

● 由Ryan Murphy(《欢乐合唱团》、《另类家庭》、《美国恐怖故事》)打造的「探索当代性关系及性行为」试映集《Open》被HBO购得。核心角色一共有五个,包括一对30多岁的夫妻、丈夫的男同事和一个40多岁的女性瑜伽教练。Ryan Murphy自称这是一部相当成人化的剧集,“…and this is really an adult show that is very frank in its depiction of sex. It is a very honest exploration of relationships and intimacy, and the sex feels organic to the subject matter.” 虽然该剧还不至于达到Cinemax午夜软色情剧集的尺度,但它的确是一部相当大胆的性爱剧集(可能和HBO以前播过的《告诉我,你爱我》类似)。因为Ryan Murphy本人是个......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-12 22:40阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 昨天我刚说CBS吝啬,CBS似乎「听」到了我的怨言,所以……今天一大早公布了《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)的正式预览片。这次不再故弄玄虚,而是有实拍镜头了!故事简介你已经看过很多次了,演员表你也已经烂熟,这里不再赘述。我可以证实一件事:被奇怪力场困住的「切斯特磨坊镇」(Chester’ Mill)共有超过2000人。不管该剧的收视率表现如何,我今年夏天都会做重点报道。 ● 从上周末奇迹动漫大会(WonderCon 2013)的《革命》(Revolution)剧组见面传出如下剧情信息:第一季后半部分的主题是「找到Monroe并让他付出代价」。Charlie渴望复仇,当Danny死后,她的天真也随Danny一起死去了。当Charlie变得更黑暗时,Miles......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-02 23:38阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年2月7日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E08 Judges Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler join host Ryan Seacrest in Hollywood to begin sorting the contestants. Hopefuls chosen from around the nation vie for a coveted spot on the show 《我要做个好人》(Legit)S01E04《Anger》 In an effort to do something nice for Steve, Jim invites him along to a gig in Omaha – but once they get on the plane Jim gets embroiled in a battle with another passenger about plane etiqutte and a middle seat. 《愤怒管理》(Anger Management)S02E05《Charlie & Jen Together Again》 Jennifer moves in with......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-07 22:08阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月31日)

《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)S07E12《Hogcock!》、S07E13《Last Lunch》(剧终)(大结局) In the one-hour series finale, Liz (Fey) has difficulty adjusting to being a stay-at-home mom while Jack (Alec Baldwin) takes stock of his life. Tracy (Tracy Morgan) struggles without constant attention from Kenneth (Jack McBrayer) as the former page settles into his new job as president of NBC. Jenna (Jane Krakowski) prepares an emotional farewell song as the cast and crew reunite for one final “TGS”. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E06 “Hollywood” Round Begins Next Week The se......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-31 22:22阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月24日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E04 The auditions continue on the new season of AMERICAN IDOL as the judges resume their quest to find the next singing superstar. Don’t miss the auditions that everyone will be talking about the next day in the “Auditions #4″ episode of AMERICAN IDOL 《我要做个好人》(Legit)S01E02《Dreams》 Jim and Steve decide to break Billy out of his adult care facility to party for one more night but their plan goes awry when they are forced to take Billy’s mentally challenged roommate, Rodney, along for the ride. 《愤怒管理》(Anger Management......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-24 17:47阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月17日)

《美国偶像》(American Idol)S12E02 The auditions continue on Part Two of the two-night season premiere of AMERICAN IDOL, as the judges continue their quest to find the next singing superstar. Don’t miss the auditions that everyone will be talking about the next day in the “Auditions #2″ episode 《我要做个好人》(Legit)S01E01《Pilot》(新剧) 澳大利亚喜剧演员Jim Jefferies在这部13集新剧中扮演一个……呃,「喜剧演员」。Jim竭力想让自己的生活「合乎规矩」,并得到了死党Steve(Dan Bakkedahl)及Steve的兄弟Billy(DJ Qualls)的鼓励。 在首集中,Jim向着自己的目标迈出了第一步:他打......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-17 21:53阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月10日)

《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)S07E09《Game Over》 IN A POWER PLAY FOR CONTROL OF KABLETOWN, JACK (ALEC BALDWIN) FORMS AN ALLIANCE WITH DEVIN BANKS (GUEST STAR WILL ARNETT) AGAINST KAYLIE HOOPER (GUEST STAR CHLOE GRACE MORETZ.) LIZ (TINA FEY) CONSIDERS HER FUTURE AS A MOTHER, AND TRACY (TRACY MORGAN) ATTEMPTS TO DIRECT OCTAVIA SPENCER (GUEST STAR OCTAVIA SPENCER) IN HIS NEW FILM. Jack recruits rival Devin Banks (guest star Arnett) as his ally in an elaborate plan to discredit teenage nemesis and future KableTown CEO, Kaylie Hooper (Moretz). Liz (Fey) explores her options to become a mother whi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-10 23:42阅读更多...

片花:谎言游戏 2×01、传说 2×10、音乐之乡 1×09、生活大爆炸 6×12、灵书妙探 5×10及其他

谎言游戏 The Lying Game 2×01 片花 1 谎言游戏 The Lying Game 2×01 片花 2 白令海峡淘金 Bering Sea Gold 2×01 片花 野外狂欢 Buckwild 1×01 片花 星球大战克隆人战争 Star Wars The Clone Wars 5×12 全剧第100集 片花 传说 Once Upon A Time 2×10 片花 1 传说 Once Upon A Time 2×10 片花 2 音乐之乡 Nashville 1×09 片花 生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory 6×12 片花 1 生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory 6×12 片花 2 好汉两个半 Two And A Half Men 10×12 片花 灵书妙探 Castle 5×10 片花 1 灵书妙探 Castle 5×10 片花 2 灵书妙探 Castle 5......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-03 20:58阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月3日)

《野外狂欢》(Buckwild)S01E01《Pilot》(新节目) 作为《泽西海滩》(Jersey Shore)的正宗接班人,该节目和《泽西海滩》其实没有太多不同……没必要用文字来解释了,看看预告片就好。 “Buckwild” is an authentic comedic series following an outrageous group of childhood friends from the rural foothills of West Virginia who love to dodge grown-up responsibilities and always live life with the carefree motto, “whatever happens, happens.” Money might be tight in their neck of the woods, but whether they’re throwing a dump truck pool party or building their own human slingsh......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-01 14:03阅读更多...


● 2009年12月,MTV播出了名噪一时的《泽西海滩》(Jersey Shore),但遭到在美国的意大利裔组织的强烈抗议,认为这个节目严重丑化了意大利裔美国人的形象。当时一名意大利裔美国参议员还专门给MTV写了一封信,要求MTV停播该节目。但这些抗议最终不了了之,而该节目也短暂地登上有线电视网的收视率榜首。如今历史又要重演了……当MTV宣布新节目《野外狂欢》(Buckwild)将接替《泽西海滩》后,又一名参议员跳出来给MTV写信,要求MTV取消该节目。这位参议员称:“…put a stop to the travesty called Buckwild…. Instead of showcasing the beauty of our people and our state, you preyed on young people, coaxed them into disp......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-08 18:41阅读更多...

预告:性爱大师、清道夫、危机边缘 5×09、尼基塔 3×07、火线警告 6×16、侠胆雄狮 1×09及其他

性爱大师 Masters of Sex、清道夫 Ray Donovan 混合预告 野外狂欢 Buckwild 预告 危机边缘 Fringe 5×09 预告 尼基塔 Nikita 3×07 预告 火线警告 Burn Notice 6×16 预告 终极审判 Last Resort 1×10 预告 费城永远阳光灿烂 IASIP 8×09 预告 犯罪现场调查 CSI 13×10 预告 吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries 4×09 加长预告 侠胆雄狮 Beauty and the Beast 1×09 加长预告 侠胆雄狮 Beauty and the Beast 1×09 预览 侠胆雄狮 Beauty and the Beast 1×09 片花 Fox周二喜剧预告(2012-12-11) 危机边缘 Fringe 大结局(全剧第100集) 庆祝酒会 现场实况

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-08 18:21阅读更多...