
4月20日新剧开发消息:亚马逊从坟墓中挖出了英国剧集《乌托邦》 (本文超多视频)

新剧开发消息 还记得2013年1月播出的英国剧集《乌托邦》(Utopia)吗?现在亚马逊网准备翻拍该剧。这个项目不仅直接获得九集预订,还请到《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)作者Gillian Flynn亲自撰写剧本并兼任执行制片人和剧集总监。HBO在2015年曾尝试改编《乌托邦》,但最终不了了之(当时就有Gillian Flynn参与)。 英国原版剧集是这样描述的:五个陌生人,谁也不认识谁,但是网络漫画论坛把他们联系在一起。他们对具有传奇色彩的漫画小说《乌托邦实验》(The Utopia Experiments)的原稿产生了浓厚兴趣,然而却遭到一个绝密组织的追杀。没有人知道这个组织来自何方,只知道他们代号「网络」(The Network)。三个漫画论坛的成员在得到《乌......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2018-04-20 21:40阅读更多...


● 《逍遥法外》(How To Get Away With Murder):演员Katie Findlay称本季剩余六集将着重描述Sam之死造成的后果及「五人帮」竭力躲避警方调查、让自己「安全脱险」的故事。Rebecca在慌乱中从旅馆房间内打出的那个911电话是他们必须应对的大问题。Rebecca犯下了一个严重的错误,他们必须自圆其说,必须「串供」。Rebecca没有当晚不在场的证明,有人可能看到Rebecca和Wes去过那里,一些证据可能证明Rebecca参与了整起事件……这些问题都会成为他们的梦魇。 ● 《权力的游戏》(Game Of Thrones)官方微博账号公布了一个神秘的新网站的地址:ThreeEyedRaven.com。他们邀请剧迷访问这个以「三眼渡鸦」为名的网站,并承诺给剧迷惊喜。目前还不清......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-26 23:31阅读更多...


2014-2015播出季 ● Lenora Crichlow和Spencer Grammer加盟NBC新剧《罗宾逊先生》(Mr. Robinson)。这部单镜头情景喜剧由笑星Craig Robinson(《爆笑办公室》)自编自演、自己制片,NBC跳过试映环节直接预订该剧6集。该剧已经更换了一批制片团队,资深制片人Mark Cullen和Rob Cullen将担任剧集总监兼执行制片人(这是NBC对其开绿灯的主要原因)。据称试映集剧本也已经重写,但原来的编剧组遭到解散,老编剧一个不留。故事描述富有天赋的音乐家Craig(Craig Robinson)在适应新生活时遇到了很多麻烦——他来到一座大城市当中学音乐教师,「学校政治」、「老师政治」和来自妖艳的单身母亲的诱惑让他喘不过气来。他教授各种音乐(无论是摇滚还......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-26 0:18阅读更多...


2014-2015播出季 ● Christian Oliver加盟Netflix新剧《Sense 8》。这部高度概念化的剧集描述八个来自不同地点的陌生人(Brian J. Smith、Tuppence Middleton、Aml Ameen、Doona Bae、Miguel Sylvestri、Tena Desae、Max Riemelt和Jamie Clayton扮演)能够通过移情术相互联系在一起,他们能看到对方,他们甚至能和对方说话,仿佛大家都在同一间屋里,然而某种势力正在追捕他们——要么是为了直接杀死他们,要么是为了抓住他们进行解剖实验。他们一开始觉得自己疯了,但很快意识到其他人是真实存在的。Christian Oliver扮演第一季的反派角色Steiner。 新剧开发消息 ● NBC正式预订年轻喜剧演员Jerrod Carmichael主演的多镜头情景喜剧试映集......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-11-04 23:32阅读更多...


新剧开发消息 ● Robinson一家人回来了……据称Legendary公司的电视制片部门将把1965年的经典太空歌剧《迷失太空》(Lost In Space)翻拍成现代版,刚刚上映的电影《德古拉元年》(Dracula Untold)的编剧组合Matt Sazama和Burk Sharpless负责创作改编剧本。原版《迷失太空》剧集设定在「三十年后的未来」——对上世纪六十年代来说,这个「未来」指的是1997年。美国政府为了尝试在深空殖民而派遣一个家庭(Robinson一家)前往另一颗行星探险。这原本只是一趟为期5年半的简单任务,但外国秘密特工Zachary Smith博士实施了破坏,导致Robinson一家乘坐的飞船偏离了预定航线,从此迷失在太空中。《迷失太空》有一首非常经典的主题曲,其创作人John ......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-10-10 23:36阅读更多...

星期二:乌托邦 S01E08 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E08 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This unprecedented social experiment follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-30 23:40阅读更多...


● 真是出乎意料啊……《识骨寻踪》(Bones)第10季首集也死了一个角色,而且是非常重要的角色……Lance Sweets被杀了!制片人表示,「杀死」Sweets纯粹因为演员John Francis Daley太忙了,他既是编剧又是导演,已经没有太多空余时间继续演出该剧,所以……他们找了一个「既适合他也适合剧情的方式」来送走他。所幸的是,Daisy给Sweets留下了一个骨肉,Sweets也不至于「绝后」了。当剧迷们仍然感到震惊和伤心的时候,不妨借这个视频来回顾Booth和Sweets的「兄弟情」。 ● 已证实DC漫画中首个公开的男同性恋角色「花衣魔笛手」(The Pied Piper)将出现在《闪电侠》(The Flash)中,他真名叫Hartley Rathaway,天生是个聋子,但他有钱的父亲组织......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-26 23:17阅读更多...

星期五:乌托邦 S01E07 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E07《Week Three in Utopia – B》 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This unprecedented social experiment follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-26 22:41阅读更多...

星期二:乌托邦 S01E06 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E06《Week Three in Utopia – A》 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This unprecedented social experiment follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-23 22:43阅读更多...

星期五:乌托邦 S01E05 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E05 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This bold unscripted series follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-19 22:54阅读更多...


● 《僵尸国度》(Z Nation)的制片人在解释该剧的僵尸与《行尸走肉》的僵尸有何区别时表示:本剧的僵尸是「快速僵尸」——越「新」的僵尸速度越快。那些刚刚被转变称僵尸的人类,只要他们生前建康、有力,那么他们成为僵尸后速度很快,而且很有力气。随着他们身体不断腐烂,他们的速度会持续变慢。因此,僵尸的速度取决于「他们死了多久」。Murphy可能会成为一种「进化体」——意即他可能最终变成混合人类和僵尸双重特点的「新物种」。剧中会出现僵尸动物:僵尸狗、僵尸地鼠,等等。此外,制片人还介绍了本季可能会出现的一些剧情:在某集中,幸存者团队会遇到一群食人族;在某集中,幸存者团队会遇到一个新兴宗教组织,他们坚信僵尸是「复活者......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-16 23:39阅读更多...

星期二:乌托邦 S01E04 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E04 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This unprecedented social experiment follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-16 23:25阅读更多...

星期五:乌托邦 S01E03 (FOX)

《乌托邦》(Utopia)S01E03 From unscripted mastermind John de Mol, and based on the hit Dutch television series of the same name, UTOPIA asks the question: “If you could restart the world, what would you do differently?” This unprecedented social experiment follows 15 pioneering Americans who choose to leave their everyday lives and move to a remote location, where they come face-to-face with the ultimate adventure: creating their own civilization from scratch. This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-12 22:58阅读更多...


● 上世纪八十年代美国中学生最喜欢干两件事:将自己认为最好的歌曲收录在一起做一盘「自选歌曲」磁带;弄一个假证件。这两件事都将发生在《金色年代》(The Goldbergs)2×01中。Adam给Dana做了一盘「自选歌曲」磁带,希望进一步巩固两人的关系,但这盘磁带落入Beverly手中……她以为这盘磁带是给她做的!情况立刻失去了控制。与此同时,Barry做了一个假证件,但是他在全校同学面前炫耀,导致假证件被没收。他已经承诺向急需假证件的同学提供帮助,现在他把假证件弄没了……他的麻烦大了……David Spade在本集中扮演一个照相馆的工作人员,虽然不怎么可靠,但Barry只能硬着头皮去求他——毕竟他专门给青少年做假证件! ● 《识骨寻踪》(Bones......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2014-09-11 23:52阅读更多...