标签:Hit the Floor

星期一:掷地有声 S02E04

《掷地有声》(Hit The Floor)S02E04《Full-Court Press》 Ahsha在「魔鬼女孩」团队中的地位受到威胁,但一个出人意料的对象在最关键的时刻向她伸出了援手。与此同时,Jelena的行为产生反作用,最终搬起石头砸了自己的脚。Kyle和Beau朝着既定目标又前进了一步。Sloane在调查过程中遭遇挫折,对她打击很大。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-16 21:09阅读更多...

星期一:掷地有声 S02E03

《掷地有声》(Hit The Floor)S02E03《Behind the Back》 在Sloane的调查进行过程中,一件令人震惊的事情发生了。与此同时,Jelena在与Ahasha的较量中占得上风。Terrence做出一个重大决定。Jude和Zero合作实施一项计划。Linoel的真实动机曝光。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-09 18:31阅读更多...

星期一:掷地有声 S02E02

《掷地有声》(Hit The Floor)S02E02《Passing》 Ahsha和Derek决定对他们的关系暂时保密。与此同时,Sloane决定对Oscar进行背景调查,German和Derek对抗,Zero对Jelena发动爱情攻势。

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-02 15:41阅读更多...

Hot TV Babe Of The Week:Jodi Lyn O’Keefe

姓名:Jodi Lyn O’Keefe演出剧集:《掷地有声》(Hit The Floor)、《越狱》(Prison Break)、《Nash Bridges》角色:Lionel Davenport、Susan B. Anthony / Gretchen Morgan、Cassidy Bridges生日:1978-10-10 IMDB:Jodi Lyn O’KeefeWIKI:Jodi Lyn O’Keefe官网:Jodi Lyn O’Keefe

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-02 15:08阅读更多...

星期一:掷地有声 S02E01 (新季)

《掷地有声》(Hit The Floor)S02E01《Game Changer》 第二季故事紧接第一季结尾。Ahsha已经单身,她和Derek很快就擦出了爱情的火花。但在他们打算进一步发展关系时,复杂的情况出现了。Sloane同意担任「地狱女孩」的指导师,给原本已经十分紧张的母女关系火上浇油。队长Jelena密切注视着Ahsha和Sloane,寻找一切可能将她们赶走的机会。 新角色的到来也增加了许多三角爱情戏。他们当中包括:Davenport教授关系疏远的明星妻子Lionel;长相英俊的全明星球员Zero,坏女孩Jelena立刻对他产生好感;野心勃勃的初级经纪人Jude,他怀揣一个大计划与恶魔队进行接触。 每个人都有不想让人知道的秘密,但一个更大的秘密可能曝光所有人的小秘密。 该......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-26 23:12阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月29日)

《脚尖上的世界》(Breaking Pointe)S02E02《You Can Feel the Tension》 THE PRESSURE IS ON – With only one week left before the cast of “Cinderella” is announced, Silver plans a trip to the mountains so the dancers can let loose. While Ronnie struggles with the infection in his foot, Rex begins to see improvement with his torn tendon. The competition heats up between Ballet West II dancers Ian and Zach as they fight for the one-and-only spot in the main company. Meanwhile, Beckanne and Chase confront Zach about the rumors they believe he started (#202). 《掷地有声》(Hit......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-29 18:42阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月22日)

《脚尖上的世界》(Breaking Pointe)S02E01《It’s Not Brain Surgery, it’s Ballet!》(新季) The Ballet West dancers return from winter break and begin tryouts for “Cinderella.” Famed former ballet dancer Wendy Ellis Somes arrives to assist Artistic Director Adam in the audition process. With her partner Ronnie out with a foot injury, Beckanne begins to feel the pressure during tryouts. Meanwhile, Allison is torn between staying with Ballet West or moving on. After a night of partying, Zach and Beckanne have a falling out, and Ronnie gets some disturbing news from hi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-22 19:00阅读更多...


● 《谎言游戏》(The Lying Game)的主演Alexandra Chando通过微博证实ABC家庭频道已取消该剧,不会再续订第三季。此前ABC家庭频道一直在考察今年的夏季剧集《扭曲的青春》(Twisted)和《如此一家人》(The Fosters)——这两部剧集的收视率不能说很好,但至少比《谎言游戏》强一些(而且《如此一家人》最近几周一直在走上坡路),于是ABC家庭频道做出了取消《谎言游戏》的决定。目前ABC家庭频道最后一部悬而未决的剧集《心舞》(Bunheads)仍处于「生死不明」的状态。 ● HBO宣布续订《真爱如血》(True Blood)第七季。这纯粹是个形式主义的声明,没人相信HBO会不续订第七季——除非所有主要演员集体不演了。HBO的在播剧集中除了《权力的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-16 23:11阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月15日)

《掷地有声》(Hit the Floor)S01E08《Fast Break》 Ahsha gets an opportunity to shine when Jelena is put on the sidelines. Elsewhere, German and Ahsha clash; Derek shares his true feelings; and Sloane discovers an alarming secret about the organization. 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)S09E08 Desiree’s emotionally charged, whirlwind world tour to find love comes back to the U.S. as she travels across country to visit Brooks, Chris, Drew and Zak in their hometowns and to meet their families. Her spirit and resilience has surprised the men, but she is about to be severely tested by t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-15 19:20阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月8日)

《掷地有声》(Hit the Floor)S01E07《Moving Screens》 Ahsha’s star rises. Elsewhere, Kyle’s behavior irks Olivia; Raquel is thrown for a loop, courtesy of Jesse; disturbing news surfaces about Terrence; and Derek is confronted by German. 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)S09E07 The drama of Munich and Barcelona is behind Desiree, but she still must determine which four men will have the chance to take her home to meet their families. Madeira, off the coast of Africa, is the perfect location for her to meet up with three of her friends from last season — Catherine, Lesley......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-08 19:25阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年7月1日)

《掷地有声》(Hit the Floor)S01E06《Lights Out》 Ahsha gets trapped in an elevator with Derek when the power goes out in the arena before a game. Elsewhere, Pete reveals a secret to Raquel and is once again shocked by Sloane; and Jelena faces a person from her past. 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)S09E06 Desiree flies her eight remaining men to the cultural and romantic hotspot of Barcelona. Drew and Kasey, however, share the burden of a terrible secret concerning James, who they feel is not there for the “right reasons.” The guys are intent on making sure that Desiree lea......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-07-01 19:34阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月24日)

《掷地有声》(Hit the Floor)S01E05《Keep Away》 The Santa Monica Pier is the setting for a Devil Girls performance. Meanwhile, Jelena hatches a plot to create a toxic love triangle, and Ahsha tries to unearth secrets from Sloane’s past. 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)S09E05 Desiree has never traveled to Europe before, and the 11 remaining men hope to make this first leg of the international tour to find love a special one, starting in Munich. Chris gets to explore this culturally rich city with Desiree, but their romantic date comes to a crashing halt when another man interrupts......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-24 13:45阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年6月17日)

《掷地有声》(Hit the Floor)S01E04《Rebound》 Pete and Sloane confront their past. Meanwhile, Jelena plots Ahsha’s failure at an annual calendar photo shoot; and Olivia snoops into the vanishing of a former Devil Girl. 《单身女郎》(The Bachelorette)S09E04 Desiree starts her world tour searching for love in the popular, nostalgic seaside resort of Atlantic City, New Jersey, where some of her hunky beaus will compete for the coveted title of “The Bachelorette’s Mr. America.” And on a more serious note, the Bachelorette and James go on a very different type of da......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-17 13:45阅读更多...