
星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-6-18)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S02E04《Hooker》 Grace考虑再次从事卧底任务。Elliot斥责Leni与国防部进行联络的做法。Billy与人打了一架。Spud和Ray找到一个不靠谱的盟友。Ethan的联络人询问「Nina」的情况。 《魅力克利夫兰》(Hot In Cleveland)S05E11《Undercover Lovers》 Joy and Bob go undercover as a couple; Elka is at odds with a political rival. 《鸭子王朝》(Duck Dynasty)S06E02《Quack And Gown》 Jase takes Reed frog hunting the night before his graduation; Korie, Jep, Jessica and Kay pull a prank on Missy and Jase. 《Youngers》S02E07《Hotter Than the Sun》(英国) It looks like Ashley is solely f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-18 23:33阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-6-11)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S02E03《You just Get Used To It》 Grace发现Ethan没有说实话。Leni与五角大楼的某人进行联系,对Ethan与他的团队相遇的情况进行了详细了解。Ethan受到Lee的跟踪,Ethan感觉他和他的团队有危险。Billy和Evie的关系变得更为亲密。 《魅力克利夫兰》(Hot In Cleveland)S05E10《Bucket: We’re Going To New York》 Victoria confesses a secret to Maddie. Melanie, Joy and Elka decide they want to live out their bucket lists. 《鸭子王朝》(Duck Dynasty)S06E01《Governor’s Travels》(新季) Willie receives a commerce award from the governor of Louisiana in the Season 6 premiere. ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-11 23:32阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-6-4)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S02E02《Saints of the Dead》 Grace找到Elliot和Leni,说出了自己对寻找Sarah的忧虑。一些证据被警方发现。Lee侦探成为一名中间人。Elliot将他们这次调查的真实目的告诉Leni。Ethan、Ray和Spud得知真相后决定采取行动。 《魅力克利夫兰》(Hot In Cleveland)S05E09《Bad George Clooney》(夏季档) The ladies see a pet therapist when their dog exhibits signs of depression. Once there, the therapist is quick to place the blame on them. 《24 Hours in A&E》S06E05(英国) The show takes a look at how how the A&E is a place where wisdom and insight is passed on. 《恩格尔一家》(......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-06-04 22:37阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-28)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S02E01《Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll》(新季) 当Grace调查一个卖淫团伙时,她的母亲出人意料地来到她家中,她的家庭生活变得更加复杂。 Cole Hauser在第二季中扮演新角色Ethan Kelly。他曾是一名军人,退役后成为保安顾问,擅长反谍报工作。9-11事件之前他还是法学院的学生,之后便投笔从戎,跑到海外去报复「敌对国家」。多年之后再回到美国,他感觉自己彻底迷失了。他在一家保安公司中找了一份差事,这家公司就相当于现实生活中的「黑水公司」。他逐渐厌倦了这种平淡的生活,于是决定自己创办一家保安服务公司,专门从事企业间谍活动。当本季开始的时候,FBI和Grace对这家公司的资金来源、人员构成和所从事的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-28 23:00阅读更多...


剧情简讯 ● 《欢乐合唱团》(Glee):Sue Sylvester不仅回到了McKinley高中,而且还当上了校长!五年过去了,Sue仍然痛恨合唱团,仍然想要毁灭它。Sue当上了校长?这倒是挺新鲜。她还和以前一样「邪恶」么?她还会玩以前的花招么?此外,已确认两首披头士乐队的经典歌曲《I Saw Her Standing There》和《Yesterday》将在5×01中被翻唱(5×01和5×02是披头士乐队的致敬集)。该剧还将新增一个高中生角色,对演员的要求是「能够善舞」,「超级可爱」。 ● 《传说》(Once Upon A Time)的制片人说,本季将重点关注船上那六个角色外带Neal(Baelfire),其他角色的故事都会被「挤掉」。换句话说,如果你想知道花木兰、Aurora和Ph......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-30 23:24阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● 《真爱如血》(True Blood):Eric真的死了?不知道。但该剧的制片人今天公开对媒体表示Alexander Skarsgard将回归第七季,而且他仍然是该剧的常规演员。这不一定意味着他还活着,但他会继续全程演出(该剧有很多种方法让一个角色存在,「活着」只是其中一种)。他暗示第七季中首先找到Eric的或许是Pam。他还表示Alexander Skarsgard是个瑞典人,裸体是这个民族的天性(They’re naked all the time.),因此Alexander Skarsgard对正面全裸出镜毫不在意。至于Sookie的爱情生活,制片人称他们有意在第七季中构建Alcide-Sookie-Bill爱情三角。第七季将回归故事本源,即再次以「人类和吸血鬼是否能共存」为主线。人类和吸血鬼的关系......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-08-22 0:01阅读更多...


● 15年前,制片人Darren Star买下一本女性小说的改编权,并以其中「某报社女性专栏作家」为主人公创作出获奖无数的HBO剧集《欲望都市》(Sex And The City)。今天,Darren Star想要「复制」自己过去的成功经历。据称他已经买下小说《The Honest Toddler》的改编权,书中详细记录了女作家Bunmi Laditan开办微博的故事。据称这个Twitter微博是Bunmi Laditan为其两岁大的女儿开办的,她将女儿童言无忌的「幽默话语」公布给世人,迅速引起了关注。从2012年5月开博至今,她已经有了23.8万名Twitter追随者,13.5万名Facebook爱好者。这个小女孩的「经典例句」:“Tonight’s bedtime story was about three pigs struggling with repeat home inva......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-06-12 22:03阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013年5月29日)

《美国烘烤大赛》(The American Baking Competition)S01E01《Pies and Tarts》(新节目) CBS announced today that popular comedian Jeff Foxworthy will host the new summer reality series THE AMERICAN BAKING COMPETITION. The competition series based on the format of the hit UK show “The Great British Bake Off” premieres Wednesday, May 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Paul Hollywood, the star UK baker and current judge of the British series, and accomplished chef Marcela Valladolid will serve as the series’ judges. THE AMERICAN BAKING COMPETITION will f......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-29 22:59阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年5月22日)

《大厨》(Masterchef)S04E01《Auditions #1》(新季) Two-Hour Season Premiere After a nationwide search, the best home cooks in America arrive in Los Angeles to present their signature dishes to judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich and Graham Elliot. The hopefuls whose dishes impress the judges the most will earn a coveted white apron and move onto the next round. 《大厨》(Masterchef)S04E02《Auditions #2》 Two-Hour Season Premiere After a nationwide search, the best home cooks in America arrive in Los Angeles to present their signature dishes to judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich and......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-22 22:46阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年5月15日)

《舞林争霸》(So You Think You Can Dance)S10E01B《Audition City #2》 The search for “America’s Favorite Dancer” continues tonight in Part Two of the 10th season premiere of SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. Watch what happens when the most gifted dancers – skilled in a variety of dance styles, including jazz and krumping – all compete for a prized spot on the live shows in Los Angeles. See who the judges like. 《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S01E08《A House Is Not A Home》 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E12《Dead Air》 Shawn and Gus go undercover as radio personalities to find ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-15 21:58阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年5月8日)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S01E07《Rumpus》 Mitch warns Grace about confiding in Jimmy about her suspicions regardinging Max. Max is aware of Grace’s real identity and tells Alec. Grace and Mitch go to the parking lot where she was supposed to meet Michael Chen. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E11《Office Space》 When Gus accidentally tampers with a crime, Shawn must find the murderer before Gus is arrested. 《好声音》(The Voice)S04E15《The Live Playoffs, Results》(特别集) America’s vote will put through the top two artists from each team and the coaches will each save one leaving t......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-09 0:09阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年5月1日)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S01E06《The Second Amendment》 Grace learns about the missing money from Jimmy before investigating the abandoned shooting range; Grace sends Tom and Evie packing; Grace gets into Santa Rita with Mitch’s help. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E10《Santa Barbarian Candidate》 When the mayor dies in an apparent surfing accident, Shawn runs for the office. 《生存者游戏》(Survivor)S26E12《The Beginning of the End》 Two immunity challenges and two Tribal Councils raise the stakes, forcing castaways to consider big moves on their biggest threats. 《美国偶像》(American I......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-05-01 22:16阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月24日)

《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S01E05《Hawala》 Grace has a police insider trace the money found in Charlie’s safe; Alec learns that Max will be taking over Charlie’s business; Tom seeks comfort with Shelley; a masked gunman ambushes Grace. 《灵异妙探》(Psych)S07E09《Juliet Wears the Pantsuit》 Shawn and Woody bond, while Juliet spends time with a person who Shawn suspects is a killer. 《生存者游戏》(Survivor)S26E11《Come Over to the Dark Side》 The popular food auction returns and the Three Amigos concoct a lie in attempt to take control of the game. 《美国偶像》(American Idol......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-24 22:30阅读更多...

星期三:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年4月10日)

《南国警察》(Southland)S05E09《Chaos》 In episode nine, chaos prevails in the city of angels when Cooper and Lucero are kidnapped and held hostage by a pair of tweakers. All of our cops join the frantic search to find their brothers in blue before it is too late. Sammy searches for Strokeface. Ben tries to throw Sammy off the trail while simultaneously dealing with an increasingly irrational Brooke (guest star Annie Monroe). 《卧底情劫》(Rogue)S01E03《Cathy’s Song》 A firebombing drops the Laszlos between a vengeful Chinese gang and justice-seeking police. Grace finds a lin......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-10 23:43阅读更多...

星期三:卧底情劫 S01E01-E02 (新剧)

《卧底情劫》(Rouge )S01E01《The Aquarium》、S01E02《Fireball》 Thandie Newton在剧中扮演「感情和道德发生严重冲突」的卧底侦探Grace——她想要为死去的儿子报仇,但她却爱上了她的「敌人」。 警探Grace的儿子不幸惨死在犯罪头目Jimmy Laszlo领导的黑帮家族手中。虽然Jimmy Laszlo没有亲自动手,但他对此事难辞其咎。更糟的是,Grace自己的行为可能与她儿子的死有关。警方不打算追查此事,但Grace决不放弃。她决定私自行动,以卧底身份混入Jimmy Laszlo的团伙,秘密对其成员展开调查。Grace和Jimmy开始寻找团伙内部的叛徒——巧合的是,这个叛徒很可能就是杀害Grace的儿子的元凶。在此过程中,Grace不由自主地爱上Jimmy,她该作何选择......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-03 22:37阅读更多...