
天涯飘萍生(DONATINO)2012-05-06 15:02

《极速前进》(The Amazing Race)S20E11《It’s a Great Place to Become Millionaires Part 1 & Part 2》(季终)

The final four Teams battle for the $1 million prize in a grueling two-hour season finale that starts in Japan, where Racers call upon their track skills for an exhausting Japanese game show, and concludes in Hawaii, where Teams hit the waves to put their rescue mission skills to the test.

《军嫂》(Army Wives)S06E11《Fallout》


Roland meets a man, Marcus, who claims to be David’s biological father. Michael investigates the incident at the orphanage in Africa. Jackie sinks deeper into her prescription pill addiction. The tribe rallies to help Jackie. Kevin reveals that Michael’s investigation exonerated the 32nd, but Frank remains haunted by the orphans.

《复仇者:地球的超级英雄》(The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)S02E06《Michael Korvac》

The Avengers attempt to protect a mysterious man named Korvac from strange aliens that pursue him, but they soon realize that these aliens are the heroic Guardians of the Galaxy and that it is not Korvac who needs protection, but the Earth itself.

《护士杰姬》(Nurse Jackie)S04E05《One-Armed Jacks》

Jackie, making pancakes for the girls, realizes too late that the girls aren-t even home-they’re with Kevin. At O-Hara-s apartment, she admits that she-s just not adjusting well to living alone and, against O’Hara’s advice, decides to call Kevin and invite him to lunch that day. Meanwhile, Zoey wants to move out of her mother-s place and is placing Old West WANTED posters around All Saints, looking for a roommate. Cruz is up to his usual innovations, and is now instituting uniform scrubs for the whole staff. Coop warns that this might be a bad idea, but volunteers to break the news the staff anyway. A trauma comes in-a young man and his girlfriend jumped off a bridge handcuffed to each other in a lovers leap pact. Both arms were torn off, and the girl is dead. As Jackie helps out, she pops her shoulder out and has to seek help in the pharmacy, where Eddie helps her wrap it up. Later, as Jackie waits for Kevin at a cafe, a man serves her with divorce papers. Coop’s attempt to sell the new scrubs to the staff goes poorly. Jackie asks Zoey if she wants to live with her. Zoey, delighted, agrees. That night, Jackie makes them pancakes for dinner.


Selina quells accusations that everything is about her; Selina’s daughter Catherine visits from college.

《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)S23E20《The Spy Who Learned Me》

Homer embarrasses Marge at the movies during a film featuring superspy Stradivarius Cain, and his apologies fall on deaf ears.In an effort to become a better husband, he seeks help from someone he believes to be the real Stradivarius Cain.

《克里夫兰秀》(The Cleveland Show)S03E20《Flush of Genius》

Cleveland Jr. profiles his dad for a report on his favorite American, but when Cleveland falls off the toilet and suffers a concussion, he loses Cleveland Jr.’s admiration. Meanwhile, Rallo gets excited when he realizes he’s grown tall enough to ride his favorite roller coaster.

《开心汉堡店》(Bob’s Burgers)S02E07《Moody Foodie》

Bob puts his family on high alert when a local food critic (guest star Patton Oswalt) – with the power to make or break a restaurant – visits Bob’s Burgers.

《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)S10E20《Leggo My Meg-O》

Meg (Mila Kunis) travels abroad to Europe, but her exciting adventure comes to a halt when she gets kidnapped. So Brian (Seth MacFarlane) and Stewie embark on an action-packed mission to find her.

《美国老爸》(American Dad!)S07E17《Ricky Spanish》

Wayne Brady and Werner Herzog guest-voice on an all-new episode. Roger (Seth MacFarlane) rediscovers his alter-ego “Ricky Spanish,” an infamous character who remains the most despised man in town. Meanwhile, Stan (Seth MacFarlane) and Francine (Wendy Schaal) are in for a surprise when their sponsored child (guest voice Brady) from Africa shows up on their doorstep.

