星期日:我欲为人(英国版) S04E03

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-02-19 17:39

《我欲为人》(Being Human)(英国版)S04E03《The Graveyard Shift》

Hal is unaccustomed to modern life, having kept himself sheltered from society to avoid the risk of killing. So when Annie and Tom tell him he needs to get a job, he is filled with dread.

Faced with the horror of working in the café with Tom, Hal is tempted by vampire Fergus to come back to the vampire fold as their new leader. Meanwhile Annie is convinced by Regus that the baby should be taken away to safety, or the vampires will surely kill their ‘destroyer’. But when Fergus and his gang attack the house, Annie needs to prove that with Tom and Hal that they are a strong enough team to protect the baby… but are they?

Starring Lenora Crichlow as Annie; Michael Socha as Tom; Damien Molony as Hal; Anthony Flanagan as Fergus; Caryl Morgan as the shop assistant; Laura Patch as Michaela and Mark Williams as Regus.







