Game Of Thrones 权力的游戏 S04E10 季终集 剧情概述

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-16 22:47



同样在绝境长城之外,布兰、玖健、梅拉和阿多终于见到了布兰和玖健幻象中的「心之树」(Heart Tree),然而不死生物突然对他们发动攻击。玖健不幸被刺中一刀,活不成了,他要求梅拉与布兰、阿多、冰原狼一起逃走。一个森林之子(一个能抛火球的小精灵)引导布兰等人来到一个相对安全的洞穴,她声称他们是比「先民」(The First Men)更古老的生物(The First Men called us the children, but we were born long before them.)。她向布兰引见了「显身」的三眼渡鸦,三眼渡鸦告诉布兰:「我一直在观察你,你们所有人,所有的生命。你或许永远无法再行走,但你将飞翔。」



瑟曦命令科本(Qyburn)尽全力抢救重伤的魔山,并跑去和父亲「谈条件」。瑟曦拒绝嫁给洛拉斯,甚至以公开乱伦的丑事作为要挟。当天夜里,詹姆帮助提力昂逃出了监狱,但是提力昂没有按照詹姆的计划「一走了之」,而是去了父亲的寝宫。他发现他的情人雪伊(那个曾向他宣称「I am yours and you are mine.」的女人)竟然躺在父亲的床上!愤怒的提力昂用雪伊的项链勒死了她。提力昂抓起乔佛里的十字弓找到父亲,尽管泰温声称自己并不打算真的杀死亲生儿子,但提力昂还是朝他射出一支弩箭……然后是第二支。不可一世的泰温大人就这样死了。具有讽刺意味的是,泰温临死前咬牙切齿地说:「你不是我的儿子!」但提力昂冷冷地答道:「我永远是你的儿子。」提力昂登上瓦里斯的船逃离了君临城。


In King’s Landing

Having been struck with Prince Oberyn’s poisoned spear in their battle, Ser Gregor “the Mountain” Clegane (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson) lays dying in bed. Though Grand Maester Pycelle (Julian Glover) is certain that he will die, Qyburn (Anton Lesser) believes that he can save Ser Gregor, and Cersei (Lena Headey) orders him to do everything he can. When Cersei tells her father, Tywin (Charles Dance), that she will not marry Ser Loras, she also confesses to him that the rumors of incest between herself and Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) are true, and that her children have no royal lineage. Tywin refuses to believe her, and she leaves to be with Jaime, where she confesses her love to him.

In the dungeon, Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) awaits his execution in the morning. He is surprised to be visited by Jaime, who arrives to rescue him. Escorting him through an underground escape tunnel, Jaime and Tyrion say their farewells and Jaime departs. Tyrion, using a small hidden passage, sneaks into the Tower of the Hand and finds Shae (Sibel Kekilli) in his father’s bed. When she wakes up and sees Tyrion there, she grabs a knife and tries to stab him, but he overpowers and strangles her. Taking Joffrey’s crossbow off the wall, he finds his father on the privy and talks with him about Shae. When Tywin calls her a whore, Tyrion warns him to not use that word again, but when he does, Tyrion shoots him in the chest. Loading another bolt, Tyrion kills Tywin, and with the aid of Varys (Conleth Hill) they escape King’s Landing.

In the North

Jon (Kit Harington), having gone north of the Wall, meets with Mance Rayder (Ciarán Hinds) to discuss an end to their conflict, and secretly to try and kill him. Mance explains that the wildling army wants to go south of the Wall in order to hide from the White Walkers. Tensions rise when Jon glances at a nearby knife, but before either man can make a move, the group hears a warhorn blast, and the wildling encampment is set upon by a large cavalry, bearing the sigil of Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane). The wildlings are quickly defeated by Stannis’ army, and he and Ser Davos (Liam Cunningham) arrive shortly afterward. Though Stannis wants to execute Mance, Jon convinces him to spare the King-Beyond-the-Wall, and they instead arrest him. After holding a funeral for the deceased brothers, Jon burns Ygritte’s (Rose Leslie) remains north of the Wall, following Tormund’s (Kristofer Hivju) request.

Far north of the Wall, Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright) and his companions near the end of their journey. As they reach the large Heart Tree seen in Jojen’s (Thomas Brodie Sangster) vision, they are set upon by a group of reanimated skeletons. Though Jojen is killed in the attack, Bran, Hodor (Kristian Nairn), and Meera (Ellie Kendrick) are saved by a child of the forest (Octavia Selena Alexandru). She takes the group to the three-eyed raven (Struan Rodger), who tells Bran that he will never walk again, but he will fly.

Across the Narrow Sea

Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) receives a citizen who wants to be sold back into slavery, as he knows no other way to live. Daenerys reluctantly grants his request, allowing him to form a contract with his former master that can last no longer than a year. The next citizen in line brings her the charred remains of his daughter, who he tells Daenerys was killed by Drogon, one of her dragons. As a precaution, she has her two other dragons chained and locked in the catacombs beneath the Great Pyramid.

In the Vale

Having lost their horses, Brienne (Gwendoline Christie) and her squire, Podrick (Daniel Portman), make their way through the Vale. Heading toward the Eyrie, they come upon a young girl who, unbeknownst to them, is Arya (Maisie Williams). When the Hound (Rory McCann) arrives, Podrick tells Brienne who he is, and she deduces Arya’s identity. Brienne tells Arya of her oath to Catelyn, but the Hound is unconvinced by her story, pointing out her Lannister sword. The two draw their swords and fight, and after a brutal brawl, Brienne knocks the Hound off a cliff, and frantically searches for Arya with Podrick. Arya, having evaded the pair, arrives to find the Hound mortally wounded at the bottom of a hill. Though he eventually begs her to kill him, she instead takes the money he had left and departs. Arriving at a nearby harbor, she buys passage on a ship bound for Braavos with the coin Jaqen H’ghar gave to her.


