标签:Bachelor Pad


剧情简讯 ● 《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars):演员Janel Parrish(Mona)透露,「A」的所有成员都将在第三季季终集里曝光(You will pretty much see the ‘A’ team in its complete form in the finale.),特别是那个神秘的红衣人(And you’ll find out more about who that mysterious [person wearing the] red coat is.)。此外,一个被认为已经死亡的角色将回归。Mona酝酿了自己的一个计划,但不一定会成功。此外,第四季已于上周开机拍摄。 ● 《生肉》(In The Flesh)的制片人称,他们真的不想去描述「僵尸病毒爆发」的原因和过程,只想描述「现在的故事」: “We don’t really touch on that, just because we’ve got so......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-03-19 23:46阅读更多...


《好声音》(The Voice)S03E01《Blind Auditions Premiere》(新季) NBC’S EMMY-NOMINATED MUSICAL COMPETITION SERIES RETURNS FOR A THIRD SEASON WITH GRAMMY AWARD-WINNING VOCALISTS, CHRISTINA AGUILERA, ADAM LEVINE, CEELO GREEN AND COUNTRY MALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR BLAKE SHELTON – In the season premiere, the “blind auditions” are held in front of the celebrity panel of coaches including, Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, CeeLo Green and Blake Shelton, who each hand pick vocalists for their individual teams. The strongest vocalists from across the country compete to be s......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-10 13:21阅读更多...


《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E07《Episode 307》 This week offers two challenges – the first is a sudden death dangling competition in which competitors depend on their partners’ knowledge of “Bachelor Pad” trivia to keep them from plummeting down into the pool. The second is a karaoke competition, played out in front of a crowd of 500 at a legendary Hollywood concert venue – with a very special surprise guest. The couple with the roses at the end get to decide whom to take with them to the finals, but their trust vanishes when they can’t agree on whe......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-09-02 17:32阅读更多...

8月29日剧情简讯:美少女的谎言、White Collar、行尸走肉、超感警探、危机边缘及其他

● 《美少女的谎言》(Pretty Little Liars):晕哪,怎么会是这样呢?第三季花了10集来让我们相信Paige就是「A」的同伙,最终……「A」的同伙竟然是一直老实本分的Toby!在夏季最后一集的结尾,我们看到Mona和一个穿风帽衣的人密谈,风帽衣是「A」的典型特征之一。这个人后来「露脸」了,他就是Toby。倒霉的Spencer,原来一直与虎狼为伴……与此同时,我们在季终集里还看到Nate和Maya其实没有任何亲属关系,他真名叫Lyndon James,也就是「LJ」。他痴迷Maya,在遭到Maya拒绝后竟然残忍地杀害了她。后来他将注意力转向Emily,但为排除Paige的干扰决定先对Paige下手。他最终被Emily所杀(Emily也算是给Maya报仇了)。这还不是这一集的全部!Caleb......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-29 23:32阅读更多...


《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E06 The week’s challenge puts the contestants up on stage to perform in a spelling bee. One-on-one dates include a romantic hoedown at a barn and a day exploring the beauty of the Channel Islands. If the couple everyone wants to see gone wins the challenge, the stronger alliance will have no choice but to cut out one of its own couples when the stakes rise. 《明星爱比武》(Stars Earn Stripes)S01E04《Rapid Detonation》 The “Stars Earn Stripes” celebrities must confront their next mission, “rapid detonation,” in which the squa......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-27 13:35阅读更多...


《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E05 Contestants compete this week to stack tea cups in a challenge aptly titled “Great Fall of China,”. One-on-one dates include a jewel-splashed, “Pretty Woman”-style tour of LA and a night roughing it at a remote campsite. Love is blooming all around the house, but a shocking twist during the cocktail party sends one confident player scrambling for survival. 《明星爱比武》(Stars Earn Stripes)S01E03《SEARCH AND DESTROY》 The “Stars Earn Stripes” cast face a harrowing mission entitled “search and destroy” ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-20 13:25阅读更多...


花絮:美国游泳冠军罗切特演出《飞跃比佛利》 (90210) 这位游泳高手终于圆了自己的演员梦。 单身公寓 Bachelor Pad 3×04 被剪掉的片段:谁和老板上过床? 大概是因为这个片段里的问题太敏感了,所以ABC在最终播出的3×04中剪掉了这个片段。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-17 16:52阅读更多...


《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E04 This week’s challenge gets personal when contestants answer highly controversial questions about each other in pursuit of a rose, MONDAY, AUGUST 13 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on ABC’s “Bachelor Pad.” Awaiting the winners are the first 1-on-1 dates – one to play ball at Dodger Stadium, the other an action packed movie adventure in downtown LA. In the meantime, drama is high at the house, as girls start fighting over the men they’re coupled with, both strategically and romantically. 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-13 13:24阅读更多...


《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E03 The third challenge of the season will plunge the contestants up to their heads in “Hot Sludge Funday,” an ice-cream themed obstacle course. Awaiting the winners are 3-on-1 dates to relive high school memories and to get shined up at Madame Tussaud’s famous Hollywood wax museum. Back at the house, contestants will start coupling up romantically, including one fan who, after being spurned by the cast member of her dreams, will have better luck on the rebound. 《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S02E11《Stormy Weather》 Keisha at last co......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-06 13:27阅读更多...


《警界雏鹰》(NYC 22)S01E10《Jumpers》 White House和Jackpot试图劝说一名跳楼者放弃轻生的念头。与此同时,一名未成年人参与一起仇恨犯罪,Lazarus和Tonya必须尽快找到他的家长。Kenny和Ahmad寻找一条失踪狗,但狗的主人让他们赶到头疼。 《复仇者联盟:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)S02E14《Behold… The Vision!》 Now that the threat of alien invasion is over, Captain America does his best to restore hope to the world by rallying what is left of the Avengers. Together, the remaining members travel to Wakanda to repair Cap’s shield, only to find a mysterious ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-05 20:17阅读更多...


● 来自《Wonderfalls》的Caroline Dhavernas加盟NBC新剧《汉尼拔》(Hannibal)并成为新的常规演员。她在剧中扮演昵称Al的Alana Bloom医生,是「食人恶魔」Hannibal Lecter的门生之一。Alana擅长精神病领域的研究,被FBI专门聘为犯罪分析师。后来Alana将她在乔治敦大学的心理学导师Hannibal Lecter教授引见给Jack Crowford探员(Laurence Fishburne),Hannibal从此成为FBI的一名顾问。 ● 来自《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)的Gary Dourdan加盟ABC新剧《情人》(Mistresses),这部同样改编自英国剧集的肥皂剧描述四个现代都市女性的爱情、工作、生活与性爱。Gary Dourdan扮演一名侦探,他将给Penelope Ann Miller扮演的角色带来麻烦。Matt De......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-02 21:50阅读更多...

星期一:单身公寓 S03E01(新季)

《单身公寓》(Bachelor Pad)S03E01 为了25万美元的诱惑,又有一群单身男女聚到「单身公寓」里展开激烈竞争——他们当中既有「资深」单身汉和单身女郎,也有「超级节目迷」,甚至还包括一对性感的双胞胎姐妹。这是该节目首次允许「节目迷」直接报名参与节目。《单身公寓》的终极目的是「让参赛者找到真爱」,但这当中有多少「真爱」,就只有他们自己心里才明白了。 Hosted by Chris Harrison with a new season, joining together some of the most memorable and controversial characters from the “Bachelor” franchise. Five “Super Fans” found through an open casting call, will spice it up in the mans......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-23 13:44阅读更多...


● David Tennant大概是现在工作最繁忙的英国电视演员。四月份他刚刚签约加盟BBC四集迷你剧《The Spies Of Warsaw》,两周前又签约加盟BBC TWO的《The Politician’s Husband》。今天,他再次签下新项目:ITV的八集迷你剧《Broadchurch》。在该剧中,一个男孩遭谋杀后,纷至沓来的媒体记者彻底打破了一个小型海岸社区的宁静。David Tennant在剧中扮演负责调查该案的警探,Olivia Coleman和Vicky McClure联合演出。 ● ABC公布了《传说》(Once Upon A Time)的动漫大会宣传海报。与《格林》、《危机边缘》的海报比起来,ABC的海报要逊色许多。 ● Clark Duke可能成为《爆笑办公室》(The Office)第九季的常规演员。有关细节尚不清楚......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-04 22:43阅读更多...