标签:Meet the Russians

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-25)(英国与加拿大)

《白教堂血案》(Whitechapel)S04E04(英国) A killer has been leaving coded messages at the crime scenes and Chandler and Miles are forced to question the motives behind the murders as the killer seems to be more interested in the victims’ skin than their death. 《明星探秘》(Who Do You Think You Are?)S10E10《John Simpson》(英国) John Simpson delves into his family’s past this week. He always believed that his great-grandfather was Samuel F Cody, the Wild West entertainer. It was only later that he found out that his great-grandmother had run off with Cody, taking her childre......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-25 23:44阅读更多...