标签:Those Who Kill

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-18)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E09《Victorian》 The competition is at an all-time high with the finale just one week away. The remaining four designers must renovate a Victorian home together. Site manager Jay has his hands full keeping his team all on the same page. To their surprise, the contestants meet their neighborhood council for the first time. However, this surprise is minimal compared to the twist they are given by the judges. Two designers will be sent home. The final two designers will battle it out for the $250,000 grand prize and the title of “American Dr......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-18 17:06阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-11)

《副总统》(Veep)S03E06《Detroit》 Selina heads to Detroit for a economic summit. However her personal trainer comes along for the trip and annoys the rest of her staff and her family. Jonah and Mike try and organize a photo opportunity between Maddox and the vice president. 《凶案背后》(Those Who Kill)S01E09《Untethered》 Thomas tries to keep Catherine under control; Catherine struggles with the death of her mother; a killer continues to abduct couples. 《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S25E21《Pay Pal》 Marge swears off befriending any more couples when Homer offends their charming ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-11 22:19阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-4)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E08《Downtown Lofts》 The dueling teams tackle two empty artist lofts in downtown Los Angeles this week. Their focus will be to present a project that defines them most as a designer. Feeling the pressure, Darren of Team Red builds a unique project in his attempt to prove to the judges he deserves to stay in the competition. Nina Magon takes lead on Team Blue, but she and Jay struggle to divide their odd-shaped open floor plan into multiple living areas. Lukas Machnik serves as site manager for Team Red. One designer is sent home. Nate Berkus h......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-04 22:52阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-27)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E07《Colonial Duplex》 For the first time in the competition, the designers must renovate a single project, a colonial-style duplex. Six designers remain, and the focus for this week’s challenge is to create a “Lowe’s fantasy bathroom.” Personalities clash as the teams are reshuffled. Jay Riordan serves as site manager of Team Blue, but he struggles to lead with team member Dann Foley trying to take control. On Team Red, Lukas Machnik and Elaine Griffin find difficulty in site manager Darren Moore’s casual work st......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-27 19:34阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-20)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E06《California Craftsman》 This week the contestants renovate two beautiful craftsman-style homes with families that require an office workspace for their at-home businesses. Team Blue, led this week by Nina Magon, puts Darren Moore’s fitness background to use by creating an eco-friendly indoor gym for an owner who is a personal trainer. On Team Red, site manager Erinn Valencich cooks up a classy kitchen for a professional chef. After the judges and the neighborhood council tour the homes, one designer is sent home. Nate Berkus hosts whi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-20 21:09阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-13)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E05《Modern Modulars》 Forced to forego their previous teams, the remaining eight designers are put into pairs and asked to design four exact modular homes in just three days. Faced with a blank slate, the contestants must find a way to work together with ease and transform the raw space quickly. The stakes are at an all-time high and the winning team receives a spread in the June issue of Better Homes & Garden magazine. Nate Berkus hosts while Eddie George and Monica Pedersen serve as judges. One designer is sent home. 《副总统》(Veep......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-13 22:20阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-4-6)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E03《Spanish Style》 The dueling teams are challenged this week to create event-friendly homes that are tailor made for entertaining and hosting. This week, the contestants will work on two Spanish-style homes in North Hollywood, Calif. Team Red, led by site manager Erinn, is determined to end up victorious after coming up short in the first two challenges. Team Blue is feeling strong and confident with all of their original six team members still in the competition. However, they struggle to get along with site manager Elaine’s strong o......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-04-06 23:18阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-3-30)

《美国筑梦者》(American Dream Builders)S01E02《Mid Century Modern》 Two teams of designers will tackle sweeping makeovers for two mid-century Modern-style homes that are just a few doors down from one another in Palm Springs, Calif. This week the focus is on bringing a “dream home” to reality. The contestants are challenged to create a stunning “outdoor oasis” and, in the midst of things, must deal with a massive rainstorm that causes delays and frustrations. Team Red (headed by Chicago-based designer Lukas Machnik) focuses on creating a tranquil master bedroom......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-30 22:35阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● BBC America宣布预定该电视网历史上第一部原创情景喜剧——带有浓郁英国色彩的《Almost Royal》。这部7集短剧描述两个年轻的英国贵族Georgie(Ed Gamble)和Poppy Carlton(Amy Hoggart)第一次来到美国,第一次与「真正的美国人」进行接触。Georgie和Poppy是英国诺福克郡一处庞大的田庄的继承人,祖上是英国王室的远房亲戚,因此一生养尊处优,尽享荣华。他们一辈子从来不用工作,从来不用自己开车,从来不用思考任何问题——他们唯一想过的最复杂的问题就是让管家告诉厨师晚饭该吃些什么。现在他们决定到「地球上最棒的国家」游览,还允许一个摄像团队随行并把这趟旅程拍成非官方的「王室游记」。Georgie和Poppy将......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-26 22:57阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● 在成功打造创纪录的《血仇》(Hatfields & McCoys)之后,历史频道将目光投向了一部新迷你剧:《Texas Rising》。据称这部八集迷你剧可能在2015年播出,前前后后已经开发了一年半时间。该剧由《血仇》的制片人创作,《血仇》的核心演员Bill Paxton主演,本质上就是《血仇》原班人马的「新项目」。故事描述美国历史上著名的得克萨斯独立战争(1832~1836)——德州人在这次战争中赶跑了墨西哥人,建立了德克萨斯共和国,赫赫有名的德克萨斯游骑兵(Texas Rangers,后改为德克萨斯骑警)也因此诞生。那时候的德州内忧外患——外有墨西哥军队的侵略,内有科曼奇族印第安人的袭击。德州游骑兵在最困难的环境中崛起,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-14 0:25阅读更多...

星期一:凶案背后 S01E02

《凶案背后》(Those Who Kill)S01E02《The Way Home》 当Catherine等候地区检察官办公室做出批准她重返工作岗位的决定时,Thomas开始秘密调查Catherine的背景。与此同时,一名谋杀受害人的身边出现一条神秘的信息。有人发现了一个自杀的无名氏。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-10 22:36阅读更多...

星期一:凶案背后 S01E01 (新剧)

《凶案背后》(Those Who Kill)S01E01《Pilot》 本剧根据一部丹麦著名剧集改编,而那部丹麦剧集又是根据Elsebeth Egholm创作的畅销罪案小说改编的。主人公Catherine Jensen(Chloe Sevigny)是一名最近刚刚获得升职的命案侦探,在追踪连环杀手的同时,他还在苦苦寻找自己的兄弟多年前神秘失踪的真相。 作为一名新晋侦探,Catherine Jensen早已「大名在外」——但那不一定是好名声。为了侦破匹兹堡市最可怕的谋杀案,为了尽快追到那些犯下滔天罪行的恶徒,她从来就不知道什么叫做「规矩」,什么叫做「界限」。她之所以这样是因为自己有一段不幸的历史。她的兄弟多年前神秘失踪,她一直怀疑继父是个连环杀手(但又没有确凿的证据)。她自己的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-03-03 22:42阅读更多...


人事变动 ● Philip Anthony-Rodriguez将客座演出《格林》(Grimm),扮演Verrat组织的成员Marcus Ruspoli。这个组织为Wesen王室效力,主要负责维持Wesen世界的秩序。Marcus目前的主要任务是为王室寻找并带回一件非常重要的东西(Adalind的孩子?)。他从3×17开始演出三集。 其他综合信息 ● 《今日美国》称《超级战队》(Power Rangers)第22季的标题定为《Power Rangers Dino Charge》,意味着这部儿童剧将重回恐龙主题。在这一季中,一件被称作钻石棱镜的外星物品在远古时代受到恐龙的保护,然而小行星撞击地球后抹去了所有的恐龙,这件物品从此下落不明。来自外星的赏金猎人纷纷来到地球寻找这件宝物,于是一个恐龙主题的新超级......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-09 17:20阅读更多...


已播剧情提示 ● 《黑名单》(The Blacklist)1.13:该剧快变成科幻剧了……在这一集中,Keen探员、Liz和他们的调查组发现一个腐败的收养中介机构向求子心切的家长承诺提供「能满足他们一切特定需要」的孩子。事实上,一群相当于植物人(处于药物诱导的昏迷状态)的女性被他们强行控制,充当他们的「产子机器」。她们被迫通过同一名精子捐献者的精子反复受孕、反复产子(多达27个)。这些女性最终都得到了解救(除了一人在逃跑中被打死),但她们永远无法忘记这段梦魇般的经历。与此同时,Red终于发现Meera并非真正的内奸……Diane Fowler才是。无论Diane作何努力(她声称自己在保护Red),都逃不过被Red击毙的命运。Diane在临死前恳求Red饶她......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-29 23:51阅读更多...


今日重点 ● 如果你已经看过《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow)的季终集,你大概会和我一样对剧情的变化感到震惊:「食罪者」Henry Parrish不仅是天启四骑士中排行老二的战争骑士,还是Ichabod和Katrina的儿子Jeremy。与此同时,Abbie代替Katrina被困在炼狱中,Ichabod被Jeremy活埋,Katrina落入无头骑士手中,Jenny遭遇可怕的车祸,而Irving为女儿杀害神父承担罪责。在季终集结束后,该剧的创作人Roberto Orci向记者谈起了第二季的初步构想。他表示,他们很早以前就已确定战争骑士是Ichabod和Katrina的儿子。他们特意安排演员John Noble在过去的情节中给观众「提示」,但观众只有在重看时才会真正理解那些「提示」。战争骑士将成为第二季的剧情......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-23 0:46阅读更多...