标签:The Exes


《裂痕》(Damages)S05E09《I Like Your Chair》 McClaren’s (Ryan Phillippe) latest leak thrusts Ellen (Rose Byrne) into the spotlight. Tensions between McClaren and Rutger Simon (John Hannah) come to a head. 《离婚男人》(The Exes)S02E12《Pirates of the Care of Eden》(季终) In the Season 2 finale, Eden goes into labor when the gang crashes a party on a yacht that belongs to Phil’s boss read more 《抢椅子游戏》(OH SIT!)S01E06 EVA SIMONS IS THE MUSICAL GUEST – In this fun, high-stakes, high-octane musical chairs competition, 12 thrill-seeking daredevils race head-to-......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-04 13:38阅读更多...


《裂痕》(Damages)S05E08《I’m Afraid of What I’ll Find》 Ellen对她的袭击者有了更多了解,真相令人震惊。Chris Sanchez(Chris Messina)带着新情报接近McClaren(Ryan Phillippe)。 《读心人》(The Listener)S03E11《Captain Nightfall》 Toby和Michelle调查一系列存在严重暴力行为的非法入室案,然而一个将自己打扮成超级英雄的「侠客」也在擅自调查此事,严重扰乱了他们的调查工作。 《离婚男人》(The Exes)S02E11《He’s Gotta Have It》 One of Phil’s clients, tennis star Chuck Feeney, hides from the paparazzi by staying with the guys, who begin to wonder about his reputation as a lad......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-28 23:22阅读更多...


《裂痕》(Damages)S05E07《The Storm’s Moving In》 一场暴风雪袭击了新英格兰机场,将Patty和Ellen同时困住。在焦急等待航班恢复的过程中,只有一瓶廉价的酒和许多痛苦的回忆陪伴她们。与此同时,McClaren发现交易丑闻中存在一名关键人物。 《读心人》(The Listener)S03E10《Lockdown》 一种致命病毒可能带来可怕的后果,Toby和IIB探员们必须尽快找到病毒的源头并阻止它大规模扩散。 《离婚男人》(The Exes)S02E10《Sister Act》 Holly’s plans go awry when she tries to impress her infallible sister by inventing a new identity; the guys find a lot to like about Stuart’s cooking. 《Hollywood Exes》......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-21 13:53阅读更多...


《裂痕》(Damages)S05E06《I Need to Win》 Ellen以为自己早已摆脱了多年前针对她的攻击事件,事实证明她想错了。 《读心人》(The Listener)S03E09《Crossed》 某慈善家遭人谋杀,Michelle在案件调查过程中不相信Toby的洞察力,也不接受他的观点,使得Toby对自己的能力失去了信心。 《离婚男人》(The Exes)S02E09《The Party》 Holly’s new boyfriend, Paul, invites the guys to an amazing party, but Stuart begins to wonder how close Paul remains with his ex-wife. 《Hollywood Exes》S01E09

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-14 18:56阅读更多...


《裂痕》(Damages)S05E05《There’s Something Wrong With Me》 来自McClaren过去的某个人揭示了McClaren个人生活的秘密;Patty与一个对手公开对抗。 《最后的目击证人》(Final Witness)S01E07《What the Boy Saw》 When beautiful Russian doctor Nina Reiser disappears from her home in Oakland, California, the investigation uncovers a tangled web of toxic relationships, thwarted dreams and a custody battle that turned poisonous. What it doesn’t uncover is Nina. Where is she, what happened to her? The DA tries to prosecute her computer-genius husband for her murder, but with minimal evide......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-07 18:36阅读更多...


《比佛利保姆》(Beverly Hills Nannies)S01E03《Nanny-mama Drama》 Kristin needs to step in and help Lucy after Tricia complains that Lucy talks way too much. Cindy asks Kristin to help her find a manny to be involved in her son’s life. Amber rants to the others about Kristin flaking on her – which ends up causing a fight between Amber and Shayla. Meanwhile, Justin asks Amanda to take over his job with Marika so he can work for the Faulk family. 《裂痕》(Damages)S05E03《Failure is Failure》 McClaren的说法出现自相矛盾的地方,Ellen怒气冲冲地要求他进行解释。与此同时,Ellen的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-25 0:31阅读更多...


《比佛利保姆》(Beverly Hills Nannies)S01E02 Amber starts her job working for Ari and quickly learns that she has to be much more than a nanny to the Bellamar family. When Amber gets the opportunity to interview Nicki Minaj on the same day as Ari’s wedding, her nanny job may be put in jeopardy. Enlisting help from Kristin for coverage at the wedding, Amber feels like she is in the clear with Ari. But after a night of partying, Kristin backs out last minute and leaves Amber and Ari in the lurch. Meanwhile, Justin has had enough with Marika and looks for another job with the Faulk f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-17 22:50阅读更多...


《比佛利保姆》(Beverly Hills Nannies)S01E01(新节目) The nannies deal with their employers’ over-the-top demands, including working with personal chefs and ironing designer baby clothes, in the series premiere of this reality series centered on caregivers who work for wealthy families in Beverly Hills. 《读心人》(The Listener)S03E06《She Sells Sanctuary》 Toby和Michelle将在本集中调查一个异教团体和三名年轻女性的失踪是否存在关联。 《最后的目击证人》(Final Witness)S01E03《Fatal Devotion》 MaryJane Baker Longo was a devout Jehovah’s Witness and mother of three. She and......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-10 18:12阅读更多...


《最后的目击证人》(Final Witness)S01E02《Graveyard Love》 Zack Bowen and Addie Hall were both young and beautiful – charismatic fixtures of New Orleans’ bohemian French Quarter in 2005. But they were also a pair of damaged souls. A free spirit who wrote poetry and taught dance, Addie was also on the run from a troubled past. And Zack wasn’t just the beloved bartender and talented musician known throughout the Quarter; he was an Army veteran scarred by his time in Kosovo and Iraq. Zack and Addie fell in love just weeks before Hurricane Katrina, but the bond they formed......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-03 18:52阅读更多...


《读心人》(The Listener)S03E05《Rogues’ Gallery》 Michelle利用卧底身份调查一个喜欢用暴力手段作案的艺术品盗窃团伙,Toby则利用他的读心术为Michelle提供实时情报--就像一个「能说话会走路的监控器」! 《The Exes》S02E02《What Women Want》 The gang’s chemistry is upset when Holly learns more about Stuart than she could have imagined. 《Hollywood Exes》S01E02 详情未知

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-26 12:54阅读更多...


《读心人》(The Listener)S03E04《The Taking》 Toby协助IIB调查一名黑人少女的绑架案,其父亲被公认为一个「战争犯」,这种特殊身份给Toby等人的调查工作增加了不少难度。 《The Exes》S02E01(新季) In the Season 2 premiere, Holly convinces the guys to go to couples therapy when they can’t settle their differences, but her plan backfires after they realize that she is the cause of their problems.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-06-19 12:48阅读更多...


进度 注:2012年广播网的电视节目展示周暨广告投资洽谈会(upfronts)于5月13日-18日举行,本《指南》将持续滚动更新,直至展示周结束。 最后更新时间:5月26日 16:10 NBC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) FOX新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) ABC新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CBS新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) CW新季信息及新剧预告片……….(信息已更新)(预告片已更新) 2012-2013播出季广播网与有线网夏季剧集 夏季节目时间表:htt......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-17 23:57阅读更多...

星期三收视率报告:《死党》一开始就“死”了 《独木岭》大结局创本季新高

星期三广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国偶像:1709万,4.9犯罪心理:1134万,3.0犯罪现场调查:1206万,2.9生存者游戏-一个世界:1036万,2.8Betty White: Off Their Rockers:740万,1.8幸福终点站(季终):367万,1.7死党(新剧):394万,1.2Rock Center:297万,0.8半路情缘(9:00):227万,0.8独木岭(大结局):143万,0.8半路情缘(9:30):193万,0.7 尽管《生存者游戏》和《犯罪心理》都小幅下降,但CBS的常规剧集仍然是当晚人气最高的节目(除Fox的《美国偶像》外)。《幸福终点站》季终集收视率虽然很低,但该剧获得第三季续订的希望较大。NBC的《死党》和《半路情缘》一样是个悲剧--尽管《死党》在媒体上的口碑很好......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-06 21:46阅读更多...


星期三广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国偶像:1787万,5.3生存者游戏-一个世界:999万,2.9善变女人心:409万,1.6独木岭:134万,0.7我用青春买醉:308万,1.2全美超模大赛:138万,0.7幸福终点站:413万,1.9半路情缘:234万,0.8Rock Center With Brian Williams:334万,0.8 《美国偶像》收视率比上周略低,《幸福终点站》小幅反弹,《善变女人心》和《我用青春买醉》平静地结束,后者大幅下降了14%,获得续订已无希望。事实上已经死亡的《半路情缘》与上周基本持平。《独木岭》维持上周的收视率,《全美超模大赛》上升0.1。 星期三部分有线电视网剧集收视率 南方公园:270万,1.5灵异妙探:236万,0.8Sons of Guns:235万,1.......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-30 22:12阅读更多...

星期三收视率报告:CBS整体稳定 《半路情缘》惨不忍睹

星期三广播网剧集最终收视率(修正数据) 美国偶像:1721万,5.1生存者游戏:1047万,2.8善变女人心:418万,1.6独木岭:150万,0.8我用青春买醉:347万,1.4犯罪心理:1209万,3.2半路情缘(1×01):275万,1.0半路情缘(1×02):238万,0.8全美超模大赛:125万,0.6幸福终点站:410万,1.8犯罪现场调查:1138万,2.6Rock Center with Brian Williams:302万,0.7 《美国偶像》有所下降,但仍然轻松战胜竞争对手。CBS的剧集均止跌回升,而且观众人数都在1000万以上。缺少「集团作战」的优势,ABC的《幸福终点站》势单力薄,难撑大局。 NBC是最倒霉的……新剧《半路情缘》的收视率数据简直惨不忍睹。NBC依然没有摆脱近几年的情景......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-23 22:59阅读更多...