

● 据称一家独立电视制片公司有意翻拍1978年的英国经典科幻剧集《布莱克七号》(Blake’s 7),原剧的创作人曾经为《神秘博士》创作了经典反派角色「Dalek」。关于《布莱克七号》这部剧集,我在《科幻与电视》一文中曾写过这样一段话: (在后《神秘博士》时代)一些来自原《神秘博士》剧组的制片人另起炉灶,制作了《观望末日》、《幸存者》和《布莱克七号》等优秀节目。其中,「劫后余生」题材的《幸存者》2008年被英国广播公司翻拍,反响非常不错。《布莱克七号》则拥有较为宏大的世界观设定,讲述一群(由罪犯组成的)反叛者在银河系中漫游并寻找机会反抗地球联邦邪恶统治的故事。 该剧在80年代的英国非常热门,在欧洲的影响力......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-25 0:38阅读更多...


《荒野寻爱》(Love In The Wild)S02E08(季终集) The final two couples embark on their last challenge, an overnight quest that will test their endurance, strength, resolve, and more importantly, their relationship. This extreme journey forces them to rely on their communication skills by leading them through swampy rice fields, choppy waters, and ultimately to the finish line. The couples have built strong bonds but both experience setbacks as they struggle to finish the race. The winning couple will receive a romantic first class trip around the world. The series is hosted by Jenny McCa......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-23 18:54阅读更多...


《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E14《7 Chefs Compete》 Chef Ramsay wants to bring the spice of southern cuisine to HELL’S KITCHEN and challenges the chefs to put a fine dining spin on classic southern dishes. Memphis native, Kimmie, thinks this is her time to shine, but the other contestants aren’t so confident about preparing a gourmet meal with grits, collard greens and fried chicken. The pressure is on as the competition heats up! Tune in to see who perfects down-home cooking and who is sent home. 《大厨》(MasterChef)S03E14《Top 6 Compete, Part 1》 The Top Six fi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-23 13:33阅读更多...


《洛城公寓》(The L.A. Complex)S02E01《Vacancy》(新季) After the beating he gave Tariq (Benjamin Charles Watson), Kaldrick (Andra Fuller) sets out to make things right, only to find that Tariq has gone into hiding. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the fire, Connor (Jonathan Patrick Moore) is eager to drown his sorrows and turns to Raquel (Jewel Staite) for comfort. But Raquel has her own issues as she faces life-changing news. Back at The Lux, Nick (Joe Dinisol) and Abby (Cassie Steele) take their relationship to the next level. 《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E13《8 Chefs Comp......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-17 18:54阅读更多...


《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E12《9 Chefs Compete》 Chef Ramsay wants to put the remaining chefs’ palates to the test, so he brings in professional competitive eater, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut for a head-to-head wing eating competition. As if that weren’t enough, he follows up with one of his favorite and most notoriously difficult challenges – the blind taste test – and one contestant makes HELL’S KITCHEN history. Tune in to see who has a perfect palate and who can’t stomach the competition. 《大厨》(MasterChef)S03E12《Top 8 Compet......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-16 13:36阅读更多...


《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E11《10 Chefs Compete》 Chef Ramsay once again pits the Blue Team against the Red Team in a high-stakes culinary challenge that forces the chefs to think on their feet. As he whittles down the playing field, Chef Ramsay adds to the intensity by inviting three very special diners to dinner service. Tune in to see who gives their special guests the VIP treatment and who chokes under the pressure. 《大厨》(MasterChef)S03E11《Top Nine Compete》 The remaining nine amateur cooks are faced with one of the most intimidating mystery box ingredients to da......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-09 12:37阅读更多...


《闹鬼的公路》(Haunted Highway)S01E01(新节目) 其实该节目的标题已经说明了其内容,而且你一看到这种标题就应该明白这是Syfy的节目。在该节目中,两个小组将前往美国的各级公路,特别是偏远地区的公路,调查取证各种所谓的「超自然现象」。他们将动用所谓的「顶级特种装备」来跟踪所谓的「超自然力量」,与这些所谓的「超自然力量」面对面地接触,并用镜头来记录一切。 《Michael Wood’s Story of England》S01E01《Romans to Normans》(新节目) 该节目通过一个侧面来描述英国近2000年的历史。节目主持人Michael Wood将前往 莱斯特郡小镇Kibworth,追踪这座小镇建立之初那1000年的时光。虽然有许多细节已经被历史淹没,但这......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-01 20:56阅读更多...


《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)S10E09《11 Chefs Compete, Part 1》 It’s steak night in HELL’S KITCHEN and the contestants are determined to impress Gordon Ramsay and prove that they have what it takes to be a head chef, working under Executive Chef Kevin Hee, at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris Las Vegas. Ramsay brings a little bit of Vegas into HELL’S KITCHEN, as he challenges the chefs’ creativity by allowing a slot machine to determine ingredients for their dishes. Tune in to see who hits the jackpot and whose luck runs out. 《大厨》(MasterChef)S03E09《Top 12......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-07-01 20:53阅读更多...