
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-16 23:21

《危机边缘》可谓今年动漫大会的压轴大戏,因为它首次在San Diego国际会展中心最大的H厅(超过6000人)举办观众见面会。虽然剧组(和以前一样)没有透露太多剧情消息,但他们很清楚应该如何「煽情」——毕竟这是该剧最后一次参加动漫大会了!

● 剧组首先播放了一段预告片(见下)——第五季的镜头不多,第四季的镜头不少。你不能怪剧组不给面子……第五季还没有正式开机呢,这里面的新镜头纯粹是剧组为了赶动漫大会的档期而特别「录制」的。这段视频中最让人动情的是Peter和Olivia的一段对话:

Olivia:“[Etta]‘s everything I ever hoped she’d become.”
Peter:“Just like her mother.”

● 与此同时,Walter公开宣布:“I know how to rid our world of the Observers!”“We need Belly!”

● 动漫大会上透露的其他信息包括:第五季开始于2036年,也就是4×19的故事时间。但……是「第二天」。没错,4×19向前跳跃一天。

● Joshua Jackson(Peter)称,那些观察者比观众想象的要「坏得多」。

● 制片人坦言,他在第一季就想好了大结局,但因为不断有新的创作团队成员加入,对大结局的构思也在不断变化。大约两个半月之前,大结局的内容和形式最终敲定下来了。

● 制片人透露,即便电视剧结束了,《危机边缘》的故事仍有可能以其他形式发展下去。「一切皆有可能。」John Noble(Walter)进一步暗示,「我认为拍一部电影是非常有可能的。」

● Olivia和Peter会「永远幸福地在一起」吗?Joshua Jackson只肯说这句话:「他们的故事会完成最后的章节。」

● Henry Ian Cusack在4×19中扮演的自由战士会回归吗?制片人不打算告诉你,“Let’s see if he makes his way into the show this season.”

● 演员似乎真的动情了。当谈论特定的主题集时,Anna Torv(Olivia)、Lance Reddick(Broyles)和Jasika Nicole(Astrid)竟然哭了起来。

● 观众能在最后一季看到女性观察者吗?制片人表示,这个问题今年会有明确答案。这里面有个原因,观众会看到这个原因。

● 《危机边缘》和很多在播剧集一样也打算出书。今年九月,一本详细描述观察者「九月」经历的书将正式发行,一些幸运观众甚至可以在其中「留名」。

● Jasika Nicole在下面的视频中解释了5×01的标题《Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11》。


Hats off to Warner Bros. TV: Fans of Fringe who packed Hall H (capacity: roughly 6,500) at Comic-Con Sunday were given grey fedoras to wear.  We live-bogged the panel for the Fox drama that will air its fifth and final season beginning Sept. 28.

10:06 a.m. An exclusive reel is presented. “They came without warning. They took our world. They enslaved our citizens. To save our future we must look at our past.” Okay this looks good.  Wait, that’s Walter being released from amber! “We finally ruined” our world, he says. And is that Peter and Olivia’s daughter, Henrietta? Chills. Here comes Leonard Nimoy, more explosions, and this; “Rise up. Strike back.” Says Peter, “I think it’s time we cause a few fringe patterns of our own.” Promises Walter, “I know how to rid the world of the observers.” Clip over. Now the panel: Exec producer Joel Wyman, Joshua Jackson, John Noble, Lance Reddick, Anna Torv, Jasika Nicole.

10: 11 a.m. Lights go up. Fans are holding up white cards with white tulips printed on them. Nice. Where’s Blair Brown? She’s got a cold and couldn’t travel. Wyman shoots a video of the crowd saying ‘We miss you Blair.’ He’s gonna tweet it to her. And it turns out that nifty trailer that was just shown was a sales tool to get a season 5 pickup from Fox. Production hasn’t even started yet!

10:15 a.m. Wyman said he’s had ideas since season one about how he wanted the series to end, “but those change because people bring things to the pie that you don’t expect. I had two and a half versions of what I should do at the end and I decided about a month ago.” He did tell the cast how it will end. “In past years we haven’t,” Wyman admits. “We want to write the scripts early to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. If I’m doing that, I wanted to make sure the actors had enough time to bring their ideas and to know where they are going for the final season. I want to make sure they had enough advance warning.” Adds Jackson, “We all want the show to end well, so we want the chance to do our best job.”

10:17 a.m. Wyman said they decided to have an Observer book written that is told through the prism of September’s perception. “We are trying to give you guys back so much because without you, we would not be here. This is the little show how that could.”

10:18 a.m: Nicole talks about how Astrid connects with fans. “Fortunately the relationship that John and I have in real life translated on camera, so this beautiful connection evolved in the storytelling. Astrid’s first big episode was realized because of her relationship with the doctor. It was a lovely way to explore this burgeoning relationship. You saw how much heart she had. I could get killed off in my first show. And I didn’t die! I made it to the fifth season!” Reddick talks about how fans are surprised to see him smile in real life. Nicole joked about how Reddick tried to disguise himself at Comic-Con by donning a Breaking Bad hat. It didn’t work. ”He’s the tallest handsomest man at Comic-Con,” she says.

10:22 a.m. Jackson said he’d like to aspire to Peter’s nobility in real life. Torv says the biggest lesson she’ll learn from her character is “to come.” Um, sexual innuendo much, Torv? That didn’t come out the way she wanted, and the crowd starts to giggle, as does the cast. ”I feel that’s what Olivia needs to learn to do,” Torv quips.

10:29 a.m. Will Olivia and Peter get their happy ever after? Jackson says, “these two will get the final chapter of their story.” Gee thanks, buddy. “The fun part of it is, and not to just be producer-y, but the fun part is the process of discovery. We aren’t trying to tease you, but it’s fun to watch it week to week. The characters don’t end when the show ends.”

10:31 a.m. Favorite scenes time. For Nicole, it’s when Walter is in the phone booth and he can’t remember the phone number to reach Peter. Then she starts to cry remembering the scene when Olivia walks into her home and sees how her doppelganger has taken over her life. Now Torv is crying! Torv then tears up more, as does Reddick, when recalling Astrid scenes. Oh man, it’s a weep-fest. Noble takes the baton. “I, too, am sensitive,” he deadpans. “I love it when Peter chops that man’s fingers off. I’m not going to cry.” Jackson then apologizes that he doesn’t have tears for the crowd. “I’m going to go with Seth Gable and when he was doing his doppelganger stuff. The ways that contrasted his two selves was really thought out and performed. So I’ll go with Lincoln and alt-Lincoln.”

10:39 a.m. Another clip, made specifically for Comic-Con. “We wanted to do it for you because it feels like you all have a brick in the building,” Wyman says. “From all of us and all the people in Vancouver and all the people at Fox who stuck with us … thanks to you because you really own the show with us.” It’s a recap of the show’s last four years, like when Olivia met William Bell, and when she burst through that car window. There’s that kiss between Peter and Olivia, and Peter saying “I’m not from here am I?” There is Martha Plimpton asking about a civilian consultant. Next comes the introduction of the Observer, and Olivia telling Peter she’s pregnant. Such a phenomenal show!

10:46 a.m. Fan question time. Someone refers to Jackson as Pacey; poor guy will never outlive Dawson’s Creek. Wyman won’t say for sure whether Henry Ian Cusick will come back for season 5 (though he showed up in that opening clip). An Australian dude says he camped out last night to see the panel. He asks whether Fringe will live on in other formats. “If this season goes off as we think it will, I would think a film is very possible down the track,” says Noble. ”Of course it will be shot on this, in our trailer,” adds Jackson, holding up his FlipCam.

10:56 a.m. A fan asks for favorite Walter-isms. “I think vagenda still has to be topped. The vagenda line,” Jackson said. Reddick said it’s from the pilot when Walter says “I think I just pissed myself.” Nicole loves it when he calls Astrid names that don’t begin with A, like Claire. One fan then asks why there are no female observers, while two women standing behind her who are wearing the fedoras strike the observer pose and gaze to the stage. “The answer to your question will become apparent this year,” Wyman says.

11:04 a.m. The cast takes a bow. “Thank you so much!” yells Jackson.



文章评论 (1)
2012-07-26 07:24

