标签:Dancing Fools

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月5日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E10《The Prophecy of St. Clare》 Skye在电视剧《崇拜》的摄制场地安慰扮演Meadow的女演员Edie MacDonald(Shauna Johannesen)——Edie自称她认出了童年时威胁过她的两个人,她至今仍然惊魂未定。Jeff和Skye拜访了Edie的母亲(Teryl Rothery)。Peter(Ben Hollingsworth)继续监视Skye。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Billy已接近崩溃的边缘。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E11《Flip the Script》 Jeff和Skye向Kimble博士的助理Allegra(Sheila Vand)询问有关情况,三人随后发现Kimble的实验室已遭人洗劫。Allegra认出Phillip Kellian的手稿几乎与Kimble的一份手稿完全一致。Skye发现Stuart(Jeffrey Pierce)在《崇......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-05 19:24阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月28日)

《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E08《The Devil You Know》 Jeff和Skye努力寻找对付Sakelik的证据——他们相信这些证据能够用来要挟Nate,从而获得他们想要的信息。Stuart邀请Roger周末去他在圣巴巴拉的豪宅度假。Skye与母亲共进午餐并讨论起过去。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly为让妹妹Meadow平安归来与Billy达成一项协议。 《戏中迷局》(Cult)S01E09《Off to See the Wizard》 Jeff和Skye了解到「真实信徒」准备召开一次纳新会议。Skye计划渗透进这个会议,Jeff尾随其后进行策应。当Skye和其他新信徒被带到会议地点时,Jeff却中了调虎离山计,跟错了一辆车。与此同时在电视剧《崇拜》中,Kelly怀疑Billy的追随者绑架了Andy。 《少女......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-28 23:12阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月21日)

《Degrassi: The Next Generation》S12E39-E40《Time of My Life, Parts 1 & 2》(特别集) Imogen can’t imagine saying goodbye to Fiona, and resorts to desperate measures to try and keep them together. Clare attempts to move on with her life without Eli, but he is not ready to let her go and, like Imogen, goes to great lengths to preserve their relationship. Will it be too late? Mo wants to lock down a “bromance” with Jake before the summer, but doing so jeopardizes his relationship with Marisol. 《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E17《Somebunny’s in Trouble》 When Zuri loses ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-21 21:40阅读更多...

星期五:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月14日)

《傻瓜也起舞》(Dancing Fools)S01E03《What the Funk?》 This week, it’s central California vs. Southern California for the $10,000 prize, when the dynamic duo “Crunch Pop,” from Berkeley, faces off against the feminine foursome, “Unitards 4 Life” from Los Angeles  Plus, Melissa cozies up to her “Leg Warmers” (aka, “Dancing Fools” dancers Ryan and Jeremy) and an annoying little brother earns a spot in the Hall of Fools.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-14 21:58阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月12日)

《大厨》(Masterchef)S04E04《Top 16 Compete, Part 1 and Part 2》 The remaining 16 home cooks compete in a team challenge and cook a hearty and balanced steak meal for 101 firefighters. The losing team will face a pressure test and cook their best eggs benedict dish. Later, the bottom four contestants from the previous challenge will try their luck in Las Vegas for the first time in MASTERCHEF history. The four home cooks will split into two teams to prepare their most impressive burger dish at Gordon Ramsay BurGR at Planet Hollywood. The losing team will go head to head in a cook-off th......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-12 21:27阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月5日)

《大厨》(Masterchef)S04E05-E06《Top 18 Compete/Top 17 Compete》 In their first team challenge, the Top 18 home cooks face their pickiest judges yet when they visit a local elementary school and are tasked to create a healthy, balanced meal for over 300 school children. Then, judge Gordon Ramsay cooks alongside the home cooks and prepares a dish using the mystery box ingredients, including cod. Two more home cooks will leave the MASTERCHEF kitchen for good. 《傻瓜也起舞》(Dancing Fools)S01E02《Playing Dress Up》 “Baby Daddy” cast Jean-Luc Bilodeau (Ben), Chelsea Kane (......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-05 22:55阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年5月29日)

《美国烘烤大赛》(The American Baking Competition)S01E01《Pies and Tarts》(新节目) CBS announced today that popular comedian Jeff Foxworthy will host the new summer reality series THE AMERICAN BAKING COMPETITION. The competition series based on the format of the hit UK show “The Great British Bake Off” premieres Wednesday, May 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Paul Hollywood, the star UK baker and current judge of the British series, and accomplished chef Marcela Valladolid will serve as the series’ judges. THE AMERICAN BAKING COMPETITION will f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-29 22:59阅读更多...

预告及片花:欲海医心 S05、回归、我和父母过一生 1×09、黑色孤儿 1×09、雏鹰展翅 4×02及其他

欲海医心 Royal Pains S05 加长预告 法国灵异剧集 回归 The Returned 预告(英文字幕版英国四频道) ABC家庭频道夏季节目预览:梅丽莎与乔伊、少男老爸 ABC家庭频道夏季节目预览:如此一家人、交换命运 我和父母过一生 Live With Parents 1×09 片花 黑色孤儿 Orphan Black 1×09 片花 雏鹰展翅 Rookie Blue 4×02 Homecoming 片花 1 雏鹰展翅 Rookie Blue 4×02 Homecoming 片花 2 欲海医心 Royal Pains S05 加长预告 法国灵异剧集 回归 The Returned 预告(英文字幕版英国四频道) ABC家庭频道夏季节目预览:梅丽莎与乔伊、少男老爸 ABC家庭频道夏季节目预览:如此一家人、交换命运 我和父母过一生 Liv......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-25 16:11阅读更多...


太热了……还不到六月份就已经35度了。今天我罢工,不想写的东西全都不写…… 人事变动 ● CCH Pounder加盟《混乱之子》(Sons of Anarchy)第六季,扮演圣华金县(San Joaquin County)地区检察官Patterson,多集戏份。她是第七个加盟该剧的前《盾牌》(Shield)演员——此前Walton Goggins、Kenny Johnson和Jay Karnes等前《盾牌》演员均已加盟。 ● Matt Rogers将主持USA的夏季游戏竞技节目《夏令营》(Summer Camp)。昨天USA已确认该节目7月11日播出。16个成年人将在该节目中参加一系列根据经典夏令营游戏「改编」的竞技游戏,胜者赢得大奖。 档期与时间 ● FX宣布黛安·克鲁格主演的新剧《界桥谜案》(The Bridge)将于7月10日播出。该剧根......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-24 23:33阅读更多...

新剧新季预告:超脑特工、完美搭档、界桥谜案、谋杀 S03、真爱如血 S06、密情 S04、阳光下的棕榈湖 S04、情人 1×01及其他

超脑特工 Intelligence 官方正式预告片(2014新剧) 完美搭档 King and Maxwell 预览 界桥谜案 The Bridge 宣传片 5 谋杀 The Killing S03 预告 5 真爱如血 True Blood S06 预告 3 密情 Covert Affairs S04 预告 4 阳光下的棕榈湖 The Glades S04 预告 情人 Mistresses 1×01 片花 3 夏季节目 Dancing Fools 预览 超脑特工 Intelligence 官方正式预告片(2014新剧) 完美搭档 King and Maxwell 预览 界桥谜案 The Bridge 宣传片 5 谋杀 The Killing S03 预告 5 真爱如血 True Blood S06 预告 3 密情 Covert Affairs S04 预告 4 阳光下的棕榈湖 The Glades S04 预告 情人 Mistresses 1×01 片花 3 夏季......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-24 15:31阅读更多...