标签:The Voice

星期二:好声音 S07E02

《好声音》(The Voice)S07E02《The Blind Auditions, Part 2》 The “blind auditions” continue and are held in front of celebrity musician coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams. The strongest vocalists from across the country compete to be selected by one of the coaches and fight for a chance to win the title of being named “The Voice.” Carson Daly (“Last Call with Carson Daly”) hosts.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-23 22:45阅读更多...

星期一:好声音 S07E01 (新季)

《好声音》(The Voice)S07E01《The Blind Auditions, Premiere》 In the season premiere, the “blind auditions” are held in front of celebrity musician coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams, who hand pick vocalists for their individual teams. The strongest vocalists from across the country compete to be selected by one of the coaches and fight for a chance to win the title of being named “The Voice.” Carson Daly (“Last Call with Carson Daly”) hosts.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-22 22:22阅读更多...


● 《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones):Charles Dance在MTV做访谈时说了一句话,结果被所有的媒体解读为「已经死去的泰温-蓝尼斯特在第五季会以某种方式出现」,甚至有媒体直截了当地说「泰温会出现在梦境情节或回忆情节中」。我不敢说这些猜测是否正确,但是你可以根据他的原话自己做个判断: Well, I’m not completely missing out on the next series. More than that I’m not going to say. You haven’t seen the last of Tywin Lannister, is all I’ll say. ● 《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals):Charles Michael Davis暗示Marcel和Cami的关系在第二季中可能变得亲密: Now that they’ve got, I guess, a li......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-20 21:05阅读更多...


● 《港湾》(Haven):难道Nathan和Audrey在5×03中「团聚」了?如果这些剧照显示的不是回忆情节、梦境情节或「另一个世界」的情节,那就只能这样解释了。但是……没有人相信Audrey能这么轻松地击败Mara……Mara假扮Audrey色诱Nathan?可能性也不大。 ● 《哥谭》(Gotham):在第3集中将出现一个叫做「气球人」的怪异杀手,他给受害人绑上数百个气球,让他们的尸体飞上天! ● 《勇者任务》(The Quest)虽然只是一个真人秀节目,但我们在第一季结尾看到这样一幕:当「Everealm」的勇士们结束「终极任务」离开之后,一个神秘人来到牢房释放了被囚禁的大维齐尔(Marcello de Nardo)。大维齐尔低声问:「为何拖了这么久才来?」这是否意味......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-13 21:55阅读更多...


● 澳大利亚演员Matt Nable将在《绿箭侠》(Arrow)第三季中扮演关键反派角色Ra’s al Ghul——刺客联盟的领袖,Nyssa al Ghul的父亲。他是一个残酷无情的权谋家,精通武术和箭术,是一个「历史的创造者」。他拥有丰富的阅历,聪明绝顶,并且保护着许多「重大机密」。他从3×04《The Magician》开始登场,多集戏份。3×04恰好是该剧的第50集。 此外,这是第三季的加长预告片:Oliver和Felicity的约会、意大利菜、Laurel快要「失业」(斯塔林城的坏蛋几乎被绿箭侠团队扫荡光了)、全副武装的Roy Harper正式成为Arsenal、黑丝雀回归、Malcolm训练Thea、Laurel展示身手、Ray Palmer吸引了Felicity的目光、新的Count Vertigo、Ra&#......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-05 22:07阅读更多...


● 《今日美国》称Taylor Swift将加盟《好声音》(The Voice)第七季,担任参赛选手的指导顾问,但NBC拒绝证实这则消息。此前已确认的指导顾问包括Steve Wonder(Adam Levine队)、Gavin Rossdale(Gwen Stefani队……「夫妻搭档」)、Little Big Town(Blake Shelton队)和Alicia Keys(Pharrell Williams队)。 ● 来自《美国谍梦》(The Americans)的Annet Mahendru将客座演出《实习医生格蕾》(Grey’s Anatomy),在某集中扮演一个尚不明确细节的角色。因为只有一集戏份,所以她扮演「病人」的可能性最大。 ● 《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)8×02在英国仅有520万观众,与第八季首集相比大幅下降159万(-23.4%)。不过现在越来越......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-02 22:32阅读更多...


● 《绿箭侠》(Arrow)的制片人暗示Laurel和Felicity(以及Sara)会在第三季中成为朋友而不是相互争风吃醋的对手。他表示:「These characters [including Sara] should all be more than just who they are to Oliver. We’re always trying to flesh out Felicity’s character and Laurel’s character and Sara’s character beyond whether or not they’re going out with Oliver that week.」 此外,制片人称每个主要角色本季都会探索自己的「身份」问题:Oliver问自己「我能否既做一个普通人又做一个英雄?」,Thea问自己「我究竟是Thea Queen还是Thea Merlyn?」Diggle问自己「我永远都是一个副手还是有可能自己决定自己的命运?」Feli......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-08-06 23:38阅读更多...


● 《地狱神探》(Constantine)发生重大人事变动,女主角Lucy Griffiths因为「剧情方向发生重大变化」而被扫地出门,她的角色Liv不再是Constantine的「搭档」,她的剧中的地位将被新角色Zed取代(Zed是另一名来自《地狱神探》漫画的女性角色)。真遗憾,Lucy Griffiths是我准备观看该剧的重要原因之一,如果没有她,我可能要重新考虑是否观看该剧的问题。 ● 英国演员Ophelia Lovibond将在《福尔摩斯与华生》(Elementary)中扮演夏洛克-福尔摩斯的新学徒Kitty Winter,她和她的前任琼-华生关系十分紧张。除此之外,我们对这个角色的来历一无所知(只知道福尔摩斯在伦敦逗留时遇到了她)。 ● 艾美奖、艾美奖……还是艾美奖。今天最热门的......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-07-11 23:14阅读更多...


剧情相关 ● 《信使》(The Messengers):J.D. Pardo在谈论他的角色Raul时表示:Raul是一个在墨西哥执行卧底任务长达五年时间的探员,结果他被贩毒集团发现并险些遭到处决。其他探员在紧要关头救了他一命。为了毁灭所有的证据,这些探员反过来要杀死他。就在那一刻,从天而降的神秘物体触地并发出能量波,他死了……然后又活了。他发现自己有了读心术超能力。当他突然能听见所有人的内心想法时,那是一种非常痛苦的折磨。 ● 《识骨寻踪》(Bones):当第10季开始时,Booth和Brennan会见到对方,但他们无法接触对方。故事时间将向前跳跃三个月,他们已经经历了许多事。 ● 《密情》(Covert Affairs):本季的海外场景包括巴黎、委内瑞拉和......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-22 22:32阅读更多...

星期二:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-20)

《假亦真》(Faking It)S01E05《Remember the Croquembouche》 Farrah的准新娘送礼派对与Amy和Karma的周末计划产生冲突;Liam向Shane寻求帮助。 《懵懂少女》(Awkward)S04E07《Crowning Moments》 Jenna manages a male beauty pageant. Meanwhile, Tamara desperately tries to win Jake back. 《杀出个黎明》(From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)S01E10《The Take》(季终集) Seth and Richie are double-crossed and clash with Carlos and Narciso. Meanwhile, the Fullers confront their troubles; and Freddie makes an important decision. 《美国偶像》(American Idol)S13E38《Two Finalists Compete》(特别集) The two......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-20 23:15阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-19)

《路易的故事》(Louie)S04E05《Elevator Part 2》 Louie takes his new friend to lunch. 《路易的故事》(Louie)S04E06《Elevator Part 3》 Someone from Louie’s past pops up again.   《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E10 After nine weeks of competitive dancing spanning a variety of styles from the Cha Cha to the Foxtrot to the Viennese Waltz and beyond, Amy Purdy & Derek Hough, Meryl Davis & Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Candace Cameron Bure & Mark Ballas, and James Maslow & Peta Murgatroyd remain in the competition, but only one couple will be crowned “Danci......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-19 18:47阅读更多...

星期二:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-13)

《假亦真》(Faking It)S01E04《Know Thy Selfie》 Karma的父母将卖果汁的卡车停在学校里,Liam决定去帮忙。与此同时,Shane帮助Amy决定她究竟喜欢男孩还是女孩。 《懵懂少女》(Awkward)S04E05《Overnight》 Jenna and Tamara go on an overnight college visit. Meanwhile, new rivalries and romances emerge at a party. 《杀出个黎明》(From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)S01E09《Boxman》 Seth and Richie have to attempt the temples labyrinth. Jacob and Kate confront Scott about his transformation. Freddie follows a new lead in the case. 《换妻:名人版》(Celebrity Wife Swap)S03E05《Angie Everhart/Pat &......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-13 22:03阅读更多...

星期一:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-12)

《路易的故事》(Louie)S04E03《So Did the Fat Lady》 Louie meets somebody new. 《路易的故事》(Louie)S04E04《Elevator Part 1》 Louie helps a neighbor. 《与星共舞》(Dancing With The Stars)S18E09 Emmy Award winning director and choreographer Kenny Ortega makes his “Dancing With The Stars” debut as a guest judge on American Icons Night when he sits alongside Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli and Carrie Ann Inaba, MONDAY, MAY 12 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. The semi-finals begin as the five remaining couples must rise to the challenge of performing two diffe......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-12 18:50阅读更多...

星期二:其他剧集剧情提要 (2014-5-6)

《假亦真》(Faking It)S01E03《We Shall Overcompensate》 学生们联合抵制某科技公司给学校捐款的行为。Amy打算给自己找一个男友。 《懵懂少女》(Awkward)S04E05《Sophomore Sluts》 Jenna and Tamara compete with sophomores for the Spirit Week title and attention from Matty and Jake. 《换妻:名人版》(Celebrity Wife Swap)S03E04《Laila Ali/Angie Stone》 Laila Ali and Angie Stone swap lives for a week before trying to implement changes the following week. 《好声音》(The Voice)S06E22《Live Eliminations》 The artists with the lowest number of votes will be revealed and sing once more for the vi......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-05-06 23:00阅读更多...