为一对情侣,虽然他们的关系很重要,但他们的关系也很复杂(演员John Noble称他们的关系「自然而真实」),更何况……今年他们面临许多「信任危机」。演员Nicole Beharie强调。目前定义Ichabod和Abbie关系的是「历史与现实」,而不是「性吸引力」。Fox不反对将Ichabod和Abbie比喻成《X档案》中的Mulder和Scully。 第二季真正的爱情故事来源于Ichabod和他的妻子Katrina,但他们每个人都将面对「没有任何心理准备」的秘密(可能比他们发现战争骑士是他们的儿子更加惊人)。 第二季将引入大量新角色,其中有人类角色,也有超自然角色。超自然角色中包括印第安人民间......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-07-21 22:23阅读更多...


剧情相关 ● 《末日孤舰》(The Last Ship)的制片人表示,该剧将从「动作场面为主」过渡到「角色故事为主」。1×03结尾会有一个很大的动作场景。Eric Dane则表示「内森-詹姆斯」号的船员将在第二集中前往关塔那摩基地——他们在那里遇到了逃出监狱的基地组织囚犯;在1×04-1×05前往哥斯达黎加和尼加拉瓜的丛林——他们在哪里遇到了奴役当地村民的毒贩(恐怖分子)。他们为什么要去丛林?他们要抓猴子用于解毒疫苗实验!该剧刚刚播出一集,便已经在曼哈顿开起了「艺术展」? ● 上周日《真爱如血》(True Blood)详细剧情回顾:Tara死了,Sookie和Alcide仍然如胶似漆(真尴尬,他们的性爱场景是Anna Paquin的老公Stephen Moyer导......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-24 22:47阅读更多...


剧情相关 ● 《信使》(The Messengers):J.D. Pardo在谈论他的角色Raul时表示:Raul是一个在墨西哥执行卧底任务长达五年时间的探员,结果他被贩毒集团发现并险些遭到处决。其他探员在紧要关头救了他一命。为了毁灭所有的证据,这些探员反过来要杀死他。就在那一刻,从天而降的神秘物体触地并发出能量波,他死了……然后又活了。他发现自己有了读心术超能力。当他突然能听见所有人的内心想法时,那是一种非常痛苦的折磨。 ● 《识骨寻踪》(Bones):当第10季开始时,Booth和Brennan会见到对方,但他们无法接触对方。故事时间将向前跳跃三个月,他们已经经历了许多事。 ● 《密情》(Covert Affairs):本季的海外场景包括巴黎、委内瑞拉和......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-22 22:32阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-21)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E23《Orlando》 While Sue counts down the days until the Hecks depart on their road trip to Walt Disney World (she won the trip in a “Hands on a Hard Body” contest), Brick begs his parents to take a detour to North Carolina so he can meet his online girlfriend, and Axl anxiously awaits the posting of his final grades as a college freshman. Then, when the Hecks arrive at Walt Disney World, a good time may not be had for all when a series of misfortunes threaten to put a damper on their trip. 《中之道》(The Middle)S05E24《The Wonderful World of Hecks......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-21 21:53阅读更多...

星期二:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-20)

《假亦真》(Faking It)S01E05《Remember the Croquembouche》 Farrah的准新娘送礼派对与Amy和Karma的周末计划产生冲突;Liam向Shane寻求帮助。 《懵懂少女》(Awkward)S04E07《Crowning Moments》 Jenna manages a male beauty pageant. Meanwhile, Tamara desperately tries to win Jake back. 《杀出个黎明》(From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)S01E10《The Take》(季终集) Seth and Richie are double-crossed and clash with Carlos and Narciso. Meanwhile, the Fullers confront their troubles; and Freddie makes an important decision. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E38《Two Finalists Compete》(特别集) The two......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-20 23:15阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-15)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E37《1 of 3 Voted Off》 Only two will remain after one finalist’s journey comes to an end, as America’s vote is revealed. 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S12E10《11 Chefs Compete》 After a dramatic elimination, Chef Ramsay starts the day with a surprise field trip to a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, welcoming them into a kitchen that one day could be theirs. Later, the Red and Blue teams must prepare the restaurant’s inspired meals. While one team leads the way, the other team struggles to communicate and is eventually kicked out of the ki......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-15 23:03阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-14)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E22《Heck on a Hard Body》 Sue is determined to win herself a car and enters Ehlert Motors ‘Hands on a Hard Body’ contest, in which the last person whose hands never leave the car wins. Meanwhile, Mike and his perpetually down-on-his-luck brother Rusty (Norm Macdonald), find time to bond again when they take a road trip to Chicago with Brick to attend his Spelling Bee, and Frankie has to travel to Axl’s college dorm to help him locate a missing desk or risk losing her $200 deposit 《新猫和老鼠》(The Tom And Jerry Show)S01E05《Holed Up / O......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-14 22:26阅读更多...

第六批2014-2015播出季信息 (Fox、NBC下个播出季的主要变化)

Fox ● Fox公布了新剧《哥谭》(Gotham)、《断点》(Gracepoint)、《慕兰尼的人生》(Mulaney)、《怪探巴克斯卓》(Backstrom)、《嘻哈帝国》(Empire)、《象形文密语》(Hieroglyph)、《黑松林》(Wayward Pines)、《一个人的地球》(The Last Man On Earth)和新节目《乌托邦》(Utopia)的预告片,请到tvpromo.net观看。 ● Fox自摆乌龙——虽然试映集《你清醒所以我清醒》(Sober Companion)未在电视节目展映暨广告投资洽谈会上获得正式剧集预订,但Fox却贴出了该剧的广告。这是否意味着该剧仍有获得预订的可能? ● Fox宣布《美国偶像》(American Idol)从下一季开始可能「瘦身」——从每周两晚减为每周一晚(当然,在选拔阶段......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-13 23:12阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-8)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E35《1 of 4 Voted Off》 One finalist’s journey will come to an end as America’s vote is revealed. 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S12E09《12 Chefs Compete》 In the ultimate adaptability challenge, contestants from the Red and Blue teams are given 30 minutes to shine, as each team member must create an entrée with four surprise ingredients in a hidden dome challenge. Chef Ramsay and VIP guest judge, Chef Michael Cimarusti, will determine which team will be treated to a beachside lunch and volleyball lesson with Kerri Walsh Jennings and which......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-09 0:13阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-7)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E21《Office Hours》 Feeling that her mind has been turned into Swiss cheese over the kids’ never ending demanding requests of her, Frankie sets up office hours in which they can only voice their needs between 5:00-6:00 p.m. Meanwhile, an overprotective Mike keeps a stern eye on Darrin to make sure he doesn’t take advantage of Sue, and Brick invites his surprising new friends over to the house for a book club meeting. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E34《4 Finalists Compete》 The Top Four finalists take the stage in hopes of impressing the judges......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-08 0:34阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-1)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E33《1 of 5 Voted Off》 One finalist’s journey will come to an end as America’s vote is revealed. 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S12E08《13 Chefs Compete》 Chef Ramsay announces that HELL’S KITCHEN will be hosting a 160th anniversary party for the Phi Mu sorority. During the first challenge, the Red and Blue teams prepare a southern-inspired menu for the Phi Mu social committee. The team with the most impressive dishes earns an elaborate trip to Las Vegas, while the losing team stays behind to transform the restaurant for the party.......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-01 22:40阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-30)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E20《The Optimist》 With high school graduation less than two years away, Sue finds herself becoming super stressed out when she hunkers down and frantically tries to earn a scholarship to help pay for college. Meanwhile, upon figuring out that business is down because she forgot to send out all of Dr. Goodwin’s dental appointment reminder cards, Frankie tries to find a way to secretly send them out without her boss finding out. After Mike misinterprets a situation and scolds a girl for picking on Brick, Brick demands that Mike formally apologize, and Ax......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-30 22:53阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-24)

《Parks & Recreation》S06E21-E22《Moving Up》(季终集)(两集) Leslie (Amy Poehler), Ben (Adam Scott), and Andy (Chris Pratt) head to San Francisco for a National Parks Conference. Tom (Aziz Ansari) opens his restaurant, Ron (Nick Offerman) has another run-in with his ex-wife Tammy 2 (Special Guest Megan Mullalley), Andy lives a rock and roll fantasy, and Leslie makes a huge decision about her future. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E31《Results Show》 One finalist’s journey will come to an end as America’s vote is revealed LIVE 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S12......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-24 22:24阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-23)

《中之道》(The Middle)S05E19《The Wind Chimes》 Frankie pleads with a mean and unyielding Rita Glossner (Brooke Shields) to take down her wind chimes, whose noise is driving the Heck family crazy. Meanwhile, Axl and Hutch find a ratty, old couch abandoned on the street and try to figure out a way to retrieve it, instead of complaining to a pretzel manufacturer for skimping on the salt, Brick instead commits himself to coming up with a new pretzel snack idea for the company, and Sue informs the family that she and Darrin are dating again. 《新猫和老鼠》(The Tom And Jerry Show)S01E......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-23 22:56阅读更多...