

已播剧情提示 ● 《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)5.05:Diane将Alicia「另立门户」的计划告诉了Will,Will深感震惊。Will立即解除了Alicia的职务,开除了所有的「叛变」人员,并且阻止这些人继续接触客户档案。与此同时,Diane也宣布「第二次开除Cary」。通过Peter的干预,「Florrick/Agos and Associates」事务所最终赢得争夺互联网巨头Chum Hum公司的战斗。Kalinda仍然玩弄两面派的伎俩:一方面她告诉Cary她愿意跟他一起走;另一方面她又告诉Will「Alicia并不把她当贴心朋友」(这个计划她竟然是从Cary那里听到的)。Alicia的离去导致Diane失去了竞争最高法院大法官的机会,她当不了大法官意味着Peter失去了巩固权力的重要靠山。唯一让Pet......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-30 0:39阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-10-18)

《可拉传奇》(The Legend Of Korra)S01E19-E20《Beginnings Pt. 1/Beginnings Pt. 2》 Korra learns about the origins of the first Avatar. Korra realizes what she must do to restore balance to the physical and spirit worlds. 《卧底老板》(Undercover Boss)S05E04《Buffets, Inc.》 Anthony Wedo, CEO of Buffets, Inc., the country’s largest steak buffet chain, breaks cover when he encounters a dish washer with a nasty attitude. Also, the high-energy Boss learns to work the grill station. 《少年大厨》(Masterchef Junior)S01E04《Bad Food Bares》 In the next mystery box challenge, the juni......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-19 0:44阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-10-11)

《可拉传奇》(The Legend Of Korra)S01E18《The Sting》 When Triad activity threatens to put Future Industries out of business, Mako performs an investigation and uncovers a conspiracy. 《卧底老板》(Undercover Boss)S05E03《Donatos》 Jane Grote Abell, Chairman of Donatos Pizza, goes undercover in her family business and learns that the pizzas aren’t the only things getting baked at one store. 《少年大厨》(Masterchef Junior)S01E03《Junior Edition: Whip It》 The junior home cooks test the laws of physics by whipping liquid cream by hand, and to determine the stiffness of the whip......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-12 0:14阅读更多...

星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-10-5)

《雪松湾》(Cedar Cove)S01E12《A New Life》 Olivia plans a trip to Philly to win back Jack, but she finds him back in town tying up loose ends. Meanwhile, Seth has a new business proposal for Justine; and a pregnant teenager arrives in town, and Jack is stunned to learn her true identity. 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S03E01《Ghost Bummers》(新季) When Mrs. Chesterfield throws a roof-top bash and doesn’t invite Jessie and the kids, they decide to throw a Halloween party themselves. But their festivities take a haunting turn when Jessie begins to see ghosts and Emma, Luke and Mrs. Ches......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-05 22:23阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-13)

《完美匹配》(Perfect Score)S01E10《Dress to Impress》 STRIKE A POSE – In this episode, contestants and best friends Brooklyn and Kelly claim to be as different as night and day when it comes to men. Find out how different they really are when the girls judge the first ever “Perfect Score” fashion show. The show is hosted by fan-favorite actress Arielle Kebbel (“John Tucker Must Die,” “The Vampire Diaries”). The episode was directed by Rob George (#109). 《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E08《The Guy Who Cries》 After a cha......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-14 0:09阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-8-23)

《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E05《The Girl Who Went Around in Circles》 A SPINNING RUNWAY CHALLENGE – The models have their balance tested when they have to walk on a spinning runway during a turntable challenge judged by the editor-in-chief of Nylon Magazine, Marvin Scott Jarrett. Then, the contestants are styled in “trailer-park chic” for a photo shoot (#2005). 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E24《Break-Up and Shape-Up》 Jessie and Tony’s relationship is put to the test when Ted, Jessie’s old boyfriend, pays a visit and Tony trains a be......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-23 22:57阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HIMYM)的制片人证实:终结季为24集;终结季仅仅覆盖三天的时间,也就是Barney和Robin的婚礼(一共56个小时);Cristin Milioti扮演的老妈将会有一个名字,这个名字在剧终前会告诉观众;虽然Ted和未来的妻子是在Farhampton车站第一次正式见面,但在那之前(在婚礼上)他们肯定会有许多「互动」;Marshall、Lily、Barney和Robin均会在Ted之前遇到「老妈」,虽然他们每个人对她的看法都不同,但他们最终会认可她;这几个人与「老妈」见面的顺序很有意思——虽然顺序本身并没有太大的意义,但他们每个人与之见面后所引发的后续故事将形成「连环套」;剧情有可能交代「老妈」过去八年的生活,也有可能以「闪进......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-22 23:49阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年8月9日)

《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S20E03《The Girl Who Gets Married Again》 The models have to compete in a vertical runway down the side of a building in the pouring rain. Then, the contestants are paired up and photographed in a mock-wedding photo shoot, which brings back painful memories for a recently divorced model. 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E23《Diary of a Mad Newswoman》 Emma and Bryn’s friendship is put to the test when they co-anchor their school’s morning announcements. Meanwhile, after Jessie figures out that Zuri has been reading her diary, she a......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-10 0:07阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月26日)

《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E22《The Jessie-nator: Grudgement Day》 Future Jessie appears from an elevator time machine to warn present Jessie to run for her life. She tells Jessie that when Ravi grows up, he invents a robot version of Bertram (a “Bertram-Bot”) that evolves into an army which tries to destroy Jessie and take over the world. This week on Disney Channel’s Jessie (Friday, 8:30/7:30c), the titular nanny makes like the Terminator and visits from the future in the name of saving mankind. Future Jessie (played by Debby Ryan) leaps back 60 years in time to warn her wa......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-26 23:47阅读更多...

片花:白色女王 1×07、情人 1×09、儿童医院 4×01、不能忘记 2×01、新闻编辑室 2×03、少女保姆 2×20及其他

白色女王 The White Queen 1×07 片花 情人 Mistresses 1×09 Guess Whos Coming to Dinner 片花 儿童医院 Childrens Hospital 4×01 片花 不能忘记 Unforgettable 2×01 Bigtime 片花 奥斯汀与艾丽 Austin and Ally 本周新集片花:“奥斯汀与艾丽前往未来” 少女保姆 Jessie 2×20 片花:“Jessie来自未来” 新闻编辑室 The Newsroom 2×03 Willie Pete 片花 1 新闻编辑室 The Newsroom 2×03 Willie Pete 片花 2 白色女王 The White Queen 1×07 片花 情人 Mistresses 1×09 Guess Whos Coming to Dinner 片花 儿童医院 Childrens Hospital 4×01 片花 不能忘记 Unforgettable 2×......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-25 16:00阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月12日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E12《1987》 Stuart要求Nate破译Kellian手稿的副本,但Cameron对Nate是否能发现「Moon Hill」父母的真相始终持怀疑态度。Nate让Allegra给Jeff传递一条信息——如果Allegra能够活着离开的话。Nate告诉Stuart,32名追随者从「Moon Hill」失踪了,还给了Stuart一个电话号码。Nate发现这个号码在手稿的代码中反复出现。Stuart已经知道Jeff和Skye查到了他的真实身份,迫使两人竭力躲避「真实信徒」(True Believers)。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Billy找到了杀害Kelly和Meadow父母的凶手Henry,并将他囚禁起来。Kelly无法忘记父母遭谋杀的惨状,她的情绪开始失去控制。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E13《Executive Produce......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-12 23:15阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月5日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E10《The Prophecy of St. Clare》 Skye在电视剧《崇拜》的摄制场地安慰扮演Meadow的女演员Edie MacDonald(Shauna Johannesen)——Edie自称她认出了童年时威胁过她的两个人,她至今仍然惊魂未定。Jeff和Skye拜访了Edie的母亲(Teryl Rothery)。Peter(Ben Hollingsworth)继续监视Skye。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Billy已接近崩溃的边缘。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E11《Flip the Script》 Jeff和Skye向Kimble博士的助理Allegra(Sheila Vand)询问有关情况,三人随后发现Kimble的实验室已遭人洗劫。Allegra认出Phillip Kellian的手稿几乎与Kimble的一份手稿完全一致。Skye发现Stuart(Jeffrey Pierce)在《崇......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-05 19:24阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月28日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E08《The Devil You Know》 Jeff和Skye努力寻找对付Sakelik的证据——他们相信这些证据能够用来要挟Nate,从而获得他们想要的信息。Stuart邀请Roger周末去他在圣巴巴拉的豪宅度假。Skye与母亲共进午餐并讨论起过去。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly为让妹妹Meadow平安归来与Billy达成一项协议。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E09《Off to See the Wizard》 Jeff和Skye了解到「真实信徒」准备召开一次纳新会议。Skye计划渗透进这个会议,Jeff尾随其后进行策应。当Skye和其他新信徒被带到会议地点时,Jeff却中了调虎离山计,跟错了一辆车。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly怀疑Billy的追随者绑架了Andy。 《少女......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-28 23:12阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月21日)

《Degrassi: The Next Generation》S12E39-E40《Time of My Life, Parts 1 & 2》(特别集) Imogen can’t imagine saying goodbye to Fiona, and resorts to desperate measures to try and keep them together. Clare attempts to move on with her life without Eli, but he is not ready to let her go and, like Imogen, goes to great lengths to preserve their relationship. Will it be too late? Mo wants to lock down a “bromance” with Jake before the summer, but doing so jeopardizes his relationship with Marisol. 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E17《Somebunny’s in Trouble》 When Zuri loses ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-21 21:40阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月7日)

《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E16《We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges》 Jessie offers to help Zuri earn Butterfly Scout troop badges during a Central Park camping trip. Meanwhile, Luke convinces Ravi that lying is a super power. 《Phineas and Ferb》S04E13《Great Balls of Water》 When Candace thinks Jeremy is bored with their usual hangouts, she sets out to find something unique to do with him. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb power through town surfing on a giant ball of water and Doofenshmirtz plans to use his Double-Negative-Inator to confuse his local eatery into giving him a winter......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-07 21:46阅读更多...