星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年2月3日)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-02-03 21:25

《我欲为人》(Being Human)S05E01《The Trinity》(新季)(英国)

Ghost Alex is beginning to adjust to life after death with werewolf Tom but vampire Hal is in living in hell because he wants to get his marigolds on the messy house. After Tom and Alex decide to set him free, Hal is left feeling wracked by uncertainty. Having been sacked from the café, Hal and Tom find new jobs at the Barry Grand Hotel.

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《塞尔弗里奇先生》(Mr. Selfridge)S01E05(英国)

Harry learns that Agnes has handed in her notice because her father has shamed her at work. Victor is pleased that Agnes is no longer working at the store and they end up sharing a kiss. Agnes’ absence is felt as the store. Beatrice sees Roddy and Rose sharing a kiss after he gives her a painting. Rose attempts to convince her sister to keep quiet about what she saw and then tells Roddy that she can’t see him again. Harry surprises Agnes when he shows up to see her and tells her that he can’t accept her resignation. After Harry pays her father off, Agnes agrees to return to work.

《Call The Midwife》S02E03(英国)

Jenny ends up being seconded to a short-staffed London Hospital to work on the male surgical ward and finds herself working under an intimidating surgeon, Mr Tracey. The midwives have a new addition called Jane, who lends a hand in Jenny’s absence.

