标签:The Guilty

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-19)(英国)

《浴血黑帮》(Peaky Blinders)S01E02(英国) Thomas Shelby在伯明翰郊外的一个集贸市场与一个姓Lee的吉普赛家族发生暴力冲突。总督察Campbell下令在刀帽帮的地盘上进行武力扫荡,并且让Polly给Thomas捎信:他要亲自和Thomas谈谈。Thomas答应与Campbell会面,但不愿意在Campbell面前甘拜下风。为了占得先手,Thomas决定先发动一次攻击。与此同时,Lee家族对刀帽帮宣战。 《The Guilty》S01E03(英国) Maggie’s still does not believe that they’ve found the killer and is shocked to find out that her stalker had close links to the Reid family. Theresa’s return pushes Claire and Daniel’s marriage to breaking point. M......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-19 21:22阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-12)(英国)

《The Guilty》S01E02(英国) Maggie and her team look deeper into Callum Reid’s disappearance as they re-interview the Reids and their neighbours. After some new evidence eliminates the original prime suspect, the inconsistencies in the former investigation start to emerge and Maggie becomes convinced that Nina Huber, the Reids’ former au-pair, could hold the answers. 《Pat & Cabbage》S01E02(英国) Pat becomes addicted to an online game and then decides it’s time to try and venture back into working. Jack celebrates his birthday but Cabbage’s enthusiasm causes trouble. Pat manag......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-12 23:48阅读更多...

星期四:其他剧集剧情提要 (2013-9-5)(英国)

《The Guilty》S01E01(新剧)(英国) The Guilty is a drama series which sees lives being torn apart after a young child goes missing. The series is set across two timelines, 2008 and the present as it tells the story of DC Maggie Brandwho investigates the disappearance of Callum Reid whilst attempting to deal with her own young son’s medical diagnosis with autism. It’s 2008 and on the May bank holiday weekend a four year old boy goes missing after a neighbourhood barbecue. A nationwide search follows but the boy is never discovered or seen again. Back in the present day it has been......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-09-06 0:01阅读更多...


剧情信息 ● CW公布了《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)4×20的剧照——也就是衍生剧《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals)的试映集。当Klaus听说有人密谋对付自己时,立刻和弟妹Elijah、Rebekah返回新奥尔良进行调查。他遇到了自己过去的门徒、新奥尔良的实际控制者Marcel。Hayley也在那里,她正寻找家族历史的有关线索。其他关键角色包括两个女巫和一个大学心理学女生(普通人类)。 ● BBC公布了《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)第七季最后四集的集名和短介绍。在《Journey To The Centre Of The Tardis》中,TARDIS坠毁了,Clara迷失在其内部,博士有三十分钟来挽救一切——否则他的时空飞船将爆炸。在《The Crimson Horror》中,维多利亚......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-04-05 18:46阅读更多...