标签:The Killing

星期日:谋杀 S03E11-E12 (两集)(季终集)

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E11《From Up Here》 As Sarah seeks peace in the aftermath, the detectives pick up a new unnerving case. Lyric is tempted by her old life. Danette says goodbye. 《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E12《The Road to Hamelin》 Sarah places her life on the line after someone dear to her suddenly goes missing. Meanwhile, Holder’s past is used against him.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-04 22:00阅读更多...

预告及片花:双面法医 8×06、清道夫 1×06、新闻编辑室 2×04、谋杀 3×11-3×12

双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 片花 1 双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 片花 2 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×06 Housewarming 预告 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×06 Housewarming 片花 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×06 Housewarming 片花 新闻编辑室 The Newsroom 2×04 Unintended Consequences 预告 谋杀 The Killing 3×11 3×12 季终集 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 片花 1 双面法医 Dexter 8×06 A Little Reflection 片花 2 清道夫 Ray......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-29 16:18阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E10

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E10《Six Minutes》 Sarah copes with the consequences of past mistakes; Holder wrestles personal demons; Seward is truthful. All the action takes place inside the prison where Seward is awaiting his death sentence. Holder shows up with a case of beer in his car. The pas de deux between Linden and Seward covers almost every color in the gamut of human emotions.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-28 16:47阅读更多...

预告:三女闹周末、真爱如血 3×07、清道夫 1×05、双面法医 8×05、陨落星辰 3×09、越界 1×07、阴险的女佣 1×06、新闻编辑室 2×03、魔幻都市 2×06、谋杀 3×10

三女闹周末 Super Fun Night 预告 真爱如血 True Blood 3×07 In the Evening 预告(HD) 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×05 The Golem 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×05 This Little Piggy 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×09 Journey to Xilbalba 预告 越界 Crossing Lines 1×07 The Animals 预告 阴险的女佣 Devious Maids 1×06 Walking the Dog 预告 新闻编辑室 The Newsroom 2×03 Willie Pete 预告 魔幻都市 Magic City 2×06 Sitting on Top of the World 预告 谋杀 The Killing 3×10 Six Minutes 预告 三女闹周末 Super Fun Night 预告 真爱如血 True Blood 3×07 In the Evening 预......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-22 15:10阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E09

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E09《Reckoning》 The hunt for the pornographer leads to an alarming revelation, and Holder seeks someone to blame. Meanwhile, Twitch and Lyric find their dream home. Sarah deals with the consequences of her past mistakes. Holder wrestles with personal demons. Seward tells the truth.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-21 15:16阅读更多...

预告及片花:超越罪恶 S05下半季、真爱如血 6×06、陨落星辰 3×08、越界 1×06、阴险的女佣 1×05、双面法医 8×04、谋杀 3×09、情人 1×07

超越罪恶 Breaking Bad S05下半季预告:“Hell” 超越罪恶 Breaking Bad S05下半季短预告:“Walt” 真爱如血 True Blood 6×06 Don’t You Feel Me 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×08 Strange Brew 预告 越界 Crossing Lines 1×06 Special Ops Part 2 预告 阴险的女佣 Devious Maids 1×05 Taking Out the Trash 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×04 Scar Tissue 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×04 Scar Tissue 片花 1 谋杀 The Killing 3×09 Reckoning 预告 情人 Mistresses 1×07 All In 片花 超越罪恶 Breaking Bad S05下半季预告:“Hell” 超越罪恶 Breaking Bad S05下半季短预告:“Walt” 真爱......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-15 15:45阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E08

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E08《Try》 The investigation reaches a fever pitch when Sarah goes missing. Meanwhile, Bullet makes a choice to save Lyric and learns a dark secret. If only chunky knit sweaters offered some sort of protective power. This Sunday’s The Killing (AMC, 9/8c) picks up with Linden at the mercy of presumed kid killer Pastor Mark Mike — and we have your exclusive first look at her desperate attempt to get the better of her captor. Using her detective skills, a clearly terrified Linden begins to empathize with Mike, who temporarily drops the knife from her throat. He, ho......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-14 21:34阅读更多...

预告及片花:界桥谜案 1×02、欢闹夏令营 1×02、西伯利亚 1×03、拯救希望 2×04、欲海医心 5×05、谋杀 3×08、密情 4×01及其他

界桥谜案 The Bridge 1×02 Calaca 预告 欢闹夏令营 Camp 1×02 Capture the Flag 预告 西伯利亚 Siberia 1×03 Lyin’ and Tiger and Bare 预告 拯救希望 Saving Hope 2×04 Defense 预告 小律师有大作为 Franklin and Bash 3×06 Freck 预告 欲海医心 Royal Pains 5×05 Vertigo 预告 谋杀 The Killing 3×08 Try 片花 密情 Covert Affairs 4×01 Vamos 片花 界桥谜案 The Bridge 1×02 Calaca 预告 欢闹夏令营 Camp 1×02 Capture the Flag 预告 西伯利亚 Siberia 1×03 Lyin’ and Tiger and Bare 预告 拯救希望 Saving Hope 2×04 Defense 预告 小律师......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-11 15:19阅读更多...

预告及片花:真爱如血 6×05、陨落星辰 3×07、越界 1×05、清道夫 1×03、双面法医 8×03及其他

真爱如血 True Blood 6×05 F–k the Pain Away 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×07 The Pickett Line 预告 越界 Crossing Lines 1×05 Special Ops – Part 1 预告 谋杀 The Killing 3×08 预告 戏中迷局 Cult 1×12 1987 预告 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×03 Twerk 预告 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×03 Twerk 片花 1 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×03 Twerk 片花 2 双面法医 Dexter 8×03 Whats Eating Dexter Morgan 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×03 Whats Eating Dexter Morgan 片花 1 双面法医 Dexter 8×03 Whats Eating Dexter Morgan 片花 2 雏鹰展翅 Rookie Blue 4×04 The Kids ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-08 17:22阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E07

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E07《Hope Kills》 Sarah and Holder get a break in the case. Seward fights against his own mortality. Bullet takes on the role of the protector.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-07 16:13阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 《格林》(Grimm)的执行制片人Jim Kouf在谈论第三季的时候表示:Nick的「僵尸化」问题不会马上解决,他大概需要好几集才会完全「恢复正常」。他的这段经历对他打击很大,他回来以后就像变了个人似的,他必须面对这件事的「长期影响」。要想帮助Nick,需要所有人齐心合力才行。Juliette和Renard的关系并没有斩草除根,不排除他们「死灰复燃」的可能。但Jim Kouf强调,他们并未刻意在第三季中谋划这种故事线。Hank已经打光棍一段时间了,他可能在第三季中找到新的爱情对象。 ● 《少狼》(Teen Wolf)夏季最后一集中有一些「该剧到目前为止最大的场景」,「Scott将用某种行为证明自己才是这部剧集的绝对领袖」。 该剧的执行制片......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-04 21:39阅读更多...

预告及片花:神盾局特工、真爱如血 6×04、陨落星辰 3×06、清道夫 1×02、双面法医 8×02、越界 1×04、阴险的女佣 1×03及其他

神盾局特工 SHIELD 短预告 1(2013-07-01) 神盾局特工 SHIELD 短预告 2(2013-07-01) 真爱如血 True Blood 6×04 At Last 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×06 Be Silent And Come Out 预告 清道夫 Ray Donovan 1×02 A Mouth Is a Mouth 及后续剧情 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×02 Every Silver Lining 及后续剧情 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×02 Every Silver Lining 预告 双面法医 Dexter 8×02 Every Silver Lining 片花 1 双面法医 Dexter 8×02 Every Silver Lining 片花 2 越界 Crossing Lines 1×04 Long-Haul Predators 预告 阴险的女佣 Devious Maids 1×03 Wiping Away The Past 预......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-01 20:53阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E06

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E06《Eminent Domain》 Sarah and Holder catch up to the latest victim. Seward comes face to face with his past. Out in The Jungle, Bullet struggles with the truth.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-30 16:01阅读更多...

预告及片花:真爱如血 6×03、陨落星辰 3×05、越界 1×03、犬人笑传 3×03-04、谋杀 3×06及其他

真爱如血 True Blood 6×03 You’re No Good 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×05 Search and Recover 预告 越界 Crossing Liens 1×03 The Terminator 预告 犬人笑传 Wilfred 3×03 3×04 预告 谋杀 The Killing 3×06 Eminent Domain 预告 魔幻都市 Magic City 2×03 Adapt or Die 预告 少男老爸 Baby Daddy 2×06 Ben s Big Gaycare Adventure 片花 1 少男老爸 Baby Daddy 2×06 Ben s Big Gaycare Adventure 片花 2 少男老爸 Baby Daddy 2×06 Ben s Big Gaycare Adventure 片花 3 真爱如血 True Blood 6×03 You’re No Good 预告 陨落星辰 Falling Skies 3×05......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-24 15:18阅读更多...

星期日:谋杀 S03E05

《谋杀》(The Killing)S03E05《Scared and Running》 Bullet急于抢在别人之前找到一名失踪的受害人,并紧盯着Sarah和Holder的一举一动。Seward对于突如其来的访客很不友好。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-23 19:27阅读更多...