
星期六:机器鳄鱼 (Syfy电视电影)

机器鳄鱼 Robocroc 一项军方的纳米技术实验出现严重问题,导致某动物园中一只巨型鳄鱼被感染。鳄鱼很快发生变异,变成一只半生物半机器的金属杀人恶魔!Corin Nemec和Dee Wallace主演该片。 When a top-secret unmanned spacecraft disintegrates on re-entry, its mysterious military payload crash-lands in the crocodile habitat of a place called Adventure Land, a combination water park, amusement land and world-famous crocodile exhibit. Following its pre-programmed instructions, the payload – a next-generation nanotech-based combat drone – finds a host in the form of the park’s prize twenty-foot Australia......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-14 19:28阅读更多...