星期六:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-2-8)

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-08 23:07


Austin Healey, Richard Whitehead, Anna Williamson and Dan Osbourne battle it out in the second of the two semi finals.

《Take Me Out》S06E06(英国)

Paddy attempts to find dates for a selection of different women. If they aren’t impressed by what they see and hear they can turn off their lights. Any girls with their lights still turned on at the end of several rounds they have the chance to be selected to go out on a date with the man. If all the girls end up turning their lights off the man goes home without a date. Paddy also updates on how last week’s dates went.

《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E26《#BrainCrush》

A popular new cell-phone game appears to be addictive to almost everyone, including Sam and Cat’s pals and the audience at Cat’s show.

《霹雳双胞胎》(The Thundermans)S01E11《Going Wonkers》

The kids’ powers go awry because of a comet, but if they stick together, the problem disappears.

