标签:Benefits Street


2014-2015播出季 ● 《找寻自我》(Finding Carter)的女主角Kathryn Prescott加盟CBS迷你剧《圣灵守卫者》(The Dovekeepers)。该剧根据Alice Hoffman前年出版的同名畅销历史小说改编,将在2015年播出。原著主要描述了历史上确有其事的马萨达围困事件(Masada,72-73年),诺贝尔文学奖获得者Toni Morrison盛赞这本小说「对21世纪的文学做出了杰出贡献」。根据《犹太战争史》的描述,马萨达是临近死海的一座山顶要塞(原为希律王宫殿),罗马人于70年左右征服了耶路撒冷,此处成了900名犹太抵抗者的最后据点。他们与数倍于己的罗马大军对抗了三年时间,最后所有人集体自杀并烧毁了所有宫殿和房屋。「永不陷落的马萨达精神」成为犹太人贡......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-27 23:03阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-2-17)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E07《Ask Me No Questions》 Terrence suspects a potential investor is interested in Raquel. Elsewhere, April discovers that David lied to Felicia; and Keisha is concerned about Terrence’s past and its impact on Raquel. 《Uncle》S01E06《Nephew》(季终)(英国) Sam and Ben’s custody battle is looming. Andy and Errol are offered a record contract. Andy doesn’t realise that the producer of the record label is only after the kid. 《Benefits Street》S01E06《The Last Word》(英国) The cameras pay one last visit to the street. 《Benefi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-17 21:45阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● Lifetime正式预订10集新剧《The Lottery》。这是一部充满未来主义和阴谋论的悬疑剧集,故事发生在一个虚构的乌托邦世界中——由于女人们再也无法生育,人类即将彻底灭绝。科学家通过努力成功让100个胚胎受精,于是一场挑选「代孕母亲」的全国性海选行动拉开帷幕。随着这一科学突破的真相逐渐浮出水面,矛盾冲突、黑暗秘密和看不见的黑手也逐渐显露端倪。无论政府还是强权势力,他们都觊觎一样当代人最羡慕的东西——组建一个家庭的权利。Michael Graziadei扮演正在戒酒的酒鬼、单身父亲Kyle,他的孩子是这个国家最后一个通过母体出生的正常婴儿。Lesley-Ann Brandt扮演渴望得到孩子的美国士兵Casey,她决定参加海选......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-13 0:47阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-2-10)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E06《Walk the Walk》 Work brings Raquel and Terrence closer together. Meanwhile, Felicia pushes April to the breaking point; and the pressures of an investigation plague Malcolm, who receives support from Keisha. 《超级英雄医院》(Mighty Med)S01E10《So You Think You Can Be A Sidekick》 Kaz applies to be Tecton’s sidekick, but Oliver is chosen instead; Alan and Benny form a superhero team of their own. 《Uncle》S01E05《Last Of The Red Hot Uncles》(英国) Sam attempts to ditch her dowdy sponsor. Errol is away on a school trip. Andy attempts......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-02-10 22:27阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-27)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E04《A Cut Above》 Different business approaches plague Raquel and Terrence. Elsewhere, April sets out to impress Felicia and ends up connecting with a new man. Also: Malcolm and Keisha deal with Sean. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E06《Rick Potion #9》 Rick helps Morty woo his dream girl. 《Chozen》S01E03《Beef》 A surprising job offer reunites Chozen with an old enemy. Written by Brian Ash. 《布莱奇利密码》(The Bletchley Circle)S02E04《Uncustomed Goods: Part 2》 The girls inform the police tabout Jasper’s murder and the next morn......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-27 20:49阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-20)

《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E03《The Girl Most Likely To…》 Raquel mulls a partnership with Terrence in his new business venture. Meanwhile, April battles David over a new client, and Keisha considers disclosing a secret to Malcolm. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E05《Meeseeks And Destroy》 Rick helps the family solve their problems so he can go on an adventure with Morty. 《山姆与凯特》(Sam & Cat)S01E21《#YayDay》 Cat creates a holiday in order to buy gifts for everyone, and then she peeks at the gifts and is displeased with her present from Sam. 《Chozen》S01E02......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-20 22:49阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-1-13)

《布莱奇利密码》(The Bletchley Circle)S02E02《Blood on Their Hands: Part 2》 Alice has now been convicted of murder and is facing the gallows. The girls face a race against time to prove her innocence and save her life before it is too late. 《单身女郎的爱情》(Single Ladies)S03E02《Where There’s A Will》 Raquel seeks new investment partners. Meanwhile, April meets a man, but the budding relationship could be more complicated than expected; and Sean’s sudden return creates dramas for Keisha and Malcolm. 《疯狂爷孙》(Rick & Morty)S01E04《M. Night Shaym-aliens!》 Ri......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-01-14 0:04阅读更多...