

《女孩堕落手册》(The Girl’s Guide to Depravity)S01E11 An anxious Sam is introduced to the wonderful world of mood-enhancing drugs, thanks to Lizzy’s supplier ‘Pill Pusher Patty.’ Under the influence, she snags Richard at a party and takes him home, but other forces (alcohol) conspire against her efforts to bed him. Lizzie gloats over Drew’s depression at the party, but then gets her comeuppance when she fails to hook up. (TVMA) 《Jennie Garth: A Little Bit Country》S01E03《Dog Adoption》 Jennie adopts 10 untrained dogs from an animal shelter, and the cani......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-03 21:30阅读更多...


图片故事 ● 在本周的《邪恶力量》(Supernatural)中,Castiel又回来了。当然,这意味着Meg也一起回来了。与此同时,一个名叫Kevin的少年被闪电击中后成了「先知」,Winchester兄弟认为他可能是对付海中怪兽的关键。 Meg:嘿,小子,我盯着你呢! ● 在下周的《识骨寻踪》(Bones)中,Brennan的书要被拍成电影了……这意味着有两个演员将分别扮演大银幕上的Booth和Brennan!「电影」中Booth变成了「Andy Lister探员」(Jordan Belfi),而Brennan变成了「Kathy Reichs博士」(Ashley Jones)。如果你看了今天的预告片,你会发现这一集是比较恶搞的…… Brennan变成了金发?Booth变成了愣头小子? 看到自己的「副本」变成这样,Booth和Brennan......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-01 20:56阅读更多...


《创:崛起》(Tron Uprising)将于6月7日播出。你没看过两部电影也不要紧,故事相对独立。该剧描述了生活在Argon城的年轻技工Beck的故事。Argon城虽然位于电子世界的角落,但却是一个快速崛起的都市。Clu的忠实走狗Tesler将军是这里的统治者。Clu的军队离解了Beck的朋友Bodhi,Beck决定为Bodhi报仇。Beck的行为吸引了电子世界最伟大的战士Tron的注意,Tron决定将其培养成自己的接班人。从此以后,绰号「叛逆者」(The Renegade)的Beck开始在电子世界里传播革命的火种,并为电子世界全体公民的自由而战。 共有两段视频

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-01 20:48阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S08E09《Barney Cheng》 The final six women head to Macau, where they get a reading from an astrologer and are challenged with re-creating their auras through fashion and beauty. At the photo shoot, the models have to pose in exquisite silk gowns, while accessorized with silkworms crawling on their bodies. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judge Barney Cheng as well as Tyra Banks on the judges’ panel for elimination. 《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S01E06 Betty White’s posse of senior pranksters is back on the......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-01 17:42阅读更多...

星期四:超感警探 S04E21

《超感警探》(The Mentalist)S04E21《Ruby Slippers》 一家提供变装表演(男扮女装)的夜总会外发生命案,一名年轻人被活活烧死。Jane和CBI调查组在勘察完现场之后,开始根据受害人的社会关系来寻找凶手。他们很快发现嫌疑人多到令他们吃惊的程度,而且他们当中每一个人都曾经恐吓过受害人!Samaire Armstrong在本集中再次扮演Cho的线人兼女友。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-25 20:15阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S18E08《Georgina Chapman》 The models go to castings for the opportunity to open a fashion show for one of the Dorchester Collection Fashion Prize finalists with fashion’s elite, including Marchesa’s Georgina Chapman in attendance. At a photo shoot, a few of the women struggle while modeling heavy Hello Kitty couture gowns. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judge Georgina Chapman as well as Tyra Banks on the judges’ panel for elimination. 《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S01E05 Betty White’s sassy......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-24 20:54阅读更多...


图片故事 ● 《尼基塔》(Nikita):你已经看过预告片了,这里还有几张2×19的剧照。Nikita在这一集中将被一个仇敌擒获并遭到折磨,Michael、Alex和Sean在营救她时又遭遇危险,其中一人差点死掉…… ● 《复仇》(Revenge):在5月2日的新集里,Victoria和Charlotte将为某个人扫墓(David Clarke?),寒冷的天气似乎缓和了这对母女的矛盾。与此同时,Emily发现了一张重要照片(拍摄于父亲死亡的那一天),获得了父亲死亡真相的新线索。Emily去拜访一个神秘的老妇人,并有了一个新的「目标」。 ● 《90210》:Josh Zuckerman扮演的Max将回归该剧并演出多集(从5月1日的新集直到季终)。这是一个很有趣的故事:Max和Naomi曾经是一对情侣,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-17 21:58阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S18E07《Estelle》 The models are tasked with creating a PSA with some young girls for an anti-bullying campaign, where the winners of the challenge will receive a personal video message from a loved one. At a photo shoot, singer Estelle models with the women, who have to pose as art installations during a dinner party. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judge Estelle as well as Tyra Banks on the judges’ panel for elimination. 《Betty White’s Off Their Rockers》S01E04 America’s favorite comedy sweetheart sends her......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-17 19:49阅读更多...


《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E08《Let Them Drink Their Haterade》 The Race takes an unexpected turn when an early alliance is betrayed, and an unforgiving team savors the opportunity to exact their revenge in a game twist. 《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E08《Casualites》 The troops land in Africa, where Tanya and Dr. Hanson work to save a wounded sergeant. Claudia Joy stays home while Denise and Jackie visit the sergeant’s family. Roxy encourages Min-Ji, a quiet, withdrawn wife, to participate in FRG. Roland learns Charlie is in a relationship. Troops standoff against tribal militi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-15 14:22阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S18E06《Jessica Sutta and Nadine Coyle》 The women are mentored by “America’s Next Top Model All-Star” winner Lisa D’ Amato as they are divided into teams to create and record music videos. One model in particular has a tough time catching on to the choreography. At the video shoot, former Pussycat Doll Jessica Sutta and Girls Aloud singer Nadine Coyle are brought in to offer their expertise. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judges Jessica Sutta and Nadine Coyle as well as Tyra Banks on the judges’ ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-10 18:40阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● 时尚频道(The Style Network)宣布开发《Jerseylicious》的衍生节目《Chicagolicious》,6月3日播出,10集。根据节目名称就可判断,节目地点由新泽西搬到了芝加哥。 ● VH1频道宣布开发该频道历史上首个有剧本节目,《Bounce》,由Taylour Paige、Dean Cain和Kimberly Elise主演,Valery Ortiz和Katherine Bailess参与演出,描述职业篮球拉拉队(舞蹈队)的故事。主人公Ahsha(Taylour Paige)不顾母亲Sloane(Kimberly Elise)的反对,执意要加入这个行业。Sloane曾干过这一行,深知其中危险和诱惑。Dean Cain扮演篮球队教练。 其他简讯 ● ITV与激动网(Joy.cn)签署协议,授权激动网播出迷你剧《泰坦尼克》(Titanic)。......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-04 18:26阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● USA宣布放弃开发新剧《Over/Under》和《Wild Card》。前者描述一个赌徒洗心革面重新做人的故事,后者描述两个律师的故事。非常可惜,《Wild Card》是Jennifer Finnigan和Ben Lawson主演的。 ● Erin Cahill加盟ABC试映集《Penoza》。该剧改编自一部荷兰剧集,故事描述一个罪犯(Anson Mount)被人杀死之后,其遗孀Martha(Radha Mitchell)为保护家人不受伤害被迫接替丈夫在犯罪集团中的「职位」。Lee Tergesen扮演Steven,在荷兰原版剧集中是一个替毒贩跑腿的马仔,美国改编版中角色情况不详。Luke Goss扮演Martha的父亲的保镖,奉命照看Martha和她的孩子。Rade Serbedzjia扮演守旧派俄罗斯黑帮成员Andrei Lazarev,在帮派......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-29 23:26阅读更多...


《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)S18E05《Beverly Johnson》 The women head to Toronto for fashion week where they have to go on castings to book modeling jobs. Some of the models get discouraged when they don’t book any runway shows. At the photo shoot, the women pose in foliage while being covered in maple syrup. Kelly Cutrone and Nigel Barker join guest judge Beverly Johnson and Tyra Banks on the judges’ panel for elimination. 《快乐离婚》(Happily Divorced)S02E04《The Burial Plotz》 After the roof crashes in at Frantastic Flowers, Fran pays for the repairs......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-03-27 21:53阅读更多...