标签:Call The Midwife


● 《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的制片人暗示Laurel和Felicity(以及Sara)会在第三季中成为朋友而不是相互争风吃醋的对手。他表示:「These characters [including Sara] should all be more than just who they are to Oliver. We’re always trying to flesh out Felicity’s character and Laurel’s character and Sara’s character beyond whether or not they’re going out with Oliver that week.」 此外,制片人称每个主要角色本季都会探索自己的「身份」问题:Oliver问自己「我能否既做一个普通人又做一个英雄?」,Thea问自己「我究竟是Thea Queen还是Thea Merlyn?」Diggle问自己「我永远都是一个副手还是有可能自己决定自己的命运?」Feli......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-06 23:38阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E08 (季终集)(英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E08 Jenny pays a home visit to first time mother Jeanette and the two hit it off immediately, she is also introduced to Jeannette’s cousin Philip. Chummy discovers her mother has discharged herself from hospital and her illness isn’t getting any better. After a falling out, PC Noakes finding Lady Browne in great distress brings her to the home to be cared for in her final days.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-09 22:33阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E07 (英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E07 Cynthia is concerned that new mother Pamela is overly anxious, when Dr Turner arrives the mother and baby can’t be found. Jenny returns and is seconded to The London were she soon begins to see cracks in the establishment. Chummy visits her mother in London. Tom cancels his first date with Trixie who tries to hide how she really feels about it.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-02 22:55阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E05 (英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E05 Sister Julienne and Cynthia are getting donated clothing ready for charity. One parcel is set to go to St Gideon’s, an institution which cares for those with disabilities and learning difficulties. Jacob, who suffers with cerebral palsy, helps Sally, who has Down’s syndrome, select a pretty cardigan to wear to the institution’s annual dance. Following the dance, Sally’s mother discovers her feeling unwell and takes her to Nonnatus House to be looked at. The midwives find out that she is six months pregnant, which sees some difficult decisions needin......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-16 17:56阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E04 (英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E04 Jenny ends up having an eventful couple of days, beginning with trying to help a patient who is struggling to deal with her mother, an agoraphobic who hasn’t been outside for at least 12 years. Alec wants Jenny to accompany her to Brighton for the weekend, leaving her wondering if his intentions are honourable.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-09 17:11阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E03 (英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E03 Sister Julienne gets acall from Holloway Prison where the Salvation Army, who normally offer midwifery for the inmates, have been struck down with influenza. She wants Trixie to help her at the prison and one of their patients called Stella, confesses she’s scared that social services will think she’s an unfit mother and take her baby away. Sister Julienne ends up putting her reputation on the line to try and help her. Shelagh sis left feeling devistated after a routine pregnancy check turns out to be something much more serious. Chummy celebrates her birthday ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-02 18:48阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E02 (英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E02 Trixie is upset after Jenny is promoted, but the new Acting Sister has more important things to worry about after a mother-to-be reveals the baby she is not her husbands and that the real father is black. Cynthia decides to give a lecture on natural childbirth, believing that it will help an overly anxious patient.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-26 18:41阅读更多...

星期日:Call The Midwife S03E01 (新季)(英国)

《Call The Midwife》S03E01 After the closure of Nonnatus House, the nuns and midwives finally move into their new premises. Sister Winifred arrives from the Mother House. Jenny is worried about new mother Merle’s mental state and the welfare of her baby who isn’t feeding properly. Dr Turner is worried that it could be something more serious.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-19 23:28阅读更多...


已播剧情提示 ● 《正义》(Justified)5.01:因为Raylan的失误(他痛揍了Dewey一顿),Dewey Crowe通过法庭诉讼赢得30万美元。Raylan本季真正的任务是寻找Dewey的堂兄弟Dilly——因为他和他的同伙谋杀了一名走私毒品的海岸警卫队官员。当本集结束的时候,Dilly被Crowe家族的其他成员谋杀了,他的同伙Elvis试图游回古巴去……不用问也知道他的下场如何。Boyd发誓不惜一切代价确保入狱的Ava的安全,无论杀多少人都无所谓——包括Bishop法官的朋友Lee Paxton。但他没有杀此人的拉脱维亚裔妻子。她目睹了谋杀的全过程,这是否意味着Boyd本季会遭遇某种严重后果? ● 《男与女》(New Girl)3.11:我们多少了解到一点Nick的背景——他其实早就通过了律......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-10 0:49阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-12-25)

《新编福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)S03E00《Many Happy Returns》(特别节目)(英国) After Sherlock’s passing two years ago, someone still isn’t quite convinced that he is dead. 《Mrs Brown’s Boys》S03E07《Buckin’ Mammy》(英国) Christmas is fast approaching and no-one has a clue what Mrs Brown’s grandson Bono wants for a present. He’s already posted his letter off to Santa and Agnes is determined to find out what he wants. She also decides to hold a family games night, but she finds it hard to control her temper after none of the guests will play by her rules. ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-25 12:33阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 据称《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HIMYM)终结季首集集名为《The Locket》,一个名叫Camille的女性角色将首次登场。她是黑人或者拉美人,30岁到40岁左右。当Marshall从明尼苏达州乘飞机返回纽约时,她就坐在Marshall身边的座位上。由于Marshall的某些行为令她反感,两人很快起了争执,机场保安在飞机起飞前将他们一起「请」下了飞机。 ● 在《双面法医》(Dexter)终结季中观众将看到Masuka不为人知的一面以及他的「背景故事」——很显然他过去做过的一些事情是他无法摆脱的。此外,Yvonne Strahovski证实Hannah将重回Dexter的生活,但拒绝透露Hannah回归的方式和动机。她回来是为了爱还是为了复仇?这是个关键问题。 ● 已证实10月15日......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-26 23:27阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月10日)(英国与加拿大)

《妖女迷行》(Lost Girl)S03E08《Fae-ge Against The Machine》(加拿大) Bo本打算借难得的休息时间好好在外面玩一个晚上,结果却卷入一场「户外拾荒游戏」。更要命的是,这发生在一个无法无天的黑暗异种生物(Fae)的领地上。当Bo不在的时候,Trick不得不面对一种不确定的情况,其结果是非常危险的。 《Shetland》S01E01(新剧)(英国) Shetland is a drama series adapted from the series of books by award-winning crime writer Ann Cleeves. The murder-mystery is set against the stunning backdrop of the Shetland Islands and centres on Detective Jimmy Perez played by Douglas Henshall. After an archaeologist f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-10 23:25阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年3月3日)(英国与加拿大)

《妖女迷行》(Lost Girl)S03E07《There’s Bo Place Like Home》(加拿大) Bo面临一项艰巨的任务:她必须和Kenzi一起回到自己的起点——家乡的农场。Bo在那里遇到了魔鬼——有新也有旧——她必须战胜他们,为自己的前进道路扫清障碍。她不愿意走这条路,但她不得不这么做。 《塞尔弗里奇先生》(Mr. Selfridge)S01E09(英国) After having stayed at Henri’s house for the night, Agnes is late for work. Ernest Shackleton meets Harry at the store. Rosalie receives some flowers from Roddy but Rose sends them back to him, which upsets Rosalie. Mr Grove is waiting for the staff to show up and there ends up bei......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-04 0:45阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年2月24日)(英国)

《我欲为人》(Being Human)S05E04《The Greater Good》(英国) Crumb has discovered his bloody way in the world with a new friend in tow. After Rook approaches Hal to get them under control, Hal can’t refuse as he owes Rook a favour. 《塞尔弗里奇先生》(Mr. Selfridge)S01E08(英国) Harry and Rose are getting ready to host a dinner in honour of friends Frank and Jennie Woolworth. Frank is a fellow American retail tycoon and founder of the famous High Street chain. A Woolworth’s store is about to open in Brixton, and when Frank thinks of a possible West End branch, Harry’s feathe......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-24 21:55阅读更多...