星期六:神秘博士 S07E12

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-11 19:27

《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)S07E12《Nightmare in Silver》

Clara打算带她照顾的两个孩子——Artie和Angie——外出一日游,于是劝博士找个好玩又刺激的地方。博士决定将他们送到银河系中最棒的主题公园:「Hedgewick’s World of Wonders」。这个主题公园存在于距今25万年之后,博士手里有「贵宾票」,因此他们四个人全都免票入园。他们可以吃到免费的冰激凌,他们可以玩任何一条线路。如果选择「Spacey Zoomer」,他们甚至可以玩上好几个星期。糟糕的是,他们赶到这里以后才发现公园因为年久失修早已关门大吉,一个衣衫褴褛的演出主持人(Webley先生)、一个擅长下棋的矮人和一支混乱的小型军队将这里当成了居所。这里竟然有一个博士最古老的敌人——Cybermen!人类与Cybermen的战争已经结束1000年了,这个Cybermen看起来只会下棋,事实真是这样吗?

本集由著名幻想作家尼尔·盖曼(Neil Gaiman)执笔创作。他在解释这集故事的时候说:

Jason Watkins plays Mr Webley, this wonderful, slightly alcoholic old showman touring the universe with a waxworks and a chess-playing Cyberman. Warwick Davis is his henchman, who is called Porridge. He’s affable, sweet and helps Webley and cannot wait to get off this planet. Tamzin Outhwaite is a captain named Alice Ferren who’s in charge of the platoon doing troop exercises on an abandoned amusement park planet and as we discover, as the story goes on, it’s actually a punishment platoon. They’re all people who’ve got into trouble. She was sent there for disobeying orders. They’re not the kind of crack troop you’d want if it so happened that a Cyberman moves in – a new model Cyberman that we haven’t seen, who is absolutely lethal and hyper-intelligent.


1. The revamped Cybermen display a range of new abilities…
2. “An empty shell… and yet it moves.”
3. Gaiman’s geek credentials are well in evidence – there’s even a reference to 1967’s ‘The Moonbase’.
4. “Can Cybermen fly?”
5. There’s talk of regeneration and we glimpse all 11 Doctors.
6. “Wait, no… that isn’t good news, is it?”
7. Who fans that have a problem with the Doctor liking girls… look away now!
8. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
9. Ever wanted to see Matt Smith impersonate Christopher Eccleston? Here’s your chance!
10. “You’re the impossible girl.”

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Nightmare in Silver
Nightmare in Silver
Nightmare in Silver
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Nightmare in Silver
Nightmare in Silver
Nightmare in Silver
Nightmare in Silver
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