标签:Bachelor in Paradise


今日热点话题 Fox正式确认《嘻哈帝国》(Empire)第四季和《星途》(Star)第二季会有情节交叉集——《星途》的关键角色Carlotta(Queen Latifah)出现在《嘻哈帝国》第四季首集中,而《嘻哈帝国》的关键角色Jamal Lyon(Jussie Smollett)则将跳至《星途》第二季首集。在《嘻哈帝国》第四季首集中,Lucious预借帝国娱乐公司成立20周年之际正式复出,这也是她在拉斯维加斯爆炸事件之后首次公开露面。Lyon家族的所有成员和Lucious的私人护士Claudia(Demi Moore)都将参加这个庆典仪式,但他们对Lucious身心健康的关注却出于完全不同的理由。在《星途》第二季首集中,Carlotta和她手下的姑娘们再次遭遇诸多挑战——尽管她们最近在「Atlanta Nex......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2017-07-14 0:05阅读更多...


今日热点话题 ABC公布了新版《电视网明星大战》(Battle of the Network Stars)的明星阵容——来自14家电视网,总共100位。他们将分成20支参赛队,每队5人,红蓝对抗。 电视喜剧组 (Bronson Pinchot, Tom Arnold, Dave Coulier, AJ Michalka, Tracey Gold) 对阵 电视孩子组 (Joey Lawrence, Corbin Bleu, Nolan Gould, Lisa Whelchel, Kim Fields) 黄金时段肥皂剧组 (Ian Ziering, Josh Henderson, Gabrielle Carteris, Donna Mills, Mischa Barton) 对阵 ABC明星组 (Olivia d’Abo, Shari Belafonte, Michael Fishman, Jason Hervey, Anson Williams) 综艺节目组 (Joanna Krupa, Nick Lachey, Vanessa Lachey, Gilles Marini, Jack Osbour......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2017-06-13 23:32阅读更多...


剧集开发消息 Katey Sagal加盟CBS重制的多镜头情景喜剧试映集《Superior Donuts》。CBS此前没有将《Superior Donuts》的第一版试映集发展为正式剧集,但因为CBS高层普遍喜欢该剧的创意,于是将它留下重新开发。该剧由《单身公寓》(The Odd Couple)剧集总监Bob Daily、《社区大学》(Community)资深制片组合Neil Goldman和Garrett Donovan联合开发,根据Tracy Letts的戏剧改编,故事描述芝加哥一家甜甜圈店的老板Arthur(Judd Hirsch)和年轻的新雇员Franco(Jermaine Fowler)、街坊邻居、老顾客之间的关系。Arthur是个古板、传统的芝加哥人,脾气不好,说话做事直截了当。他自视为那些忠诚顾客的「老大哥」。 精力充沛的Franco说话就......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2016-09-08 0:12阅读更多...


《Beyond》确定主演 Callan McAuliffe将主演ABC家庭频道超自然试映集《Beyond》。故事描述年轻人Holden(Callan McAuliffe)在昏迷12年后突然醒来,他发现自己在形体上已经是成年人,但是在情感上仍然是个少年。他掌握了一些超自然力量,这使得他卷入一个危险的阴谋。Jordan Calloway扮演Holden的童年好友Kevin,如今是一个心理医生。他多年来一直无法忘记导致Holden陷入昏迷的那次事故。Romy Rosemont扮演Holden的母亲Diane,她在Holden昏迷期间一直陪伴他,拒绝放弃对他的信心。如今Holden回来了,她更下定决心要保护他。Michael McGrady扮演Holden的父亲Tom,在儿子出事之后精神一蹶不振,一切都听从妻子Diane的吩咐。Burkely Duffield......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-06-24 22:33阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● 经过一场激烈的争夺战, 斯皮尔伯格的Amblin电视制片公司开发的《少数派报告》(Minority Report)最终花落Fox。为了让该项目尽快脱离竞价市场,Fox支付了接近100万美元的独占惩罚金,这是一个相当惊人的数字(至少高出一般独占惩罚金的一部)。此外,Fox还对该项目做出了试映集播映承诺。《少数派报告》原本是2002年汤姆-克鲁斯主演、斯皮尔伯格亲自导演的一部电影(这部电影松散地改编自Philip K. Dick撰写的短篇故事),今年红极一时的科幻电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)的编剧Max Borenstein将负责创作电视改编版《少数派报告》的剧本。 在2002年的电影中,人类发明了能侦察人的脑电波的「聪明」的机器人——「先知」。「......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-09 23:09阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E07 (季终集)

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E07 This week on the surprising season finale of “Bachelor in Paradise,” Chris Harrison returns to give the remaining cast a shocking ultimatum — if they cannot see their relationship transitioning into their lives back home, they must leave paradise immediately. With emotions running higher than ever, a series of dramatic breakups ensue. Concerned that her friend may end up with the wrong person, Michelle encourages Graham to think twice about Ashlee. After the dust settles, Chris Harrison returns and surprises the remaining cou......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-08 16:42阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E06

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E06 The remaining contestants are still recovering from a very dramatic week, but with their stay in paradise coming to an end, they all want to make the most of the time they have left. Marcus receives a date card and decides to continue investing all his time in Lacy, so the two head to the enchanting Cenote Dos Ojos. Michelle M on the other hand is overwhelmed and wonders if she should break things off with the fast-moving Cody. Sarah is excited when new bachelor Brooks Forester arrives in Paradise, which causes her to question her relationship......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-01 18:41阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E04

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E04 The drama continues for the contestants in Mexico. Michelle had her eye on Robert, but when he gets a date card, he chooses to take out Sarah, leaving Michelle devastated and still on the search to connect with someone in paradise. Cody Sattler, a hunky new bachelor, arrives in paradise with a date card and a mission. He immediately makes a hard sell for Clare, but is dejected when she reveals that she is in a relationship with Zack. In the spirit of keeping romance alive, the kind-hearted Cody gives his date card to his friend, Marcus, so he ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-25 23:04阅读更多...

星期二:天堂单身汉 S01E05 (特别集)

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E05 The cliffhanger of last night’s shocking rose ceremony continues as an apprehensive Graham returns after fleeing the Casa Palapa. However, in an unexpected twist, one bachelorette is rushed to the hospital in an ambulance after falling ill. Unfortunately for two bachelors, they come up unlucky in love and must leave paradise forever. The week begins as a new bachelorette arrives with her eyes set on Zack, but just as she gives him a date card, he denies her invitation due to his newfound relationship with Clare. Instead, the new arrival ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-25 15:59阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E03

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E03 This week on “Bachelor In Paradise” we return to find the remaining contestants still recovering from a dramatic rose ceremony. The couples are really beginning to bond, but to their surprise, there is already a new bachelorette back at the house waiting for them and she knows exactly what she wants, Marquel. Even though Marquel and Michelle Money seemed to hit it off, this new bachelorette waste no time getting in between the couple, and asking Marquel to accompany her to the historic and charming Hacienda Uayamon in Campeche. W......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-18 22:25阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E02

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E02 After last week’s dramatic rose ceremony, the cast said adios to Daniella, who did not receive a rose and Michelle K., who decided to remove herself from paradise. However, in a shocking twist, Chris Harrison reveals that an illicit hookup between Michelle K. and a crewmember took place following her exit, in undoubtedly the most bizarre scandal in “Bachelor” history. As the week begins, two new bachelors arrive at Papaya Playa Project in Tulum, Mexico with date cards in hand. After feeling like a default choice at the last......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-11 21:20阅读更多...


● 《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的制片人暗示Laurel和Felicity(以及Sara)会在第三季中成为朋友而不是相互争风吃醋的对手。他表示:「These characters [including Sara] should all be more than just who they are to Oliver. We’re always trying to flesh out Felicity’s character and Laurel’s character and Sara’s character beyond whether or not they’re going out with Oliver that week.」 此外,制片人称每个主要角色本季都会探索自己的「身份」问题:Oliver问自己「我能否既做一个普通人又做一个英雄?」,Thea问自己「我究竟是Thea Queen还是Thea Merlyn?」Diggle问自己「我永远都是一个副手还是有可能自己决定自己的命运?」Feli......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-06 23:38阅读更多...

星期一:天堂单身汉 S01E01 (新节目)

《天堂单身汉》(Bachelor In Paradise)S01E01 Looking for love a second time around, the “Bachelor in Paradise” cast arrives in gorgeous Tulum, Mexico ready to mingle. Welcomed by Chris Harrison, they quickly get to know each other at a Bachelor-style arrival party located on the beautiful white sandy beach of their private oasis. Shortly after the party gets going, Chris Harrison interrupts to explain the rules of paradise, including one shocking detail – at the end of each week, anyone who is not in a romantic relationship will be sent home — this week the men wi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-04 19:01阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● USA电视网宣布将两个试映集发展为正式剧集,它们都属于保守的医学题材(USA最近的新节目越来越趋于保守)。 《Complications》——该剧由《火线警告》的一位制片人打造,故事描述对生活和事业极度失望的郊区急诊医生John Ellis(Jason O’Mara)干预了一次飞车枪击事件:他救了一个年轻男孩的命,并且杀死了其中一名袭击者。后来他发现其他凶手仍不愿放过这个男孩,于是决定尽全力保护他,他的生活和他对医学事业的态度因为这件事而彻底改变。Jessica Szohr扮演撒马利亚医院的急诊护士Gretchen,漂亮,聪明,灵活,脸上总是挂着冷笑,一双眼睛似乎能轻易看穿任何人的内心。她是个优秀的护士,但她的内心可能受到过......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-22 22:20阅读更多...