标签:Ripper Street

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-12-9)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E07《Our Betrayal (1)》(英国) A valuable symbol of the British Empire’s wealth shows up in the form of an uncut diamond. It is a jewel ‘freed’ from the diamond monopoly of De Graal by one Daniel Judge, Captain Jackson’s untrustworthy older brother. Reid and Flight find themselves being drawn to the plight of a local craftsman defrauded of his work and income by a scam that is set to return H Division to the malign influence of Detective Inspector Jedediah Shine. 《The Sing-Off》S04E01《The Sing Off Is Back!》(新季) The groups strive to make a kille......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-09 13:39阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● StarZ宣布将意大利剧集《Romanzo Criminale》改编成美国版,负责剧本创作的是StarZ最成功的原创剧集《斯巴达克斯》(Spartacus)的创作人Steven S. DeKnight。意大利原版剧集于2008年播出,故事描述一个黑帮组织上世纪70年代到80年代一直控制着罗马地区的海洛因交易。据称这部剧集改编自2002年出版的一本小说,故事原型为臭名昭著的Magliana黑帮。2005年曾上映过一部根据这本小说改编的电影。美国版将故事地点设定在费城,故事时间为社会动荡不安的60年代末期到70年代初期。美国版主要描述一个从工薪阶层起家的黑帮犯罪组织试图用一切「必要手段」来实现「美国梦」。 ● HBO宣布开发以迈阿密南海滩俱乐部为背景的新剧《C......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-06 1:14阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-12-2)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E06《A Stronger Loving World》(英国) Local churches and synagogues are being burnt and desecrated in the area and Reid believes that the same person is behind the various attacks who wants to exploit the fragile peace that exists between East London’s different communities. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E01《Pilot》(新动画剧) 该剧描述疯子科学家Rick Sanchez(Justin Roiland)在失踪20年之后突然回到女儿Beth(Sarah Chalke)的生活中,并且在她的车库中开了一个商店。更糟的是,Rick总是将他的孙子Morty(Justin Roiland)和孙女Summer(Spencer Grammer)「拖......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-12-02 19:14阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-25)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E05《Threads of Silk and Gold》(英国) An investigation into the brutal murder of a Telegraph Boy reveal a vice racket being run from the offices of the GPO. A ledger leads Reid to the centre of the one of London’s most august financial institutions, Barings Bank. 《好声音》(The Voice)S05E20《Live Top 8 Performances》 The top 8 artists perform live in front of coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, CeeLo Green and Christina Aguilera for America’s vote. 《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S17E11 After 10 weeks of entertaining, stylized dancing ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-25 20:31阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-18)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E04《Dynamite and a Woman》(英国) Having spent the last twenty years in Newgate Gaol, Aiden Galvin is sprung from his prison wagon’s journey through Whitechapel. Within a short time, he explodeds a device beneath the bed of the prominent MP Cecil Knightly, who is against The Home Rule movement. Chief Inspector Abberline believes that the Irish Republican Brotherhood is at work once again and orders Reid to send the Irish DC Flight undercover into Whitechapel’s Irish community. 《好声音》(The Voice)S05E18《Live Top 10 Performances》 The top 10 artis......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-18 21:56阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-11)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E03《Become Man》(英国) An important member of the newly formed London County Council is abducted from his table at Whitechapel’s Blewett’s Theatre of Varieties, where Rose Erskine now works as a waitress. The teams investigation brings Drake back into contact with Rose. Reid is introduced to Councilor Jane Cobden and it looks like the kidnappers are a female gang, and supporters of Cobden’s aims.   《超级英雄医院》(Mighty Med)S01E07《It’s Not the End of the World》 When Kaz and Oliver meet Timeline, a superhero who has the ability to see into......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-11 19:46阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-11-4)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E02(英国) Just a couple of hours after she gave birth in its maternity ward, a vagrant young woman is discovered murdered in a stairwell at Whitechapel’s The London Hospital. As they investigate, Reid and the team find themselves been drawn the netherworld of the circus freakshows. 《超级英雄医院》(Mighty Med)S01E06《Pranks For Nothing》 Kaz and Oliver teach Skylar how to pull pranks, but when the Great Defender joins in he takes things too far and wreaks havoc on the hospital. 《好声音》(The Voice)S05E13《The Live Playoffs, Part 1》 The top 2......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-11-04 19:19阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-10-28)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S02E01《Pure as the Driven》(新季)(英国) Jack the Ripper may be fading into memory, but east London has found no peace. An investigation into the assault of a policeman leads DI Reid and the men of H-Division to the newly-emergent Chinatown, where Jackson discovers evidence of a new and devastatingly powerful opiate. Reid fears a new kind of hell is to be released onto his streets. 《超级英雄医院》(Mighty Med)S01E05《Sm’oliver’s Travels》 Oliver’s social status skyrockets when he performs CPR on a popular girl’s poodle, but j......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-28 20:02阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 在下周的《邪恶力量》(Supernatural),「流浪汉」Castiel将遇到一个可能成为他爱情对象的女人,April(Shannon Lucio)。而在本集过后的第四集中,Felicia Day将再次扮演观众喜爱的Charlie。当Winchester邀请Charlie来帮助他们解决一个问题时,不小心从「Men of Letters」地下掩体的墙壁上释放了《绿野仙踪》中的人物Dorothy(Tiio Horn)和邪恶女巫(Maya Massar)! 制片人还证实Sam和Dean本季都不会有比较稳定的爱情对象。 已播剧情提示 ● 《音乐之乡》(Nashville)2.05:Tandy雇佣的私人侦探发现了她母亲死亡的真相——当年Lamar发现妻子准备离开自己,结果雇佣凶手杀死了她!老兄,婚姻咨询师和心理医生是干什么的?......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-10-19 0:52阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS):Cote de Pablo离去后,剧组并不急于填充一个常规角色来替代Ziva,而是打算效仿《识骨寻踪》(Bones)——找一些类似「实习助手」的「临时工」。这些人将走马灯似的更换,给剧情带来一点幽默感。制片人证实本季前两集将主要描述Ziva离开的故事,第三集则引入一个50多岁的老女人(再过几天就要退休了),临时接替Ziva处理一些文书工作。她和Gibbs是旧相识,从Mike Franks时代起就认识他了。这个角色出现一集,随后又被其他类似的角色替代,周而复始——直到海军罪案调查处的其他人调整好心态迎接一名正式的新队友(应该是女性,否则该剧就严重性别失衡了)。此外,Colin Hanks将回归本季前两集,继续威胁......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-01 0:55阅读更多...

星期日:喋血街头 S01E08 (季终)(英国)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S01E08《What Use Our Work》 Jackson被陷害入狱,即将面临死刑判决。Drake的个人生活一团糟,情绪也低落到极点。Reid的团队分崩离析,莱曼街在痛苦地呻吟。与此同时,Reid纠结于两个女人之间。一起绑架案给了Reid难得的机会重新聚集自己的团队,他们将共同对付一个贩奴团伙。可是Reid自己过去的一个可怕秘密束缚了他的手脚,令他不能集中精神。 该剧已获得第二季续订。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-24 21:58阅读更多...

星期日:喋血街头 S01E07(英国)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S01E07《A Man of My Company》 一个国际船运大亨来到伦敦城,准备收购一条经营不善的伦敦航运公司。他还带来一大群平克顿私人侦探公司的侦探作为保镖。与此同时,有人发现一名机械发明家遭谋杀,Reid对该案产生了兴趣。当他准备开始调查时,Jackson和Long Susan发现他们过去惹的麻烦再次找上门来。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-17 17:59阅读更多...

预告:抗争、社区大学 S04、丑闻 音乐视频、行尸走肉 3×09、周一清晨 1×02、杀手之王 1×04、灵书妙探 5×14、生活大爆炸 6×15及其他

抗争 Defiance 预告(2013-02-05) 社区大学 Community S04 预告(2013 02 05) 丑闻 Scandal 宣传片(音乐视频):禁忌之爱 Forbidden Love 行尸走肉 The Walking Dead 3×09 预告(2013-02-05) 周一清晨 Monday Mornings 1×02 预告 心舞 Bunheads 1×16 预告 交换命运 Switched At Birth 2×06 预告 卡丽日记 The Carrie Diaries 1×05 预告 飞跃比佛利 90210 5×13 预告 欢乐合唱团 Glee 4×13 预告 3 杀手之王 The Following 1×04 预告 识骨寻踪 Bones 8×15 预告(Brennan中弹重伤集) 灵书妙探 Castle 5×14 预告 天堂执法者 Hawaii Five-0 3×16 预告 疑犯追踪 Pers......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-05 16:05阅读更多...

星期日:喋血街头 S01E06(英国)

《喋血街头》(Ripper Street)S01E06《Tournament of Shadows》 1889年8月爆发的码头工人大罢工让伦敦陷入瘫痪,整座城市都被罢工者控制了。一个犹太无政府主义者在此过程中遭人谋杀,Reid和他的调查团队不得不卷入英国政府与「遥远帝国」及全球恐怖主义的战争。等待他们的,将是无情的诡计和谎言。 There’s a dockers’ strike in the East End and anarchists are stirring up trouble among the workers. What looks like a deadly Communist plot is revealed when a bomber is killed in an explosion sparked by his own dynamite. Or so it seems… Upright detective Edmund Reid (Matthew Macfadyen) thinks everything looks just......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-03 21:26阅读更多...