
星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年1月27日)

《妖女迷行》(Lost Girl)S03E04《Fae-de to Black》(加拿大) 一个案件可能和「新时代心理学」(new age psychology)有点关系,Bo和Dyson决定要追查到底。Bo拒绝向自己体内的「饥渴」低头,不打算吸食性能量,但这可能给她带来危险的后果。Kenzi感觉自己被朋友们抛弃了,决定给自己寻找一个「新的定位」,这导致她暴露出脆弱、易受伤害的一面。 《加州靡情》(Californication)S06E03《Dead Rock Stars》 Hank (DAVID DUCHOVNY) and Faith (MAGGIE GRACE) attend a funeral where they meet up with the bereaved’s tour manager Krull (STEVE JONES), grieving widow (ALANNA UBACH) and childhood pal Atticus Fetch (TIM......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-27 21:59阅读更多...

其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年12月22-28日)

2012年12月22日 《她来自泽西》(Made In Jersey)S01E05《Wingman》 Martina agrees to take on the case of a man whose wife was killed in a jewelry store heist gone awry. Also, Martina must teach her nephew a valuable lesson when he is caught stealing. 《她来自泽西》(Made In Jersey)S01E06《Ancient History》 Martina represents a successful nightclub owner accused of murdering his friend and business partner, while Darlene causes friction at Stark & Rowan when she reveals a big secret to Riley. 《大材小用》(Underemployed)S01E09《The Confession》 Daphne tries to impress Todd by hosting ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-23 12:53阅读更多...


● ABC公布了一批《传说》(Once Upon A Time)2×10的剧照。在这一集中,Regina被指控杀人(Archie?),只有Emma肯替她辩护。与此同时,Cora和虎克在斯托里布鲁克镇登陆之后,开始撬小矮人Leroy(Grumpy)的一把锁。箱子里会有什么? 此外,Jorge Garcia扮演的巨人将第二次出现——在2×13《Tiny》中。据称一个背景故事将以出人意料的方式触及每一个核心角色。 在1月13日的《传说》(Once Upon A Time)中,Gold先生想出一种既能跨越小镇边境又不失去记忆的方法,但他需要一个「实验对象」;贝儿在斯托里布鲁克海港偶遇虎克;Mary Margaret和Dave开始寻找更大的房子作为「新家」;贝儿在诅咒发生之前的童话世界中遇到了花木兰,两人......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-21 22:49阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年12月16日)

注:因校园枪击案的缘故,Fox本周将不播出《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)和《美国老爸》(American Dad),被取消的这两集播出时间待定。 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)特别节目《The Bachelorette: Ashley and J.P.’s Wedding》 Ashley and J.P. Become the Third Couple in the Bachelor Franchise to Marry, Joining Trista and Ryan Sutter and Jason and Molly Mesnick “The Bachelor” Couple Celebrate Their Union with a Spectacular Event in Los Angeles; Pop Singer-Song Writers Lisa Donnelly and Matt White Will Be Featured in Special Performances A Special Sneak Peak of the Exciting New Season ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-16 16:18阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年12月9日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race) S21E11、S21E12《Take Down That Million》(季终) With the $1 million dollar prize on the line, the final four teams race through France en route to the finish line in New York City, where they’ll encounter a terrifying Houdini-inspired Roadblock. 《舞动青春》(Shake It Up)S03E07《Home Alone It Up》 CeCe convinces her mom to leave her home alone for one night to watch Flynn, but a last minute shoe sale pops up so she enlists Rocky to watch Flynn. When Rocky falls asleep on the job and Flynn disappears, the girls are left to find Flynn before CeCe&#......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-09 16:57阅读更多...


● 2009年12月,MTV播出了名噪一时的《泽西海滩》(Jersey Shore),但遭到在美国的意大利裔组织的强烈抗议,认为这个节目严重丑化了意大利裔美国人的形象。当时一名意大利裔美国参议员还专门给MTV写了一封信,要求MTV停播该节目。但这些抗议最终不了了之,而该节目也短暂地登上有线电视网的收视率榜首。如今历史又要重演了……当MTV宣布新节目《野外狂欢》(Buckwild)将接替《泽西海滩》后,又一名参议员跳出来给MTV写信,要求MTV取消该节目。这位参议员称:“…put a stop to the travesty called Buckwild…. Instead of showcasing the beauty of our people and our state, you preyed on young people, coaxed them into disp......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-12-08 18:41阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年11月25日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race) S21E09《Fishy Kiss》 As the Teams arrive in Amsterdam, they come face-to-face with a game-changing Double U-Turn and encounter one of the show’s most infamous challenges in this season’s “Switchback.” 《劫后余生》(Treme)S03E10《Tipitina》(季终集) Davis (Steve Zahn) and Cheeky Blakk go “full ghetto” on Davis’ goodbye to the musician’s life. Tim Feeny (Sam Robards) reveals himself and his intentions to Janette when he finds out that she’s throwing an unauthorized benefit for Gigi’s. Delmond par......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-11-25 17:43阅读更多...


今天竟然发烧了……头好晕,腰好痛……奇怪的症状。今天的新闻一切从简吧。 ● Chevy Chase终于要离开《社区大学》(Community)了。去年这个倔老头和剧集总监闹翻了,直接导致剧集总监下课;今年他又和其他演职人员闹矛盾,甚至说出「我演这部剧集完全是个错误」的话,他的离开也成了顺理成章的事情。该剧第四季明年2月7日开播,只有13集。Chevy Chase已经拍了其中的大部分集(除4×01和4×02外),因此「Pierce Hawthorne」不会马上从剧中消失。如果该剧获得第五季续订,你才会真正感受到他的「不存在」。不过该剧获得第五季续订的可能性很小,除非其收视率有本质变化。 ● ABC公布了《传说》(Once Upon a Time)2×08的四个片......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-11-22 21:07阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年11月11日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race) S21E07《Off to See the Wizard》 Teams race to Moscow, Russia, where they find themselves in deep water struggling to stay in sync during a challenge. Meanwhile, one team makes a costly mistake that threatens their spot in the Race. 《奥斯汀与艾丽》(Austin & Ally)S02E05《Crybabies & Cologne》 Trent asks Ally to write him a song so he can become famous like Austin, however, when they find out Trent stole the song he overheard Austin and Ally working on, the gang must find a way to right the wrong. 《复仇者联盟:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Ear......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-11-11 16:06阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年11月4日)

《舞动青春》(Shake It Up)S03E03《Spirit It Up》 Rocky is in a funk so she and CeCe join the struggling Spirit Squad. Meanwhile, Dina and Tinka become friends and Flynn meets the new neighbor who tells him he has a bad friend reputation. 《奥斯汀与艾丽》(Austin & Ally)S02E04《Parents & Punishments》 Ally accidentally gives away all of the instruments in the Sonic Boom so Ally, Austin, Trish and Dez decide to host a fundraiser in order to get the money needed to buy the instruments back. However, when Austin gets grounded for bad grades, the gang is left needing a backup plan. ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-11-04 15:41阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年10月28日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race) S21E05《Chill Out, Freak》 Teams crumble amidst the intense heat of Bangladesh and emotions propel one Team through the leg after they receive disappointing news from home. 《奥斯汀与艾丽》(Austin & Ally)S02E03《Magazines & Made-Up Stuff》 Trish books Austin the cover of a popular teen magazine, but when the journalist shows up, everyone realizes Trish has embellished Austin’s hobbies, skills and interests. The gang has to find a way to keep the journalist impressed while not getting Austin into trouble. 《Good Luck Charlie》S03E17《Nurse......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-28 20:57阅读更多...

星期日:其他剧集剧情提要 (2012年10月21日)

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race) S21E04《Funky Monkey》 As Team’s arrive in Bangladesh, the game gets heated as one Racer’s enthusiasm pushes their competition to the breaking point. Meanwhile, one Team performs the unpleasant task of working as “rat collectors,” 《复仇者联盟:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)S02E23《Operation Galactic Storm》 The Kree attempt to create a wormhole connecting our solar system with theirs, which will consequently destroy the Sun as Kang the Conqueror predicted. 《劫后余生》(Treme)S03E05《I Thought I......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-21 18:15阅读更多...


● 《革命》(Revolution)的制片人说:The viewer will get a sense of the science behind what’s happening, the political circumstances, why the world went dark as well as getting to know more about the family at the center of it. 《革命》(Revolution)的制片人证实Randall是该剧中的一个重要角色,他将同时出现在现实情节和回忆情节中。今后还会出现更多拥有「神奇U盘」的人。 此外,剧组正式公布了一张「新版美国地图」。我们看到除了Monroe共和国外,美国版图上还有加州自治区、平原国、德州、乔治亚联邦和一块「荒地」(无主之地)。很显然探索这些地区——特别是「荒地」——是该剧的重要任务之一。 ● NBC宣布无......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-10-09 22:36阅读更多...


● 新节目《揭秘》(Secret Life Of…)将于8月31日播出,该节目主要描述古代的「野史」、「艳史」和民间传说。例如:亨利八世真的有「能力」同时满足那么多女人吗?亚历山大大帝和歌手戴维·鲍伊有什么共同点?卡萨诺瓦时代(18世纪)人们用什么来充当避孕套?拿破仑有何不为人知的秘密?诸如此类。 ● 发现频道的《Curiosity》将于10月回归。这个科普节目今年要探讨的话题包括:飞机坠毁、木乃伊、百慕大三角、黄石公园及英国的史前巨石柱。 ● 摩根·弗里曼将回归《穿越虫洞》(Through The Wormhole)第四季,明年夏季播出,10集。 ● Hub的《变形金刚:领袖》(Transformers: Prime)将于8月24日回归。 ● 来自《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-08-03 23:17阅读更多...