标签:Penn & Teller: Fool Us


剧集开发消息 CW宣布重新开发《Weaveworld》项目。去年CW曾宣布将Clive Barker的黑暗幻想小说《Weaveworld》改变成一部电视剧集,并且以现代视角翻新书中的故事(原著发表于1987年),但这个项目最终夭折。CW高层对《Weaveworld》这本书非常感兴趣,因此今年他们不仅要重新改编它,而且将其当做一个优先考虑的项目。去年由Jack Kenny撰写的剧本已被放弃,CW决定启用Josh Stolberg撰写新剧本。过去几十年一直有人尝试将这本书改编成电视剧集,但一直未能实现。原著中的幻想部分过于天马行空,需要大量的视觉特效才能实现——直到现在,电视人才刚刚在科技与资金之间找到平衡点(《传说》《绿箭侠》《闪电侠》《哥谭》这些剧集就是很好的例子......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2016-10-26 0:16阅读更多...


加拿大CBC公布2016-2017播出季的节目安排 在其中我们看到:《罗密欧间谍》(The Romeo Section)、《今生》(This Life)均获得第二季10集续订,《密谍伙伴》(X Company)获得第三季10集续订,《Murdoch Mysteries》获得第十季18集续订,《Heartland》获得第十季18集续订(此前我们已经知道)。CBC还宣布了这些新剧: 《Caught》,6集,根据Lisa Moore的同名小说改编,Allan Hawco扮演主人公David Slaney,他因为走私大麻而被关进新斯科舍一座监狱。在服刑六年之后,他逃狱了。他踏上了一条深入拉美洲的旅程,试图与死党兼犯罪搭档重新取得联系——可就是这位所谓的好友当年让他一个人承担了所有的罪责。Slaney尝到了自由的滋味,但他不能......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2016-04-02 1:02阅读更多...


正式剧集预订及相关消息 ● ITV正式宣布预订《弗兰肯斯坦传奇》(The Frankenstein Chronicles)六集,这将是ITV Encore频道历史上首部原创剧集。该剧是1818年Mary Shelley创作的经典恐怖小说的「现代改编版」,Sean Bean将扮演John Marlott侦探,正在同一个从黑暗科学中诞生的怪物战斗。1827年,泰晤士河警察局成功缉捕了一个走私鸦片的团伙,英国内政大臣Robert Peel爵士随后招募Marlott执行一项特殊使命。在那次缉捕行动中,Marlott站在河岸边观察行动过程,但他很快发现冲到河岸边的尸体并非人类。事实上,这是由不同人体器官「拼装」起来的一个怪物,形态虽然像人(准确地说像人类的孩子),但样貌异常诡异。这个怪物记住了Marlott,......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-18 23:47阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E09 (季终集)

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E09《Teller Sucks… Helium》 FOOL ME ONCE – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-24 23:49阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E08

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E08《The Magic of Polyester》 WILL PENN & TELLER BE FOOLED THIS WEEK? – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featu......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-17 23:18阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E07

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E07《Penn Gets Nailed》 WORLD-FAMOUS MAGICIANS PENN & TELLER BRING MAGIC TO THE CW – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The ma......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-10 23:08阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E06

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E06《Teller is a Blockhead》 WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episo......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-03 23:38阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E05

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E05《Water Tanks for the Memories》 WILL WORLD-FAMOUS MAGICIANS PENN & TELLER BE FOOLED THIS WEEK? – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-27 22:43阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E04

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E03《Solid Goldfish》 WILL PENN & TELLER BE FOOLED THIS WEEK? – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-20 23:16阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E03

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E03《A Bellyful of Needles》 WORLD-FAMOUS MAGICIANS PENN & TELLER BRING MAGIC TO THE CW – Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. T......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-13 23:06阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E02

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E02《How to Saw a Woman in Half》 Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller, who will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. The magicians featured in the episode include Ali Cook, Michael Vin......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-06 23:24阅读更多...

星期三:Penn & Teller: Fool Us S01E01 (新节目)

《Penn & Teller: Fool Us》S01E01《Stab a Card, Any Card…》 Aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller. They will get to see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. There are no camera tricks, secret edits or helpful camera cuts. This is all real magic. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figur......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-07-30 23:22阅读更多...