标签:Celebrity Masterchef


《港湾》大结局 在《港湾》(Haven)的大结局中,Audrey决定第二次进入「谷仓」,她决定用自己的爱来保护港湾镇不再受到「虚空」(Void)的伤害,确保「虚空」不会危及整个世界。不过,Audrey终究是后继有人的……在最后一个镜头中,Nathan在路上遇到一个车子出故障的年轻女人,样貌看起来和Audrey Parker一模一样。这个女人名叫Audrey Paige,是个教师,还带着一个年幼的儿子。儿子的名字……当然是James(也就是曾经死去的James Cogan——「科罗拉多之子」)。该剧的故事从Nathan遇到Audrey起,从Nathan遇到另一个「Audrey」终,也算是首尾呼应、功成圆满吧。与此同时,Duke做出了英勇之举——为了彻底摆脱Croatoan(William Shatner)的控制,D......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2015-12-19 19:32阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月31日)(英国)

《明星探秘》(Who Do You Think You Are?)S10E02《Nigel Havers》(英国) Nigel Havers takes a look at his mother’s line and travels to Cornwall to learn about a tale of illegitimacy worthy of a period drama. On his father’s side, he ends up in Colchester where he learns a tale of the Victorian equivalent of an Essex taxi driver made good, who ends up losing everything though. 《Myra Hindley: The Untold Story》S01E03《The Lost Body》(英国) The show takes a look backat the original police investigation, as they discovered that Edward Evans was not Brady and Hindley’s ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-01 0:39阅读更多...