星期五:其他剧集剧情简介 (2013年1月18日)

《少女保姆》(Jessie)S02E07《Say Yes to the Messy Dress》 Jessie offers to introduce the kids to NBA All-Star Chris Bosh, who’s in town to play one of Luke’s favorite local basketball teams at the park. Determined to make sure his beloved team wins the game, Luke takes Bosh’s lucky socks, which the superstar hasn’t washed since the 10th grade. Meanwhile, a famous designer sends Emma a dress to review on her fashion vlog. However, things get complicated when Jessie accidentally damages the dress. 《Phineas and Ferb》S04E04《Bully Bust》 Candace challenges Buford......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-18 22:46阅读更多...

星期五:杀手十三 S02E02(加拿大)

《杀手十三》(XIII)S02E02《Rampage》 When falsely accused of a murderous attack against the headquarters of the group Synequanon conglomerate in charge of the project Hearpe, XIII realizes he has been manipulated. He was soon captured and tortured by an agent whose identity remains a mystery.

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-11 22:04阅读更多...

星期五:杀手十三 S02E01(新季)(加拿大)

《杀手十三》(XIII)S02E01《Phoenix》 Betrayed by his superiors and left for dead, XIII has definitely left the secret service in favor of a wandering life. In the hope of finding food and shelter, he went to Empire City and meets Betty Barnowsky, a beautiful activist involved in the fight against the major energy groups. Betty saving a police raid muscled XIII calls within the Veil, an underground organization led by Max Vargas. Veil attempts to expose openly the climate research center Hearpe (High Energy Auroral Refraction Protonospheric Emitter), whose real purpose is to influence th......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2013-01-02 22:04阅读更多...


● StarZ公布了《斯巴达克斯3:诅咒之战》(Spartacus: War Of The Damned)的宣传海报。与此同时,StarZ向媒体宣称他们不打算放弃这个具有标志性意义的故事——在《诅咒之战》结束后,StarZ很可能开发一部以罗马统治者凯撒大帝为主人公的衍生剧集。相关概念目前只是个雏形,但《斯巴达克斯》的制片人已经提前做了一些准备工作:他们在《诅咒之战》中引入凯撒(Todd Lasance)这个角色,将他塑造成「斯巴达克斯所遇到过的最强大的对手」。由于缺乏资料,历史学家至今不清楚恺撒是否参与过对斯巴达克斯奴隶起义(公元前73年——前71年)的镇压,但本剧给出了肯定的回答。从某种意义上来说,《诅咒之战》可以为今后的衍生剧提供一个很好的「开场白......

天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-11-29 22:33阅读更多...