

《分歧者:上升之势》可能改成一部电视电影并衍生一部剧集? 据称狮门公司打算将《分歧者》系列电影的最后一部《上升之势》(The Divergent Series: Ascendant)从影院档期中撤除并转化为一部电视电影,甚至有可能在这部电视电影的基础上拍摄一部衍生剧。今天整个互联网都在炒作这条消息,但谁也无法证实它是真是假——因为最初发布这条消息的《综艺》网站也只是说「可能」。《上升之势》原定2017年6月上映,但《分歧者》系列电影的票房吸引力在逐年下降,引发了狮门公司的强烈担忧(第一部全球票房2.889亿美元,第二部全球票房2.732亿美元,第三部全球票房只有1.792亿美元)。舆论普遍认为,狮门的这种做法是明智之举——既保留了这个品牌,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2016-07-22 1:08阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● Fox宣布购入新剧《Runner》,但却安排它在开发季之外进行开发(正常的开发季一般从现在起到明年3月)。和昨天NBC购入的《Game Of Silence》一样,这个项目也根据一部热门土耳其剧集《Son》改编。故事描述女主人公Lauren Marks原本只是一个普通的家庭主妇,但是在一系列诡异的事情发生之后,她开始意识到自己的丈夫隐瞒了巨大的秘密。眼看自己的生活将被彻底改变,她决定踏上寻找真相的道路并卷入一场发生在美国和墨西哥之间的、以武器和所谓的「恐怖主义」为核心的「隐性战争」。电影编剧Michael Cooney将执笔创作试映集剧本。该剧在某种程度上和已经被取消的ABC剧集《血玫瑰》(Red Widow)很像。通常在开发季之外开发的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-11 23:41阅读更多...

星期四:Siblings S01E05 (英国)

《Siblings》S01E05《Burrito Neighbours》 After Dan and Hannah’s neighbour, Gavin Mulcahy, asks them to look after the exotic fish in his flat for a few days whilst he’s away, Dan can’t resist making himself feel at home. Hannah manages to pull herself away from Swedish sex-murder drama Styckningen to be wooed by a good-looking Irish charmer called Bryn.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-04 21:57阅读更多...

星期四:Siblings S01E04 (英国)

《Siblings》S01E04《Laser Eye Date》 Hannah is tasked with looking after her mother after she has an operation, however she isn’t impressed with the idea of having to spend so much time with her. Dan books himself in for an appointment at the STI clinic and falls head over heels in love with the nurse.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-28 22:34阅读更多...

星期四:Siblings S01E03 (英国)

《Siblings》S01E03《Intern School》 Dan and Hannah are at their old school where Hannah has been requested to make a speech in front of sixth formers. Dan has tagged along because he fancies a snoop down memory lane. Hannah manages to inspire one of the students called Ellie who invites her to undertake work experience at the insurance company she works for.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-21 22:21阅读更多...

星期四:Siblings S01E02 (英国)

《Siblings》S01E02《Vet Drugs》 Hannah’s best friend, Sadie from university returns from travelling, Dan couldn’t care less. But when she reveals she’s now engaged to Rich and he offers Dan a job as a receptionist at his vet surgery, things soon change. Hannah isn’t happy that Sadie isn’t like how she used to be before she went away.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-14 22:22阅读更多...

星期四:Siblings S01E01 (英国)(新剧)

《Siblings》S01E01《Wheelchair Conference》 Siblings is a comedy series broadcast on BBC THREE starring Tom Stourton and Charlotte Ritchie as brother and sister Dan and Hannah. Dan is very bored and has no friends other than Hannah. Hannah’s boss Andy is a functioning alcoholic a fact that she regularly uses to her advantage. After he is sacked and replaced with the determined Annette Hannah realises she’s going to have to find a way to keep the status quo.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-07 22:34阅读更多...