
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-04-11 22:21


● 澳大利亚演员Freya Tingley加盟Netflix剧集《Hemlock Grove》。这是一个发生在宾夕法尼亚州某小镇的悬疑恐怖故事(超自然)。一个年轻女孩的尸体在废弃的Godfrey家族钢厂附近被人发现,由于警方迟迟不能破案,镇上谣言四起,17岁的吉普赛问题少年Peter(Landon Liboiron)和傲慢自大的Godfrey家族后裔Roman(Bill Skarsgard)成了最大的嫌疑人。主人公Roman和Peter决定自己去寻找凶手,但他们很快发现了令人惊讶的事情。Famke Janssen将扮演Peter的母亲Olivia(Penelope Mitchell),是这座小镇的头号美人和实际控制者。Freya Tingley扮演年轻的小说家Christina Wendall,她发现Peter在祖父家的池塘里游泳,于是便和他熟识了。该剧改编自一本小说。


● 《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)尚未开始制作,就已经得到德国、奥地利、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、丹麦等欧洲国家的「疯抢」。这些国家的电视台都计划在2013年播出该剧。

● Lili Simmons加盟Cinemax新剧《黑吃黑》(Banshee)。该剧由《真爱如血》(True Blood)制片人Alan Ball打造,故事描述曾经坐过牢的飞天大盗Lucas Hood(Antony Starr)不知悔改,跑到宾夕法尼亚州Banshee镇当上警长,但暗地里仍然干非法勾当。与此同时,多年前遭他背叛的一名黑帮匪徒穷追不舍,誓要将他碎尸万段。Matt Servitto扮演Banshee镇警察局服役时间最长的警官Brock Lotus;Trieste Dunn扮演性格泼辣的女警官Siobhan Kelly;Daniel Ross扮演镇长Dan Kendall,年轻的理想主义者;Emmett Yawners扮演一名曾当过橄榄球运动员的警官;Ulrich Thomsen扮演富有的商人Proctor,在当地他的话就是法律,没有人敢挑战他的权威。Ivana Milicevic扮演臭名昭著的珠宝大盗Carrie Hopewell,如今用化名在Banshee镇过着「隐居生活」。Carrie不仅嫁了人,还生了孩子,她的家人对她的「犯罪历史」完全不知情。Carrie是主人公Lucas的旧情人。Hoon Lee扮演一个有异装癖的计算机黑客,是Lucas打造犯罪帝国的重要帮手。Rus Blackwell扮演Banshee镇上的检察官,与主人公Lucas的旧情人Carrie结了婚。Ryann Shane扮演Carrie的女儿Deva Hopewell,性格叛逆。Ben Cross扮演冷血无情的乌克兰黑帮成员Rabbit先生,15年来一直在追踪Lucas和Carrie的下落。Lili Simmons扮演当地一名阿曼门诺派教徒Rebecca Bowman,二十出头,白天是个看似虔诚的宗教信徒、温柔乖巧的女孩,但到了夜里就变成性格叛逆、可以随便和男人上床的交际花。


● 《灵书妙探》(Castle):僵尸集(本季倒数第二集)是什么样子?就是这个样子!当然……这不是真的僵尸,只是一群僵尸「亚文化」的爱好者。



● 《老爸老妈的浪漫史》(HIMYM):制片人称Robin在第八季会有新的爱情对象,并称他们已经有了「人选」,这彻底排除了Robin本季成为Barney的「新娘」的可能。

● 《交换命运》(Switched At Birth):据称Wilke能否回归该剧取决于演员Austin Burtler演出的新剧《卡丽日记》(The Carrie Diaries)是否获得CW的正式预订。除非CW放弃《卡丽日记》,这名演员才有可能继续演出《交换命运》,Daphne和Wilke的关系也才有希望。

● 《社区大学》(Community):一名角色将「死」在4月26日的新集里。

● 来自《大爱一场》(Big Love)Jeanne Tripplehorn下周将客座演出《男与女》(New Girl),扮演Russell的前妻Ouli。一天晚上,Jess答应帮助Russell照看他年纪尚小的女儿,因此和他的前妻有了「交集」。很显然这两位女士不可能成为《大爱一场》中那种「共侍一夫」好姐妹!

● Lauren Cohan被提升为《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)第三季的常规演员,她在剧中扮演Hershel的女儿Maggie,同时是Glenn的爱情对象。「常规演员」的身份并不能保证她的角色(Maggie)高枕无忧,第二季中Dale和Shane相继死亡就是明证。不过,Maggie和Glenn的爱情应该会持续下去。第三季长达16集,但是会被拆分成「8+8」的方式播出,中间停播2-4个月。

● 在《危机边缘》(Fringe)4×20中,两个世界的边缘案件调查组将为一个共同的目的并肩作战,一件令人震惊的事情与参加过Cortexiphan药物实验的孩子密切相关。

● 在《触摸未来》(Touch)1×07中,Martin试图找到Teller的神秘「工作室」,结果阴差阳错地帮助另一名教授(Logan)在一场豪赌中猛赚一笔。一个年轻的意大利人制造出一种「病毒视频」(依靠分享等手段快速在网络上流行的视频),只为与短暂见过面的「真爱」重逢。一个一心向往都市时尚生活的人计划卖掉父亲的农场,但他从一匹马身上学到了重要一课,开始欣赏父亲选择的田园生活。Martin的弟媳Abigail Kelsey来到寄宿制康复中心探视Jake和Clea,Martin很不高兴。

● Tricia Helfer将在《犯罪心理》(Criminal Minds)季终集里扮演一名「冒充银行抢劫犯」的连环杀手。她每个月抢一次银行,每次都要杀人。调查组意识到她抢银行是假,杀人取乐才是真。

● 媒体女大亨Martha Stewart将客座演出《追梦女孩》(2 Broke Girls)季终集,扮演她自己,这里是一张剧照。Max和Caroline不是需要25万美元吗?对这位女富豪来说,这笔钱还比不上拔一根毛!

● 《天堂执法者》(Hawaii Five-0)和《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》(NCIS LA)的交叉集将于4月30日和5月1日播出。在4月30日的《天堂执法者》中,50重案组和海军罪案调查处洛杉矶分部将集中力量对付一名企图在人群聚集的地方释放致命病毒的坏蛋,来自《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》的角色G. Callen和Sam Hanna将出现在该剧中。在5月1日的《海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶》中,众人跟随逃跑的嫌犯来到洛杉矶,《天堂执法者》的角色Danny和Chin将出现在该剧中。

● 第一印象:《胖子的爱情》(Mike and Molly)的女主角Molly将(在季终集)成为新娘,而《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)的主角Rizzoli将成为「妓女」!

● 来自《24》的Sarah Clarke取代Rebecca Creskoff加盟《密情》(Covert Affairs),扮演Annie的导师Lena Smith。这个角色对Annie来说非常重要,但和剧中所有角色一样,这个角色也有很多不为人知的秘密。


● 据称Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)距离《X元素》(The X Factor)第二季的评委席已经「很近很近」了,最终的签约合同有望在本周末前达成。布兰妮曾提出1000万美元的巨额加盟费,但Fox似乎愿意给她更多的钱:1500万。如果情况属实,这将超过詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)1200万美元的「身价」。此外,布兰妮将出现在本周三的舞蹈类竞技节目《Randy Jackson Presents America’s Best Dance Crew》第七季首集中。

● 据称环球小姐选美大赛的主办方将永久修改参赛规则,允许所有「符合条件」的变性女性参加该项赛事(而不仅仅是上周新闻媒体提到的加拿大变性女性Jenna Talackova)。目前CW的《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)仍严格禁止变性女性参赛。

● BET频道宣布续订旗舰喜剧《The Game》第六季和《Let’s Stay Together》第三季,订数可能都是22集。

● 与此同时,HBO宣布续订《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones)第三季。多数人都认为HBO在第二季首集播出后就应该立刻续订该剧,拖了两个星期才续订让人感觉不可思议(大概是在和剧组谈第三季的资金预算问题)。

● Fox宣布将《Cops》撤出星期六晚上的档期,安排体育节目作为替代。这是五大广播网上最后一个在星期六晚上播出的原创节目,从1989年到现在已经坚持了20多年。从此以后,星期六晚上再也没有原创剧集(从其他档期转移过来的剧集除外,如《糖衣陷阱》)。成也萧何败也萧何--有趣的是,至今仍保持美国历史上最高收视记录的剧集也曾在星期六播出,那就是当年大结局观众人数过亿的《M*A*S*H*》。不过……《M*A*S*H*》只在周六待了一年,创造纪录的成绩是在星期一的档期上取得的。

● Showtime宣布《Web Therapy》第二季将于7月2日播出,《The Real L Word》新季将于7月12日播出。

● 美国国家艺术基金会(The National Endowment for the Arts)宣布撤走对PBS纪录片节目的部分投资,包括《Great Performances》、《American Masters》、《Independent Lens》等,撤资总额达到百万美元。其中前两者投资从40万下降到5万,第三者投资从25万下降到10万。《Art in the Twenty-First Century》投资也将从29万降到20万。撤资的因素有很多,这些节目收视率大幅下降可能是主因。

● 一份研究报告表明,当前美国能够通过电视机直接上网的家庭数目大约占全美家庭总数的38%,这个数字高于去年的30%和前年的24%。有趣的是,电视游戏设备是最大的功臣,大约28%的美国家庭通过电视游戏设备(如XBOX)来连接互联网,仅有4%的美国家庭单纯依靠电视机的网络连接功能来上网。我们国家正玩命地推广所谓的「有线宽带」功能,事实上在电视产业如此发达的大洋彼岸,这只属于那「4%」的范畴。

● 《真爱如血》(True Blood)第五季的宣传照要透露什么信息?

● Hallmark公布了今年春夏的10部原创电视电影。我今天没有精力翻译,今后再说吧。Hallmark的电影多数是浪漫爱情电影,有些确实不错。

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Sunday, May 13 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Genie Francis and Ted McGinley reunite to star in “Notes From the Heart Healer,” the third installment in one of Hallmark Channel’s highest rated film series. Francis stars as Peyton MacGruder who is on the road promoting her first book when she is surprised by her husband King (McGinley) with a weekend getaway to a beautiful seaside cottage for their first anniversary. But when a baby is left at their doorstep, Peyton is now faced with the child to care for, awakening painful memories of her own child she gave up years ago. As Peyton begins to do some detective work to find the baby’s mother, a down-on-her-luck and panicked young woman named Violet (Laci Mailey), she is stunned by the growing maternal instinct she feels for the small child. Soon, Peyton begins to question whether she will be able to give the child back, or if she can ever even forgive Violet – or herself. Can Peyton take her own heart-healing advice and help Violet? Or will she let her own troubled past stop her?

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Sunday, May 20 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Philanthropic entrepreneur Luke Garvey (Barry Watson) buys his old beloved summer camp and is disheartened when he realizes the camp may get shut down for safety code violations. As he tries to fix it up before it is too late, he gets a surprise visit from his former camp girlfriend Zoe (Mia Krishner). She’s on assignment from her development company to get Luke to sell the camp so they can build a luxury resort. They are off to a rough start, as the two had a hasty and unresolved breakup years ago, partly due to Zoe’s strained relationship with her father Frank (Bill Engvall). With the camp at stake, Luke and Zoe start to fall for each other again, and they must learn to reconcile their past with their future.

Hallmark Movie Channel Original World Premiere
Saturday, June 9 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Tough-minded Hannah Beaumont (Sara Canning) grew up as an orphan after the McMurphy gang brutally murdered her parents and younger brother. Now in her 20s, Hannah is a trained bounty hunter in a quest to find McMurphy (John Pyper-Ferguson) and his gang and bring them all to justice, alive. Comfortable as a mercenary, Hannah’s fierce independence keeps the people in her life at a distance: Isom Dart (Danny Glover), the father figure who taught Hannah everything he knows about shooting and hunting men, handsome admirer and suitor Wyatt Earp (Greyston Holt), mysterious Doc Holliday (Ryan Kennedy) and Hannah’s best friend, Stagecoach Mary (Kimberly Elise). As Hannah tracks down several of the gang, she soon discovers they are all after her blood as well, under the supervision of a corrupt, wealthy and very powerful cattleman named Lockwood (Billy Zane). With the help of her friends in the final showdown, Hannah learns a shocking secret that will change her life forever.

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Sunday, June 17 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
When Colonel Griff Carson (Dean Cain) returns home on military leave, he has trouble readjusting to civilian family life with his wife Janet (Kristy Swanson) and two teenagers, Kim (Galadriel Stineman) and Ollie (Alec Gray). Trying to help him acclimate and keep him out of trouble around the house, Janet asks him to help out at her local bakery, which she runs with her faithful cupcake baker Sheila (Donna Pescow). But the disaster that follows when he gets in over his head threatens to tear him apart from his family for good. When a final incident nearly sends the bakery up in smoke, Janet throws Carson out of the house and he turns to an old military friend, to help him fix his mistakes. Refusing to give up, Carson becomes determined to prove he is ready to reclaim his role as a full-time father and caretaker, but is forced to make the ultimate choice between his family and military career when he is offered a promotion.

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Sunday, July 8 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
When single mom Megan Nolan (Candace Cameron Bure) moves to a new town, she feels guilty for uprooting her ten-year-old daughter Caitlin (Katie Hawkins). Seeing that the little girl’s only friend is a neighbor’s dog, Megan decides to adopt a shelter pet for Caitlin. She immediately regrets her decision when Caitlin gravitates to the biggest, sloppiest dog in the pound, Jake (played by Bug Z). Megan’s beautiful new home is now in shambles and, as Megan considers returning Jake to the shelter, handsome ballplayer Ben (Victor Webster) shows up claiming Jake is his dog — the regrettable outcome of his roommate leaving a gate open. Megan and Ben butt heads. Ben wants to take his dog and leave, until he sees that Caitlin loves Jake as much as he ever could. Now it is clear: the pound puppy everyone loves deserves no less than joint custody!

Hallmark Channel Original Movie World Premiere
Sunday, July 15 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Harold White (Eric Mabius) an accountant, who never quite grew out of his awkward teenage years, hires Annie Hayes (Brooke D’Orsay), the pretty and popular girl he knew in high school, to be his dating coach and help him shed his wallflower approach to romance. Annie even enlists her friend Kim (Kathy Najimy), a waitress at a local diner, to be Harold’s practice date. Thanks to Annie, Harold comes out of his shell and wins over a new love interest with the help of their shared passion for classic love songs. Meanwhile, his dating lessons with his teenage crush reawaken old feelings. But when sparks unexpectedly fly between “student” and “teacher,” both Harold and Annie must learn how to make up for past mistakes if they’re going to hold onto true love.

Hallmark Movie Channel Original World Premiere
Saturday, July 21 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Straight-laced Jordan Brady (Kellie Martin) is about to marry her perfect match, Peter Drake (Bradley Snedeker) a clean-cut ambitious attorney until a Vegas bachelorette party gone haywire ends with her inadvertently married to another guy — celebrity Matt Swift (Ethan Erickson). Before Jordan can have the marriage annulled and put this nightmare behind her, the impromptu wedding explodes into a publicity stunt to promote Matt’s latest movie. As Jordan tries to mend her relationship with her fiancé by promising a quick annulment before their wedding, little does she know Matt’s manager secretly delayed filing the annulment. With her wedding day approaching, Jordan finds herself more confused than ever when she starts falling in love with the movie star she’s married to instead of the fiancé she thought was her perfect match.

Hallmark Channel Original World Premiere
Sunday, August 12 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
In “The Music Teacher,” Annie Potts plays Alyson Daley, a high school music teacher who loses her beloved music program to district budget cuts. Alyson created the program to help her eager, ambitious and talented students excel professionally and losing it means the kids will not have musical performance as an avenue to a brighter future. On a personal level, her good friend Ray (Richard Thomas) and the music program have been Alyson’s therapy to deal with the excruciating accidental deaths of her husband and son. Alyson Daley is devastated. Just when she thinks the dream is over, Alyson’s former students reunite to put on a show-stopping musical to raise funds to keep the program – and everyone’s dreams – alive.

Hallmark Channel Original World Premiere
Sunday, August 19 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Based on the popular series of books by best-selling author Debbie Macomber, “Cedar Cove” the movie serves as a back-door pilot to a potential primetime series in 2013. Family court judge Olivia Lockhart is a single mother and respected leader in Cedar Cove, Washington. She makes news when she denies the divorce petition of Cecilia and Ian Randall, deciding the young couple is still very much in love with one another and that they have not tried hard enough to make their relationship work. This gets the attention of local newspaper editor and newcomer to town Jack Griffin. As Jack and Olivia try to heal the Randall’s broken relationship, it brings the two of them together in a way they never expected. Romance, mystery, and lessons of the heart are the threads that weave this tight-knit community together.

Hallmark Movie Channel Original World Premiere
Saturday, August 25 (8p.m. ET/PT, 7C)
Beth Landon (Julie Mond), a small-town music teacher with big singing aspirations has been crowned the Strawberry Queen of the annual Festival. Pulling some strings, Beth has landed country music heartthrob Jason Keith (Trevor Donovan) to perform at this year’s event. A one-hit wonder notorious for cancelling shows, Jason with his bad-boy attitude isn’t what Beth’s mother, Eileen (Shelley Long), considers a reliable musical act for the town’s beloved festival, which she is proudly hosting. Beth attempts to stick up for her favorite singer, but when she finally meets Jason face-to-face, it becomes obvious it won’t be easy. But behind Jason’s rock star stereotypes, he’s hiding a secret about his past that could turn his tanking career around. Along with his Jason’s manager, Beth convinces Jason the festival gig is a great way to revitalize his career and win back his audience appeal. Soon, as Jason spends more time with Beth and finds himself opening up for the first time, an unexpected romance develops and they help each other find the courage to pursue their real passions in life.



文章评论 (2)
2012-04-12 00:08

据称环球小姐选美大赛的主办方将永久修改参赛规则,允许所有「符合条件」的变性女性参加该项赛事(而不仅仅是上周新闻媒体提到的加拿大变性女性Jenna Talackova)。目前CW的《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)仍严格禁止变性女性参赛。。
这是错的,因为Isis King就是第一个变性女性参加《全美超模大赛》(America’s Next Top Model)。而且她还参加Season 11和Season 17呢。

2012-04-12 00:11

